In this paper, we study an underlay Cognitive Radio (CR) system with energy harvesting over Nakagami-m fading channel. This system consists of a secondary source, a secondary receiver, a primary receiver and a single eavesdropper. The source in the secondary network has one antenna and transmits information to the secondary receiver equipped with two separated antennas to operate in a Full-Duplex (FD) mode. The upper and lower bounds for the Strictly Positive Secrecy Capacity (SPSC) are derived and the numerical results demonstrate that the performance of the proposed system can be improved by increasing the average channel power gain between the source and the destination. Here, the lower and upper bounds are merged to form the exact SPSC when the total interference is below a predefined limit.
Authored by Mahmoud Khodeir, Wesam Alrayahneh
Cognitive Radio Network makes intelligent use of the spectrum resources. However, spectrum sensing is vulnerable to numerous harmful assaults. To lower the network's performance, hackers attempt to alter the sensed result. In the fusion centre, blockchain technology is used to make broad judgments on spectrum sensing in order to detect and thwart hostile activities. The sensed local results are hashed using the SHA 3 technique. This improves spectrum sensing precision and effectively thwarts harmful attacks. In comparison to other established techniques like equal gain combining, the simulation results demonstrate higher detection probability and sensing precision. Thus, employing Blockchain technology, cognitive radio network security can be significantly enhanced.
Authored by Evelyn Ezhilarasi, Christopher Clement
In this paper, physical-layer security (PLS) of an underlay cognitive radio network (CRN) operating over cascaded Rayleigh fading channels is examined. In this scenario, a secondary user (SU) transmitter communicates with a SU receiver through a cascaded Rayleigh fading channel while being exposed to eavesdroppers. By harvesting energy from the SU transmitter, a cooperating jammer attempts to ensure the privacy of the transmitted communications. That is, this harvested energy is utilized to generate and spread jamming signals to baffle the information interception at eavesdroppers. Additionally, two scenarios are examined depending on the manner in which eavesdroppers intercept messages; colluding and non-colluding eavesdroppers. These scenarios are compared to determine which poses the greatest risk to the network. Furthermore, the channel cascade effect on security is investigated. Distances between users and the density of non-colluding eavesdroppers are also investigated. Moreover, cooperative jamming-based energy harvesting effectiveness is demonstrated.
Authored by Deemah Tashman, Walaa Hamouda
Cognitive Radio (CR) is an attractive solution in mobile communication for solving the spectrum scarcity problem. Moreover, security concerns are not yet fully satisfied. This article focuses on attacks such as the Primary user emulation attack (PUE) and the jammer attack. These attacks create anomalous spectrum access thereby disturbing the dynamic spectrum usage in the CR networks. A framework based on cross-layer has been designed effectively to determine these attacks in the CR networks. First, each secondary user will sense the spectrum in the physical layer and construct a feature space. Using the extracted features, the clusters are formed effectively for each user. In the network layer, multipath routing is employed to discover the routes for the secondary user. If the node in the path identifies any spectrum shortage, it will verify that location with the help of constructed cluster. If the node does not belong to any of the clusters, then it will be identified as the attacker node. Simulation results and security analysis are performed using the NS2 simulations, which show improvement in detection of the attacks, decrease in the detection delay, and less route dis-connectivity. The proposed cross-layer framework identifies the anomalous spectrum access attack effectively.
Authored by Arun S, Sanjana Prasad, G Umamaheswari
Vulnerability discovery is an important field of computer security research and development today. Because most of the current vulnerability discovery methods require large-scale manual auditing, and the code parsing process is cumbersome and time-consuming, the vulnerability discovery effect is reduced. Therefore, for the uncertainty of vulnerability discovery itself, it is the most basic tool design principle that auxiliary security analysts cannot completely replace them. The purpose of this paper is to study the source code vulnerability discovery method based on graph neural network. This paper analyzes the three processes of data preparation, source code vulnerability mining and security assurance of the source code vulnerability mining method, and also analyzes the suspiciousness and particularity of the experimental results. The empirical analysis results show that the types of traditional source code vulnerability mining methods become more concise and convenient after using graph neural network technology, and we conducted a survey and found that more than 82% of people felt that the design source code vulnerability mining method used When it comes to graph neural networks, it is found that the design efficiency has become higher.
Authored by Zhenghong Jiang
With the development of computer technology and information security technology, computer networks will increasingly become an important means of information exchange, permeating all areas of social life. Therefore, recognizing the vulnerabilities and potential threats of computer networks as well as various security problems that exist in reality, designing and researching computer quality architecture, and ensuring the security of network information are issues that need to be resolved urgently. The purpose of this article is to study the design and realization of information security technology and computer quality system structure. This article first summarizes the basic theory of information security technology, and then extends the core technology of information security. Combining the current status of computer quality system structure, analyzing the existing problems and deficiencies, and using information security technology to design and research the computer quality system structure on this basis. This article systematically expounds the function module data, interconnection structure and routing selection of the computer quality system structure. And use comparative method, observation method and other research methods to design and research the information security technology and computer quality system structure. Experimental research shows that when the load of the computer quality system structure studied this time is 0 or 100, the data loss rate of different lengths is 0, and the correct rate is 100, which shows extremely high feasibility.
Authored by Yuanyuan Hu, Xiaolong Cao, Guoqing Li
This paper has a new network security evaluation method as an absorbing Markov chain-based assessment method. This method is different from other network security situation assessment methods based on graph theory. It effectively refinement issues such as poor objectivity of other methods, incomplete consideration of evaluation factors, and mismatching of evaluation results with the actual situation of the network. Firstly, this method collects the security elements in the network. Then, using graph theory combined with absorbing Markov chain, the threat values of vulnerable nodes are calculated and sorted. Finally, the maximum possible attack path is obtained by blending network asset information to determine the current network security status. The experimental results prove that the method fully considers the vulnerability and threat node ranking and the specific case of system network assets, which makes the evaluation result close to the actual network situation.
Authored by Hongbin Gao, Shangxing Wang, Hongbin Zhang, Bin Liu, Dongmei Zhao, Zhen Liu
As the cyberspace structure becomes more and more complex, the problems of dynamic network space topology, complex composition structure, large spanning space scale, and a high degree of self-organization are becoming more and more important. In this paper, we model the cyberspace elements and their dependencies by combining the knowledge of graph theory. Layer adopts a network space modeling method combining virtual and real, and level adopts a spatial iteration method. Combining the layer-level models into one, this paper proposes a fast modeling method for cyberspace security structure model with network connection relationship, hierarchical relationship, and vulnerability information as input. This method can not only clearly express the individual vulnerability constraints in the network space, but also clearly express the hierarchical relationship of the complex dependencies of network individuals. For independent network elements or independent network element groups, it has flexibility and can greatly reduce the computational complexity in later applications.
Authored by Yuwen Zhu, Lei Yu
Aiming at the single hopping strategy in the terminal information hopping active defense technology, a variety of heterogeneous hopping modes are introduced into the terminal information hopping system, the definition of the terminal information is expanded, and the adaptive adjustment of the hopping strategy is given. A network adversarial training simulation system is researched and designed, and related subsystems are discussed from the perspective of key technologies and their implementation, including interactive adversarial training simulation system, adversarial training simulation support software system, adversarial training simulation evaluation system and adversarial training Mock Repository. The system can provide a good environment for network confrontation theory research and network confrontation training simulation, which is of great significance.
Authored by Man Wang
The digital transformation brought on by 5G is redefining current models of end-to-end (E2E) connectivity and service reliability to include security-by-design principles necessary to enable 5G to achieve its promise. 5G trustworthiness highlights the importance of embedding security capabilities from the very beginning while the 5G architecture is being defined and standardized. Security requirements need to overlay and permeate through the different layers of 5G systems (physical, network, and application) as well as different parts of an E2E 5G architecture within a risk-management framework that takes into account the evolving security-threats landscape. 5G presents a typical use-case of wireless communication and computer networking convergence, where 5G fundamental building blocks include components such as Software Defined Networks (SDN), Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and the edge cloud. This convergence extends many of the security challenges and opportunities applicable to SDN/NFV and cloud to 5G networks. Thus, 5G security needs to consider additional security requirements (compared to previous generations) such as SDN controller security, hypervisor security, orchestrator security, cloud security, edge security, etc. At the same time, 5G networks offer security improvement opportunities that should be considered. Here, 5G architectural flexibility, programmability and complexity can be harnessed to improve resilience and reliability. The working group scope fundamentally addresses the following: •5G security considerations need to overlay and permeate through the different layers of the 5G systems (physical, network, and application) as well as different parts of an E2E 5G architecture including a risk management framework that takes into account the evolving security threats landscape. •5G exemplifies a use-case of heterogeneous access and computer networking convergence, which extends a unique set of security challenges and opportunities (e.g., related to SDN/NFV and edge cloud, etc.) to 5G networks. Similarly, 5G networks by design offer potential security benefits and opportunities through harnessing the architecture flexibility, programmability and complexity to improve its resilience and reliability. •The IEEE FNI security WG's roadmap framework follows a taxonomic structure, differentiating the 5G functional pillars and corresponding cybersecurity risks. As part of cross collaboration, the security working group will also look into the security issues associated with other roadmap working groups within the IEEE Future Network Initiative.
Authored by Ashutosh Dutta, Eman Hammad, Michael Enright, Fawzi Behmann, Arsenia Chorti, Ahmad Cheema, Kassi Kadio, Julia Urbina-Pineda, Khaled Alam, Ahmed Limam, Fred Chu, John Lester, Jong-Geun Park, Joseph Bio-Ukeme, Sanjay Pawar, Roslyn Layton, Prakash Ramchandran, Kingsley Okonkwo, Lyndon Ong, Marc Emmelmann, Omneya Issa, Rajakumar Arul, Sireen Malik, Sivarama Krishnan, Suresh Sugumar, Tk Lala, Matthew Borst, Brad Kloza, Gunes Kurt
Cloud security has become a serious challenge due to increasing number of attacks day-by-day. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) requires an efficient security model for improving security in the cloud. This paper proposes a game theory based model, named as Game Theory Cloud Security Deep Neural Network (GT-CSDNN) for security in cloud. The proposed model works with the Deep Neural Network (DNN) for classification of attack and normal data. The performance of the proposed model is evaluated with CICIDS-2018 dataset. The dataset is normalized and optimal points about normal and attack data are evaluated based on the Improved Whale Algorithm (IWA). The simulation results show that the proposed model exhibits improved performance as compared with existing techniques in terms of accuracy, precision, F-score, area under the curve, False Positive Rate (FPR) and detection rate.
Authored by Ashima Jain, Khushboo Tripathi, Aman Jatain, Manju Chaudhary
Information security construction is a social issue, and the most urgent task is to do an excellent job in information risk assessment. The bayesian neural network currently plays a vital role in enterprise information security risk assessment, which overcomes the subjective defects of traditional assessment results and operates efficiently. The risk quantification method based on fuzzy theory and Bayesian regularization BP neural network mainly uses fuzzy theory to process the original data and uses the processed data as the input value of the neural network, which can effectively reduce the ambiguity of language description. At the same time, special neural network training is carried out for the confusion that the neural network is easy to fall into the optimal local problem. Finally, the risk is verified and quantified through experimental simulation. This paper mainly discusses the problem of enterprise information security risk assessment based on a Bayesian neural network, hoping to provide strong technical support for enterprises and organizations to carry out risk rectification plans. Therefore, the above method provides a new information security risk assessment idea.
Authored by Zijie Deng, Guocong Feng, Qingshui Huang, Hong Zou, Jiafa Zhang
This article analyzes the current situation of computer network security in colleges and universities, future development trends, and the relationship between software vulnerabilities and worm outbreaks. After analyzing a server model with buffer overflow vulnerabilities, a worm implementation model based on remote buffer overflow technology is proposed. Complex networks are the medium of worm propagation. By analyzing common complex network evolution models (rule network models, ER random graph model, WS small world network model, BA scale-free network model) and network node characteristics such as extraction degree distribution, single source shortest distance, network cluster coefficient, richness coefficient, and close center coefficient.
Authored by Chunhua Feng
In recent years, as an important part of the Internet, web applications have gradually penetrated into life. Now enterprises, units and institutions are using web applications regardless of size. Intrusion detection to effectively identify malicious traffic has become an inevitable requirement for the development of network security technology. In addition, the proportion of deserialization vulnerabilities is increasing. Traditional intrusion detection mostly focuses on the identification of SQL injection, XSS, and command execution, and there are few studies on the identification of deserialization attack traffic. This paper use a method to extracts relevant features from the deserialized traffic or even the obfuscated deserialized traffic by reorganizing the traffic and running the relevant content through simulation, and combines deep learning technology to make judgments to efficiently identify deserialization attacks. Finally, a prototype system was designed to capture related attacks in real-world. The technology can be used in the field of malicious traffic detection and help combat Internet crimes in the future.
Authored by Jianhua Chen, Wenchuan Yang, Can Cui, Yang Zhang
The emergence of smart cars has revolutionized the automotive industry. Today's vehicles are equipped with different types of electronic control units (ECUs) that enable autonomous functionalities like self-driving, self-parking, lane keeping, and collision avoidance. The ECUs are connected to each other through an in-vehicle network, named Controller Area Network. In this talk, we will present the different cyber attacks that target autonomous vehicles and explain how an intrusion detection system (IDS) using machine learning can play a role in securing the Controller Area Network. We will also discuss the main research contributions for the security of autonomous vehicles. Specifically, we will describe our IDS, named Histogram-based Intrusion Detection and Filtering framework. Next, we will talk about the machine learning explainability issue that limits the acceptability of machine learning in autonomous vehicles, and how it can be addressed using our novel intrusion detection system based on rule extraction methods from Deep Neural Networks.
Authored by Abdelwahid Derhab
Nowadays, safety systems are an important feature for modern vehicles. Many accidents would have been occurred without them. In comparison with older vehicles, modern vehicles have a much better crumple zone, more airbags, a better braking system, as well as a much better and safer driving behaviour. Although, the vehicles safety systems are working well in these days, there is still space for improvement and for adding new security features. This paper describes the implementation of an Intelligent Caravan Monitoring System (ICMS) using the Controller Area Network (CAN), for the communication between the vehicle’s electronic system and the trailer’s electronic system. Furthermore, a comparison between the communication technology of this paper and a previous published paper will be made. The new system is faster, more flexible and more energy efficient.
Authored by Tobias Glocker, Timo Mantere
International regulations specified in WP.29 and international standards specified in ISO/SAE 21434 require security operations such as cyberattack detection and incident responses to protect vehicles from cyberattacks. To meet these requirements, many vehicle manufacturers are planning to install Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) in the Controller Area Network (CAN), which is a primary component of in-vehicle networks, in the coming years. Besides, many vehicle manufacturers and information security companies are developing technologies to identify attack paths related to IDS alerts to respond to cyberattacks appropriately and quickly. To develop the IDSs and the technologies to identify attack paths, it is essential to grasp normal communications performed on in-vehicle networks. Thus, our study aims to develop a technology that can easily grasp normal communications performed on in-vehicle networks. In this paper, we propose the first message source identification method that easily identifies CAN-IDs used by each Electronic Control Unit (ECU) connected to the CAN for message transmissions. We realize the proposed method by utilizing diagnostic communications and an IDS installed in the CAN (CAN-IDS). We evaluate the proposed method using an ECU installed in an actual vehicle and four kinds of simulated CAN-IDSs based on typical existing intrusion detection methods for the CAN. The evaluation results show that the proposed method can identify the CAN-ID used by the ECU for CAN message transmissions if a suitable simulated CAN-IDS for the proposed method is connected to the vehicle.
Authored by Masaru Matsubayashi, Takuma Koyama, Masashi Tanaka, Yasushi Okano, Asami Miyajima
Modern connected vehicles are equipped with a large number of sensors, which enable a wide range of services that can improve overall traffic safety and efficiency. However, remote access to connected vehicles also introduces new security issues affecting both inter and intra-vehicle communications. In fact, existing intra-vehicle communication systems, such as Controller Area Network (CAN), lack security features, such as encryption and secure authentication for Electronic Control Units (ECUs). Instead, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) seek security through obscurity by keeping secret the proprietary format with which they encode the information. Recently, it has been shown that the reuse of CAN frame IDs can be exploited to perform CAN bus reverse engineering without physical access to the vehicle, thus raising further security concerns in a connected environment. This work investigates whether anonymizing the frames of each newly released vehicle is sufficient to prevent CAN bus reverse engineering based on frame ID matching. The results show that, by adopting Machine Learning techniques, anonymized CAN frames can still be fingerprinted and identified in an unknown vehicle with an accuracy of up to 80 %.
Authored by Alessio Buscemi, Ion Turcanu, German Castignani, Thomas Engel
Intrusion detection for Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol requires modern methods in order to compete with other electrical architectures. Fingerprint Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) provide a promising new approach to solve this problem. By characterizing network traffic from known ECUs, hazardous messages can be discriminated. In this article, a modified version of Fingerprint IDS is employed utilizing both step response and spectral characterization of network traffic via neural network training. With the addition of feature set reduction and hyperparameter tuning, this method accomplishes a 99.4% detection rate of trusted ECU traffic.
Authored by Kunaal Verma, Mansi Girdhar, Azeem Hafeez, Selim Awad
Present-day vehicles have numerous Electronic Control Units (ECUs) and they communicate with each other over a network known as the Controller Area Network(CAN) bus. In this way, the CAN bus is a fundamental component of intra-vehicle communication. The CAN bus was designed without focusing on communication security and in this way it is vulnerable to many cyber attacks. As the vehicles are always connected to the Internet, the CAN bus is remotely accessible and could be hacked. To secure the communication between ECUs and defend against these cyber attacks, we apply a Hash Message Authentication Code(HMAC) to automotive data and demonstrate the CAN bus communication between two ECUs using Arduino UNO and MCP2515 CAN bus module.
Authored by Swathy Lakshmi, Renjith Kumar
This paper presents a case study for designing and implementing a secure communication protocol over a Controller Area Network (CAN). The CAN based protocol uses a hybrid encryption method on a relatively simple hardware / software environment. Moreover, the blockchain technology is proposed as a working solution to provide an extra secure level of the proposed system.
Authored by Adrian-Florin Croitoru, Florin Stîngă, Marius Marian
In construction machinery, connectivity delivers higher advantages in terms of higher productivity, lower costs, and most importantly safer work environment. As the machinery grows more dependent on internet-connected technologies, data security and product cybersecurity become more critical than ever. These machines have more cyber risks compared to other automotive segments since there are more complexities in software, larger after-market options, use more standardized SAE J1939 protocol, and connectivity through long-distance wireless communication channels (LTE interfaces for fleet management systems). Construction machinery also operates throughout the day, which means connected and monitored endlessly. Till today, construction machinery manufacturers are investigating the product cybersecurity challenges in threat monitoring, security testing, and establishing security governance and policies. There are limited security testing methodologies on SAE J1939 CAN protocols. There are several testing frameworks proposed for fuzz testing CAN networks according to [1]. This paper proposes security testing methods (Fuzzing, Pen testing) for in-vehicle communication protocols in construction machinery.
Authored by Sheela Hariharan, Alessandro Papadopoulos, Thomas Nolte
Controller Area Network with Flexible Data-rate(CAN FD) has the advantages of high bandwidth and data field length to meet the higher communication requirements of parallel in-vehicle applications. If the CAN FD lacking the authentication security mechanism is used, it is easy to make it suffer from masquerade attack. Therefore, a two-stage method based on message authentication is proposed to enhance the security of it. In the first stage, an anti-exhaustive message exchange and comparison algorithm is proposed. After exchanging the message comparison sequence, the lower bound of the vehicle application and redundant message space is obtained. In the second stage, an enhanced round accumulation algorithm is proposed to enhance security, which adds Message Authentication Codes(MACs) to the redundant message space in a way of fewer accumulation rounds. Experimental examples show that the proposed two-stage approach enables both small-scale and large-scale parallel in-vehicle applications security to be enhanced. Among them, in the Adaptive Cruise Control Application(ACCA), when the laxity interval is 1300μs, the total increased MACs is as high as 388Bit, and the accumulation rounds is as low as 40 rounds.
Authored by Lu Zhu, Yehua Wei, Haoran Jiang, Jing Long
The Controller area network (CAN) is the most extensively used in-vehicle network. It is set to enable communication between a number of electronic control units (ECU) that are widely found in most modern vehicles. CAN is the de facto in-vehicle network standard due to its error avoidance techniques and similar features, but it is vulnerable to various attacks. In this research, we propose a CAN bus intrusion detection system (IDS) based on convolutional neural networks (CNN). U-CAN is a segmentation model that is trained by monitoring CAN traffic data that are preprocessed using hamming distance and saliency detection algorithm. The model is trained and tested using publicly available datasets of raw and reverse-engineered CAN frames. With an F\_1 Score of 0.997, U-CAN can detect DoS, Fuzzy, spoofing gear, and spoofing RPM attacks of the publicly available raw CAN frames. The model trained on reverse-engineered CAN signals that contain plateau attacks also results in a true positive rate and false-positive rate of 0.971 and 0.998, respectively.
Authored by Araya Desta, Shuji Ohira, Ismail Arai, Kazutoshi Fujikawa
In this work, the security sliding mode control issue is studied for interval type-2 (IT2) fuzzy systems under the unreliable network. The deception attacks and the denial-of-service (DoS) attacks may occur in the sensor-controller channels to affect the transmission of the system state, and these attacks are described via two independent Bernoulli stochastic variables. By adopting the compensation strategy and utilizing the available state, the new membership functions are constructed to design the fuzzy controller with the different fuzzy rules from the fuzzy model. Then, under the mismatched membership function, the designed security controller can render the closed-loop IT2 fuzzy system to be stochastically stable and the sliding surface to be reachable. Finally, the simulation results verify the security control scheme.
Authored by Yekai Yang, Bei Chen, Kun Xu, Yugang Niu