  • "USB Type-C to Become More Secure With Authentication Standard"
    The USB Type-C Authentication Program aims to improve upon the security of USB-based connections and devices. The program uses cryptography to validate the authenticity of USB Type-C devices in order to prevent the infection of vulnerable systems by…
  • "The Worst Hacks of 2018"
    Wired has highlighted the major hacks that have occurred in 2018. The highlighted hacks include those that have been faced by Marriott, Facebook, and more. This article continues to discuss the top 9 hacking incidents of 2018, which emphasize the…
  • "Open-Source Tool Aims to Curb BGP Hijacking Amid Chinese Espionage Concerns"
    ARTEMIS (Real-Time dEtection and Mitigation System) can be used against Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) hijacking attacks in which web traffic is maliciously redirected. Concerns surrounding BGP security have heightened following the increased use of such…
  • "AI Advancement Opens Health Data Privacy to Attack"
    A new study conducted by researchers at UC Berkeley highlights the creation of new threats facing the privacy of health data. These new threats stem from the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). Researchers suggest that current laws and…
  • SoS Musings #21 - VR and AR Adventures in Cybersecurity​​​​​​​
    SoS Musings #21 VR and AR Adventures in Cybersecurity
  • "Security Flaws Let Anyone Snoop on Guardzilla Smart Camera Video Recordings"
    Researchers at 0DayAllDay have uncovered security vulnerabilities in a popular indoor wireless security system sold by Guardzilla. These vulnerabilities are serious in that they could allow hackers to access Guardzilla's cloud storage and video…
  • "Idaho Lab Protects US Infrastructure from Cyber Attacks"
    The Idaho National Laboratory's cybersecurity program aims to enhance the security of U.S. critical infrastructure systems that are used to control water systems, energy pipelines, nuclear power plants, and more, against cyberattacks. The manipulation of…
  • "Hackers Make a Fake Hand to Beat Vein Authentication"
    Biometrics is becoming a popular method of authentication. With biometric authentication, users can be identified and verified based on their physical characteristics such as face, voice, fingerprints, veins, and more. Vein recognition is a…
  • "HolaVPN Is a Massive Security Risk, Security Researchers Warn"
    Trend Micro Inc. recently warned of the significant security risks posed by the widely-used virtual private network provider, HolaVPN. Users are urged to cease their use of HolaVPN as the data sent via this service has been found to be unencrypted.…
  • "Protecting Critical Internet Infrastructure from IoT Device Risks"
    IoT devices continue to pose security risks to operational networks such as those used by federal agencies. These security risks must be prevented as such networks are important for the protection of our nation's critical infrastructure. This article…
  • "The Benefits and Limitations of AI in Cybersecurity"
    A survey conducted by Osterman Research to which over 400 U.S. security analysts who work in large organizations responded, show trends and attitudes surrounding the use of AI in cybersecurity. The results of this survey indicate that AI is…