  • HoTSoS 2019 Best Paper and Poster Awards
    The Hot Topics in Science of Security (HoTSoS) Best Paper Award recognizes the paper that exhibits outstanding achievement in science. Papers are selected by the HoTSoS Program Committee. The winning paper is automatically nomination into the…
  • "Xiaomi's Phones Had a Security Flaw Preinstalled on Millions of Devices"
    Smartphones made by Xiaomi, a Chinese technology company, were discovered by researchers from Check Point to contain a security vulnerability that could allow hackers to steal data, install tracking apps, and more. According to researchers, the…
  • "The war between cybersecurity and cybercrime will be fought by artificial intelligence"
    The battle between cybercrime and cybersecurity will soon be fought by artificial intelligence.  AI is being used more and more to launch attacks using botnets by hackers, and also AI algorithms are helping cybersecurity experts …
  • "How Malevolent Machine Learning Could Derail AI"
    Dawn Song is a professor at UC Berkley whose focus is on the security risks associated with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Song recently gave a presentation at EmTech Digital, an event created by MIT Technology Review, in which…
  • "Healthcare’s Huge Cybersecurity Problem"
    Healthcare has increasingly become one of the most targeted industries for cyberattacks as indicated by recent reports of ransomware attacks and other attacks. Cyberattacks against the healthcare industry are on the rise on account of the lack of…
  • "This New Malware Is Scanning the Internet for Systems Info on Valuable Targets"
    Researchers at AT&T Alien Labs have discovered a new form of malware, dubbed Xwo, which is believed to be linked to two other forms of malware, called MongoLock ransomware and X Bash. According to researchers, the main goal behind Xwo is to scan the…
  • "Hospital Viruses: Fake Cancerous Nodes in CT Scans, Created by Malware, Trick Radiologists"
    Security researchers at the Ben Gurion University Cyber Security Research Center in Israel have created malware that would enable attackers to alter CT or MRI scans, bringing further attention to the security vulnerabilities present in medical imaging…
  • "Computer Program Developed to Find 'Leakage' in Quantum Computers"
    Researchers from the University of Warwick's Department of Physics have developed a quantum computer program to identify if information processed by a quantum computer is being leaked from the states, 0 and 1. The information gathered by this…
  • "Spear-phishing Is The Next Threat After A Data Breach"
    Data breaches are becoming more and more frequent.  After a data breach, an immense quantity of data is leaked and exposed online.  Usually this data includes personal and professional information. After a data breach, attackers will use a…
  • "Secure ‘Internet-of-Body’ Could Protect Medical Devices from DHS-Warned Cyberattacks"
    The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently issued warnings pertaining to the vulnerability of implantable defibrillators, made by Medtronic PLC, to being hacked. Medtronic devices are vulnerable to cyberattacks because of the poor encryption…
  • "Researchers Trick Tesla Autopilot into Steering into Oncoming Traffic"
    Researchers from Tecent's Keen Security Lab were able to deceive the Enhanced Autopilot feature of a Tesla Model S 75 into steering towards oncoming traffic by placing small stickers on the ground. Tesla's Enhanced Autopilot gathers information…
  • "How the EverCrypt Library Creates Hacker-Proof Cryptography"
    A set of digital cryptography tools, called EverCrypt, has been released by a group of computer scientists with the goal of eliminating coding bugs that could be exploited by hackers to launch damaging hacking attacks. The cryptographic library,…