"Activision Investigating Password-Stealing Malware Targeting Game Players"The video game company Activision is investigating a hacking campaign aimed at stealing players' credentials. Aside from stealing passwords for various types of accounts, it is unclear what the hackers' specific goals are.
"US Treasury Urges Financial Sector to Address AI Cybersecurity Threats"The US Department of the Treasury has issued a warning about the cybersecurity risks posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the financial sector.
"Cyber Espionage Campaign Targets Government, Energy Entities in India"A phishing campaign called "Operation FlightNight" involves phishing lures disguised as invitation letters from the Indian Air Force.
"'TheMoon' Malware Shows Its Dark Side, Grows to 40,000 Bots From 88 Countries"A campaign involving an updated version of "TheMoon" malware has targeted End-of-Life (EoL) small business routers and Internet of Things (IoT) devices through a cybercriminal proxy service called "Faceless." Lumen Technologies' Black Lotus Labs team d
"Retail Chain Hot Topic Hit by New Credential Stuffing Attacks"Hot Topic recently announced that attackers targeted Hot Topic Rewards accounts in automated attacks using login information obtained from an unknown source.
"Massachusetts Health Insurer Data Breach Impacts 2.8 Million"Point32Health, the second-largest health insurer in Massachusetts, has recently revealed that the personal information of more than 2.8 million individuals was stolen in a ransomware attack in April 2023.
"Energy Department Invests $15 Million in University Cybersecurity Centers"The US Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced a $15 million investment in university-based electric power centers to bolster cybersecurity in the energy sector.
"CyLab Researchers Develop a Taxonomy for AI Privacy Risks"Sauvik Das, an assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University's (CMU) Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII), and his team of researchers developed a taxonomy of Artificial Intelligence (AI) privacy risks after analyzing 321 documented AI
"Researchers Achieve Quantum Key Distribution for Cybersecurity in Novel Experiment"Researchers at the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory have shown that advanced quantum-based cybersecurity can be implemented in a deployed fiber link.
"Russian Researchers Say Espionage Operation Using WinRAR Bug Is Linked to Ukraine"Security researchers have discovered a new cyber espionage group linked to Ukraine that has been active since at least January.
"CISA Marks Important Milestone in Addressing Cyber Incidents; Seeks Input on CIRCIA Notice of Proposed Rulemaking"Implementing the Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act of 2022 (CIRCIA) will improve the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's (CISA ) ability to use cybersecurity incident and ransomware payment information reported
"US Puts Up $10M Bounty on BlackCat Ransomware Gang Members"The US Department of State has announced a $10 million bounty for information that will help law enforcement find anyone launching cyberattacks against American infrastructure on behalf of another country.