  • "Research Shows Tesla Model 3 and Model S are Vulnerable to GPS Spoofing Attacks"
    During a study, researchers were able to remotely affect various aspects of the driving experience of the Tesla Model 3, including navigation, mapping, power calculations, and the suspension system, through GPS spoofing. During a test drive using Tesla’s…
  • "Hack Your State Department Act Introduced in Senate"
    Senators, Cory Gardner (R-CO) and Ed Markey (D-MA), recently introduced the Hack Your State Department Act. The legislation would establish a process for the general public to properly disclose vulnerabilities that they find in the Department of State's…
  • "Eliminating Infamous Security Threats"
    A new solution to speculative memory side-channel attacks such as Meltdown and Spectre has been proposed by researchers from Uppsala University, NTNU, and the University of Murcia. The security vulnerability used to execute speculative memory side-…
  • "New Cyber Protection Technology Moves from the Lab to the Marketplace"
    The MIT Lincoln Laboratory developed technology aimed at providing protection for commodity software applications such as browsers, business tools, and document readers, from cyberattacks. The technology, called Timely Randomization Applied to…
  • "Quantum – a Double-Edged Sword for Cryptography"
    Quantum computers are expected to lead to highly secure cryptography. However, these computers are also expected to break current encryption algorithms as a result of their quantum-mechanical properties that could allow them to calculate at a much faster…
  • "Researchers Develop app to Detect Twitter Bots in any Language"
    Language scholars and machine learning specialists collaborated to create a new application that can detect Twitter bots independent of the language used.  Bots are non-personal and automated accounts that post content to online social networks…
  • "Max-Severity Bug in Infusion Pump Gateway Puts Lives at Risk"
    The Alaris Gateway Workstation is widely used in hospitals for medical infusion pumps. Infusion pumps are powered, monitored, and controlled via Alaris Gateway Workstations. Attacks on infusion pumps pose a significant threat to safety as these devices…
  • "Better Cybersecurity Research Requires More Data Sharing"
    Security researchers from the University of Tulsa gave a presentation at the annual Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS) conference in which they emphasized the importance of sharing datasets among researchers in order to improve…
  • "Human Error Still the Cause of Many Data Breaches"
    With the incidence of reported data breaches on the rise, it was discovered that 53 percent of  C-suite executives, and nearly three in ten (28%) of small business owners who suffered a breach was caused by human error or…
  • "Most US Mobile Banking Apps Have Security and Privacy Flaws, Researchers Say"
    A new study conducted by researchers at Zimperium has brought further attention to the insecurity of U.S. bank apps. According to findings of the study, most of the top banking apps have security and privacy issues. The vulnerabilities contained by these…
  • "How 5G Introduces New Security Vulnerabilities"
    The arrival of 5G networks is expected to introduce new security vulnerabilities. Enterprises are encouraged to think about the possibility of new security vulnerabilities in the implementation of 5G as this next-generation mobile communication standard…
  • "Rowhammer Variant RAMBleed Allows Attackers to Steal Secrets from RAM"
    A new variant of the Rowhammer attack, called RAMBleed, has been detailed by a team of researchers. Rowhammer is a technique that causes electromagnetic leakage in memory and triggers bit flips, which leads to privilege escalation. Error-correcting code…