  • "NIST Study on Kids' Passwords Shows Gap Between Knowledge of Password Best Practices and Behavior"
    Education and training are essential to strengthening passwords and safeguarding personal online accounts from cyberattacks. Although children may seem more technologically advanced, they still face the same cybersecurity threats as adults. Researchers…
  • "Phishing Campaign Leverages Legit DocuSign Email Notifications"
    Researchers have discovered phishing scammers signing up for free DocuSign accounts and compromising accounts belonging to others in order to trick email recipients into clicking on malicious links. According to researchers at the email and collaboration…
  • "Password of Three Random Words Better than Complex Variation, Experts Say"
    The UK National Security Centre recommends using three random words as passwords because they are easy to remember and are often stronger that the combinations of letters and numbers that people are led to create. Their research found that hacking…
  • "Perspectives in Healthcare Security Report: Cybersecurity Reality in Hospitals Not Aligned with Perception"
    CyberMDX, a cybersecurity provider focused on protecting Internet Of Things (IoT) devices and medical devices, has announced the release of the Perspectives in Healthcare Security Report, which was done in collaboration with Philips. The report delves…
  • "Attackers Increasingly Turning to DDoS as a Ransom Vector"
    During a new survey conducted by the Neustar International Security Council (NISC), the researchers discovered that nearly half (44%) of organizations had been targeted or fallen victim to a ransom-related distributed denial of service (RDDoS) attack in…
  • "Microsoft Catches Hackers Using Morse Code to Help Cover Their Tracks"
    Clever hackers use various techniques to cover their tracks on a target computer, but it is not very often that digital attackers turn to Morse Code, a 177-year-old signaling system, for operational security. Yet that’s precisely what played a part in a…
  • "Attacks Leveraging Open Redirects on Google Meet, DoubleClick Surge"
    A new analysis of threat data reveals that phishing attacks leveraging unvalidated redirects on Google Meet and Google DoubleClick platforms increased by 85 percent between the first and second quarters of 2021. The security vendor GreatHorn reported…
  • "New AdLoad Malware Bypasses Apple's XProtect and Infect macOS Devices"
    Security researchers at Sentinel Labs have discovered a new AdLoad malware variant that targets Apple devices. They observed more than 150 distinct samples as part of a new campaign, which is still undetected by Apple's on-device malware scanner. AdLoad…
  • "Cybercrime Costs Victims $318 bn Annually"
    A new study conducted by researchers at Comparitech found that cybercrime costs victims $318bn per annum globally.  The researchers made their calculation based on an analysis of cybercrime reports in 67 countries globally for which this information…
  • "Data Breach at Georgia Health System"
    St. Joseph’s/Candler (SJ/C), one of the largest hospital systems in Savannah, became aware of suspicious network activity on the morning of June 17, 2021. A ransomware attack was confirmed, and steps were taken to limit its impact. SJ/C employees had to…
  • "City Ph.D. Researcher Develops a Smart-Car Identity and Access Management (IAM) System"
    Subhajit Bandopadhyay, a post-graduate student at City, University of London’s Institute for Cyber Security (ICS), is trying to address the vulnerability of smart cars to hacking and security breaches. Subhajit, under the supervision of Professor…