Thefts problem in household needs to be anticipated with home security system. One of simple methods is using automatic solenoid door lock system, so that it is difficult to be duplicated and will reduce the chance of theft action when the house is empty. Therefore, a home security system prototype that can be accessed by utilizing biometric fingerprint, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and keypad sensors was designed and tested. Arduino Uno works to turn on the door lock solenoid, so door access will be given when authentication is successful. Experimental results show that fingerprint sensor works well by being able to read fingerprints perfectly and the average time required to scan a fingerprint was 3.7 seconds. Meanwhile, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) sensor detects Electronic-Kartu Tanda Penduduk (E-KTP) and the average time required for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to scan the card is about 2.4 seconds. Keypad functions to store password to unlock the door which produces the average time of 3.7 seconds after 10 trials. Average time to open with multi-sensor is 9.8 seconds. However, its drawback is no notification or SMS which directly be accessed by a cellphone or website with Wi-Fi or Telegram applications allow homeowners to monitor their doors from afar as to minimize the number of house thefts.
Authored by Joni Simatupang, Ramses Tambunan
A single RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a technology for the remote identification of objects or people. It integrates a reader that receives the information contained in an RFID tag through an RFID authentication protocol. RFID provides several security services to protect the data transmitted between the tag and the reader. However, these advantages do not prevent an attacker to access this communication and remaining various security and privacy issues in these systems. Furthermore, with the rapid growth of IoT, there is an urgent need of security authentication and confidential data protection. Authentication protocols based on elliptic curve cryptographic (ECC) were widely investigated and implemented to guarantee protection against the various attacks that can suffer an RFID system. In this paper, we are going to focus on a comparative study between the most efficient ECC-based RFID authentication protocols that are already published, and study their security against the different wireless attacks.
Authored by Souhir Gabsi, Yassin Kortli, Vincent Beroulle, Yann Kieffer, Hamdi Belgacem
In healthcare 4.0 ecosystems, authentication of healthcare information allows health stakeholders to be assured that data is originated from correct source. Recently, biometric based authentication is a preferred choice, but as the templates are stored on central servers, there are high chances of copying and generating fake biometrics. An adversary can forge the biometric pattern, and gain access to critical health systems. Thus, to address the limitation, the paper proposes a scheme, PHBio, where an encryption-based biometric system is designed prior before storing the template to the server. Once a user provides his biometrics, the authentication process does not decrypt the data, rather uses a homomorphic-enabled Paillier cryptosystem. The scheme presents the encryption and the comparison part which is based on euclidean distance (EUD) strategy between the user input and the stored template on the server. We consider the minimum distance, and compare the same with a predefined threshold distance value to confirm a biometric match, and authenticate the user. The scheme is compared against parameters like accuracy, false rejection rates (FARs), and execution time. The proposed results indicate the validity of the scheme in real-time health setups.
Authored by Deepti Saraswat, Karan Ladhiya, Pronaya Bhattacharya, Mohd Zuhair
Cancelable biometric is a new era of technology that deals with the protection of the privacy content of a person which itself helps in protecting the identity of a person. Here the biometric information instead of being stored directly on the authentication database is transformed into a non-invertible coded format that will be utilized for providing access. The conversion into an encrypted code requires the provision of an encryption key from the user side. Both invertible and non-invertible coding techniques are there but non-invertible one provides additional security to the user. In this paper, a non-invertible cancelable biometric method has been proposed where the biometric image information is canceled and encoded into a code using a user-provided encryption key. This code is generated from the image histogram after continuous bin updation to the maximal value and then it is encrypted by the Hill cipher. This code is stored on the database instead of biometric information. The technique is applied to a set of retinal information taken from the Indian Diabetic Retinopathy database.
Authored by Subhaluxmi Sahoo
Due to Bitcoin's innovative block structure, it is both immutable and decentralized, making it a valuable tool or instrument for changing current financial systems. However, the appealing features of Bitcoin have also drawn the attention of cybercriminals. The Bitcoin scripting system allows users to include up to 80 bytes of arbitrary data in Bitcoin transactions, making it possible to store illegal information in the blockchain. This makes Bitcoin a powerful tool for obfuscating information and using it as the command-and-control infrastructure for blockchain-based botnets. On the other hand, Blockchain offers an intriguing solution for IoT security. Blockchain provides strong protection against data tampering, locks Internet of Things devices, and enables the shutdown of compromised devices within an IoT network. Thus, blockchain could be used both to attack and defend IoT networks and communications.
Authored by Aditya Vikram, Sumit Kumar, Mohana
Web-based technologies are evolving day by day and becoming more interactive and secure. Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA) is one of the security features that help detect automated bots on the Web. Earlier captcha was complex designed text-based, but some optical recognition-based algorithms can be used to crack it. That is why now the captcha system is image-based. But after the arrival of strong image recognition algorithms, image-based captchas can also be cracked nowadays. In this paper, we propose a new captcha system that can be used to differentiate real humans and bots on the Web. We use advanced deep layers with pre-trained machine learning models for captchas authentication using a facial recognition system.
Authored by Rupendra Raavi, Mansour Alqarni, Patrick Hung
Visual Question Answering or VQA is a technique used in diverse domains ranging from simple visual questions and answers on short videos to security. Here in this paper, we talk about the video captcha that will be deployed for user authentication. Randomly any short video of length 10 to 20 seconds will be displayed and automated questions and answers will be generated by the system using AI and ML. Automated Programs have maliciously affected gateways such as login, registering etc. Therefore, in today's environment it is necessary to deploy such security programs that can recognize the objects in a video and generate automated MCQs real time that can be of context like the object movements, color, background etc. The features in the video highlighted will be recorded for generating MCQs based on the short videos. These videos can be random in nature. They can be taken from any official websites or even from your own local computer with prior permission from the user. The format of the video must be kept as constant every time and must be cross checked before flashing it to the user. Once our system identifies the captcha and determines the authenticity of a user, the other website in which the user wants to login, can skip the step of captcha verification as it will be done by our system. A session will be maintained for the user, eliminating the hassle of authenticating themselves again and again for no reason. Once the video will be flashed for an IP address and if the answers marked by the user for the current video captcha are correct, we will add the information like the IP address, the video and the questions in our database to avoid repeating the same captcha for the same IP address. In this paper, we proposed the methodology of execution of the aforementioned and will discuss the benefits and limitations of video captcha along with the visual questions and answering.
Authored by Era Johri, Leesa Dharod, Rasika Joshi, Shreya Kulkarni, Vaibhavi Kundle
In this decade, digital transactions have risen exponentially demanding more reliable and secure authentication systems. CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) system plays a major role in these systems. These CAPTCHAs are available in character sequence, picture-based, and audio-based formats. It is very essential that these CAPTCHAs should be able to differentiate a computer program from a human precisely. This work tests the strength of text-based CAPTCHAs by breaking them using an algorithm built on CNN (Convolution Neural Network) and RNN (Recurrent Neural Network). The algorithm is designed in such a way as an attempt to break the security features designers have included in the CAPTCHAs to make them hard to be cracked by machines. This algorithm is tested against the synthetic dataset generated in accordance with the schemes used in popular websites. The experiment results exhibit that the model has shown a considerable performance against both the synthetic and real-world CAPTCHAs.
Authored by A Priya, Abishek Ganesh, Akil Prasath, Jeya Pradeepa
Critical infrastructures such as the electricity grid can be severely impacted by cyber-attacks on its supply chain. Hence, having a robust cybersecurity infrastructure and management system for the electricity grid is a high priority. This paper proposes a cyber-security protocol for defense against man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attacks to the supply chain, which uses encryption and cryptographic multi-party authentication. A cyber-physical simulator is utilized to simulate the power system, control system, and security layers. The correctness of the attack modeling and the cryptographic security protocol against this MiTM attack is demonstrated in four different attack scenarios.
Authored by Shuva Paul, Yu-Cheng Chen, Santiago Grijalva, Vincent Mooney
One of the fifth generation’s most promising solutions for addressing the network system capacity issue is the ultra-dense network. However, a new problem arises because the user equipment secure access is made up of access points that are independent, transitory, and dynamic. The APs are independent and equal in this. It is possible to think of it as a decentralized access network. The access point’s coverage is less than the standard base stations. The user equipment will interface with access points more frequently as it moves, which is a problem. The current 4G Authentication and Key Agreement method, however, is unable to meet this need for quick and frequent authentication. This study means to research how blockchain innovation is being utilized in production network the executives, as well as its forthcoming purposes and arising patterns. To more readily comprehend the direction of important exploration and illuminate the benefits, issues, and difficulties in the blockchain-production network worldview, a writing overview and a logical evaluation of the current examination on blockchain-based supply chains were finished. Multifaceted verification strategies have as of late been utilized as possible guards against blockchain attacks. To further develop execution, scatter administration, and mechanize processes, inventory network tasks might be upset utilizing blockchain innovation
Authored by D. Yuvaraj, M Anitha, Brijesh Singh, Nagarjuna Karyemsetty, R. Krishnamoorthy, S. Arun
The development of IoT has penetrated various sectors. The development of IoT devices continues to increase and is predicted to reach 75 billion by 2025. However, the development of IoT devices is not followed by security developments. Therefore, IoT devices can become gateways for cyber attacks, including brute force and sniffing attacks. Authentication mechanisms can be used to ward off attacks. However, the implementation of authentication mechanisms on IoT devices is challenging. IoT devices are dominated by constraint devices that have limited computing. Thus, conventional authentication mechanisms are not suitable for use. Two-factor authentication using RFID and fingerprint can be a solution in providing an authentication mechanism. Previous studies have proposed a two-factor authentication mechanism using RFID and fingerprint. However, previous research did not pay attention to message exchange security issues and did not provide mutual authentication. This research proposes a secure mutual authentication protocol using two-factor RFID and fingerprint using MQTT protocol. Two processes support the authentication process: the registration process and authentication. The proposed protocol is tested based on biometric security by measuring the false acceptance rate (FAR) and false rejection rate (FRR) on the fingerprint, measuring brute force attacks, and measuring sniffing attacks. The test results obtained the most optimal FAR and FRR at the 80% threshold. Then the equal error rate (ERR) on FAR and FRR is around 59.5%. Then, testing brute force and sniffing attacks found that the proposed protocol is resistant to both attacks.
Authored by Rizka Pahlevi, Vera Suryani, Hilal Nuha, Rahmat Yasirandi
The exponential rise of online services has heightened awareness of safeguarding the various applications that cooperate with and provide Internet users. Users must present their credentials, such as user name and secret code, to the servers to be authorized. This sensitive data should be secured from being exploited due to numerous security breaches, resulting in criminal activity. It is vital to secure systems against numerous risks. This article offers a novel approach to protecting against brute force attacks. A solution is presented where the user obtains the keypad on each occurrence. Following the establishment of the keypad, the webserver produces an encrypted password for the user's Computer/device authentication. The encrypted password will be used for authentication; users must type the amended one-time password (OTP) every time they access the website. This research protects passwords using reformation-based encryption and decryption and optimal honey encryption (OH-E) and decryption.
Authored by Nirmalraj T, J. Jebathangam
Structured Query Language Injection (SQLi) is a client-side application vulnerability that allows attackers to inject malicious SQL queries with harmful intents, including stealing sensitive information, bypassing authentication, and even executing illegal operations to cause more catastrophic damage to users on the web application. According to OWASP, the top 10 harmful attacks against web applications are SQL Injection attacks. Moreover, based on data reports from the UK's National Fraud Authority, SQL Injection is responsible for 97% of data exposures. Therefore, in order to prevent the SQL Injection attack, detection SQLi system is essential. The contribution of this research is securing web applications by developing a browser extension for Google Chrome using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), which is a unique kind of RNN algorithm capable of learning long-term dependencies like SQL Injection attacks. The results of the model will be deployed in static analysis in a browser extension, and the LSTM algorithm will learn to identify the URL that has to be injected into Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) as a sample-tested web application. Experimental results show that the proposed SQLi detection model based on the LSTM algorithm achieves an accuracy rate of 99.97%, which means that a reliable client-side can effectively detect whether the URL being accessed contains a SQLi attack or not.
Authored by Togu Turnip, Hotma Aruan, Anita Siagian, Leonardo Siagian
Social Internet of Vehicle (SIoV) has emerged as one of the most promising applications for vehicle communication, which provides safe and comfortable driving experience. It reduces traffic jams and accidents, thereby saving public resources. However, the wrongly communicated messages would cause serious issues, including life threats. So it is essential to ensure the reliability of the message before acting on considering that. Existing works use cryptographic primitives like threshold authentication and ring signatures, which incurs huge computation and communication overheads, and the ring signature size grew linearly with the threshold value. Our objective is to keep the signature size constant regardless of the threshold value. This work proposes MuSigRDT, a multisignature contract based data transmission protocol using Schnorr digital signature. MuSigRDT provides incentives, to encourage the vehicles to share correct information in real-time and participate honestly in SIoV. MuSigRDT is shown to be secure under Universal Composability (UC) framework. The MuSigRDT contract is deployed on Ethereum's Rinkeby testnet.
Authored by Badavath Naik, Somanath Tripathy, Susil Mohanty
For a long time, online attacks were regarded to pose a severe threat to web - based applications, websites, and clients. It can bypass authentication methods, steal sensitive information from datasets and clients, and also gain ultimate authority of servers. A variety of ways for safeguarding online apps have been developed and used to deal the website risks. Based on the studies about the intersection of cybersecurity and machine learning, countermeasures for identifying typical web assaults have recently been presented (ML). In order to establish a better understanding on this essential topic, it is necessary to study ML methodologies, feature extraction techniques, evaluate datasets, and performance metrics utilised in a systematic manner. In this paper, we go through web security flaws like SQLi, XSS, malicious URLs, phishing attacks, path traversal, and CMDi in detail. We also go through the existing security methods for detecting these threats using machine learning approaches for URL classification. Finally, we discuss potential research opportunities for ML and DL-based techniques in this category, based on a thorough examination of existing solutions in the literature.
Authored by Aditi Saxena, Akarshi Arora, Saumya Saxena, Ashwni Kumar
Modern connected vehicles are equipped with a large number of sensors, which enable a wide range of services that can improve overall traffic safety and efficiency. However, remote access to connected vehicles also introduces new security issues affecting both inter and intra-vehicle communications. In fact, existing intra-vehicle communication systems, such as Controller Area Network (CAN), lack security features, such as encryption and secure authentication for Electronic Control Units (ECUs). Instead, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) seek security through obscurity by keeping secret the proprietary format with which they encode the information. Recently, it has been shown that the reuse of CAN frame IDs can be exploited to perform CAN bus reverse engineering without physical access to the vehicle, thus raising further security concerns in a connected environment. This work investigates whether anonymizing the frames of each newly released vehicle is sufficient to prevent CAN bus reverse engineering based on frame ID matching. The results show that, by adopting Machine Learning techniques, anonymized CAN frames can still be fingerprinted and identified in an unknown vehicle with an accuracy of up to 80 %.
Authored by Alessio Buscemi, Ion Turcanu, German Castignani, Thomas Engel
Present-day vehicles have numerous Electronic Control Units (ECUs) and they communicate with each other over a network known as the Controller Area Network(CAN) bus. In this way, the CAN bus is a fundamental component of intra-vehicle communication. The CAN bus was designed without focusing on communication security and in this way it is vulnerable to many cyber attacks. As the vehicles are always connected to the Internet, the CAN bus is remotely accessible and could be hacked. To secure the communication between ECUs and defend against these cyber attacks, we apply a Hash Message Authentication Code(HMAC) to automotive data and demonstrate the CAN bus communication between two ECUs using Arduino UNO and MCP2515 CAN bus module.
Authored by Swathy Lakshmi, Renjith Kumar
Controller Area Network with Flexible Data-rate(CAN FD) has the advantages of high bandwidth and data field length to meet the higher communication requirements of parallel in-vehicle applications. If the CAN FD lacking the authentication security mechanism is used, it is easy to make it suffer from masquerade attack. Therefore, a two-stage method based on message authentication is proposed to enhance the security of it. In the first stage, an anti-exhaustive message exchange and comparison algorithm is proposed. After exchanging the message comparison sequence, the lower bound of the vehicle application and redundant message space is obtained. In the second stage, an enhanced round accumulation algorithm is proposed to enhance security, which adds Message Authentication Codes(MACs) to the redundant message space in a way of fewer accumulation rounds. Experimental examples show that the proposed two-stage approach enables both small-scale and large-scale parallel in-vehicle applications security to be enhanced. Among them, in the Adaptive Cruise Control Application(ACCA), when the laxity interval is 1300μs, the total increased MACs is as high as 388Bit, and the accumulation rounds is as low as 40 rounds.
Authored by Lu Zhu, Yehua Wei, Haoran Jiang, Jing Long
With the increasing complexity of the driving environment, more and more attention has been paid to the research on improving the intelligentization of traffic control. Among them, the digital twin-based internet of vehicle can establish a mirror system on the cloud to improve the efficiency of communication between vehicles, provide warning and safety instructions for drivers, avoid driving potential dangers. To ensure the security and effectiveness of data sharing in traffic control, this paper proposes a secure and privacy-preserving scheme for digital twin-based traffic control. Specifically, in the data uploading phase, we employ a group signature with a time-bound keys technique to realize data source authentication with efficient members revocation and privacy protection, which can ensure that data can be securely stored on cloud service providers after it synchronizes to its twin. In the data sharing stage, we employ the secure and efficient attribute-based access control technique to provide flexible and efficient data sharing, in which the parameters of a specific sub-policy can be stored during the first decryption and reused in subsequent data access containing the same sub-policy, thus reducing the computing complexity. Finally, we analyze the security and efficiency of the scheme theoretically.
Authored by Chengzhe Lai, Menghua Wang, Dong Zheng
In covert communication systems, covert messages can be transmitted without being noticed by the monitors or adversaries. Therefore, the covert communication technology has emerged as a novel method for network authentication, copyright protection, and the evidence of cybercrimes. However, how to design the covert communication in the physical layer of wireless networks and how to improve the channel capacity for the covert communication systems are very challenging. In this paper, we propose a wireless covert communication system, where data streams from the antennas of the transmitter are coded according to a code book to transmit covert and public messages. We adopt a modulation scheme, named covert quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), to modulate the messages, where the constellation of covert information bits deviates from its normal coordinates. Moreover, the covert receiver can detect the covert information bits according to the constellation departure. Simulation results show that proposed covert communication system can significantly improve the covert data rate and reduce the covert bit error rate, in comparison with the traditional covert communication systems.
Authored by Wei Li, Jie Liao, Yuwen Qian, Xiangwei Zhou, Yan Lin
In recent years, research has focused on exploiting the inherent physical (PHY) characteristics of wireless channels to discriminate between different spatially separated network terminals, mitigating the significant costs of signature-based techniques. In this paper, the legitimacy of the corresponding terminal is firstly verified at the protocol stack’s upper layers, and then the re-authentication process is performed at the PHY-layer. In the latter, a unique PHY-layer signature is created for each transmission based on the spatially and temporally correlated channel attributes within the coherence time interval. As part of the verification process, the PHY-layer signature can be used as a message authentication code to prove the packet’s authenticity. Extensive simulation has shown the capability of the proposed scheme to support high detection probability at small signal-to-noise ratios. In addition, security evaluation is conducted against passive and active attacks. Computation and communication comparisons are performed to demonstrate that the proposed scheme provides superior performance compared to conventional cryptographic approaches.
Authored by Mahmoud Shawky, Qammer Abbasi, Muhammad Imran, Shuja Ansari, Ahmad Taha
Cyber-physical Systems can be defined as a complex networked control system, which normally develop by combining several physical components with the cyber space. Cyber Physical System are already a part of our daily life. As its already being a part of everyone life, CPS also have great potential security threats and can be vulnerable to various cyber-attacks without showing any sign directly to component failure. To protect user security and privacy is a fundamental concern of any kind of system; either it’s a simple web application or supplicated professional system. Digital Multifactor authentication is one of the best ways to make secure authentication. It covers many different areas of a Cyber-connected world, including online payments, communications, access right management, etc. Most of the time, Multifactor authentication is little complex as it requires extra step from users. This paper will discuss the evolution from single authentication to Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) starting from Single-Factor Authentication (SFA) and through Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). This paper seeks to analyze and evaluate the most prominent authentication techniques based on accuracy, cost, and feasibility of implementation. We also suggest several authentication schemes which incorporate with Multifactor authentication for CPS.
Authored by Mangal Sain, Oloviddin Normurodov, Chen Hong, Kueh Hui
In the present era of the internet, image watermarking schemes are used to provide content authentication, security and reliability of various multimedia contents. In this paper image watermarking scheme which utilizes the properties of Integer Wavelet Transform (IWT), Schur decomposition and Singular value decomposition (SVD) based is proposed. In the suggested method, the cover image is subjected to a 3-level Integer wavelet transform (IWT), and the HH3 subband is subjected to Schur decomposition. In order to retrieve its singular values, the upper triangular matrix from the HH3 subband’s Schur decomposition is then subjected to SVD. The watermark image is first encrypted using a chaotic map, followed by the application of a 3-level IWT to the encrypted watermark and the usage of singular values of the LL-subband to embed by manipulating the singular values of the processed cover image. The proposed scheme is tested under various attacks like filtering (median, average, Gaussian) checkmark (histogram equalization, rotation, horizontal and vertical flipping) and noise (Gaussian, Salt & Pepper Noise). The suggested scheme provides strong robustness against numerous attacks and chaotic encryption provides security to watermark.
Authored by Anurag Tiwari, Vinay Srivastava
Watermarking is one of the most common data hiding techniques for multimedia elements. Broadcasting, copy control, copyright protection and authentication are the most frequently used application areas of the watermarking. Secret data can be embedded into the cover image with changing the values of the pixels in spatial domain watermarking. In addition to this method, cover image can be converted into one of the transformation such as Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT), Discrete Cousin Transformation (DCT) and Discrete Fourier Transformation (DFT). Later on watermark can be embedded high frequencies of transformation coefficients. In this work, cover image transformed one, two and three level DWT decompositions. Binary watermark is hided into the low and high frequencies in each decomposition. Experimental results show that watermarked image is robust, secure and resist against several geometric attacks especially JPEG compression, Gaussian noise and histogram equalization. Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Similarity Ratio (SR) values show very optimal results when we compare the other frequency and spatial domain algorithms.
Authored by Ersin Elbasi
Computer and Vehicular networks, both are prone to multiple information security breaches because of many reasons like lack of standard protocols for secure communication and authentication. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is a threat that disrupts the communication in networks. Detection and prevention of DDoS attacks with accuracy is a necessity to make networks safe.In this paper, we have experimented two machine learning-based techniques one each for attack detection and attack prevention. These detection & prevention techniques are implemented in different environments including vehicular network environments and computer network environments. Three different datasets connected to heterogeneous environments are adopted for experimentation. The first dataset is the NSL-KDD dataset based on the traffic of the computer network. The second dataset is based on a simulation-based vehicular environment, and the third CIC-DDoS 2019 dataset is a computer network-based dataset. These datasets contain different number of attributes and instances of network traffic. For the purpose of attack detection AdaBoostM1 classification algorithm is used in WEKA and for attack prevention Logit Model is used in STATA. Results show that an accuracy of more than 99.9% is obtained from the simulation-based vehicular dataset. This is the highest accuracy rate among the three datasets and it is obtained within a very short period of time i.e., 0.5 seconds. In the same way, we use a Logit regression-based model to classify packets. This model shows an accuracy of 100%.
Authored by Amandeep Verma, Rahul Saha