Coping with Uncertainty: A Naturalistic Decision-Making Analysis

Submitted by Katie Dey on

This paper is concerned with three questions: How do decision makers conceptualize uncertainty? How do decision makers cope with uncertainty? Are there systematic relationships between different conceptu- alizations of uncertainty and different methods of cop- ing? To answer these questions we analyzed 102 self- reports of decision-making under uncertainty with an inclusive method of classifying conceptualizations of uncertainty and coping mechanisms developed from the decision-making literature.

Cultural Cognition as a Conception of the Cultural Theory of Risk

Submitted by Katie Dey on

Cultural cognition is one of a variety of approaches designed to empirically test the “cultural theory of risk” set forth by Mary Douglas and Aaron Wildavsky. The basic premise of cultural theory is that individuals can be expected to form beliefs about societal dangers that reflect and reinforce their commitments to one or another idealized form of social ordering.

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