Anomaly detection is a challenge well-suited to machine learning and in the context of information security, the benefits of unsupervised solutions show significant promise. Recent attention to Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) has provided an innovative approach to learn from attributed graphs. Using a GNN encoder-decoder architecture, anomalous edges between nodes can be detected during the reconstruction phase. The aim of this research is to determine whether an unsupervised GNN model can detect anomalous network connections in a static, attributed network. Network logs were collected from four corporate networks and one artificial network using endpoint monitoring tools. A GNN-based anomaly detection system was designed and employed to score and rank anomalous connections between hosts. The model was validated against four realistic experimental scenarios against the four large corporate networks and the smaller artificial network environment. Although quantitative metrics were affected by factors including the scale of the network, qualitative assessments indicated that anomalies from all scenarios were detected. The false positives across each scenario indicate that this model in its current form is useful as an initial triage, though would require further improvement to become a performant detector. This research serves as a promising step for advancing this methodology in detecting anomalous network connections. Future work to improve results includes narrowing the scope of detection to specific threat types and a further focus on feature engineering and selection.
Authored by Charlie Grimshaw, Brian Lachine, Taylor Perkins, Emilie Coote
The escalating visibility of secure direct object reference (IDOR) vulnerabilities in API security, as indicated in the compilation of OWASP Top 10 API Security Risks, highlights a noteworthy peril to sensitive data. This study explores IDOR vulnerabilities found within Android APIs, intending to clarify their inception while evaluating their implications for application security. This study combined the qualitative and quantitative approaches. Insights were obtained from an actual penetration test on an Android app into the primary reasons for IDOR vulnerabilities, underscoring insufficient input validation and weak authorization methods. We stress the frequent occurrence of IDOR vulnerabilities in the OWASP Top 10 API vulnerability list, highlighting the necessity to prioritize them in security evaluations. There are mitigation recommendations available for developers, which recognize its limitations involving a possibly small and homogeneous selection of tested Android applications, the testing environment that could cause some inaccuracies, and the impact of time constraints. Additionally, the study noted insufficient threat modeling and root cause analysis, affecting its generalizability and real-world relevance. However, comprehending and controlling IDOR dangers can enhance Android API security, protect user data, and bolster application resilience.
Authored by Semi Yulianto, Roni Abdullah, Benfano Soewito
Vendor cybersecurity risk assessment is of critical importance to smart city infrastructure and sustainability of the autonomous mobility ecosystem. Lack of engagement in cybersecurity policies and process implementation by the tier companies providing hardware or services to OEMs within this ecosystem poses a significant risk to not only the individual companies but to the ecosystem overall. The proposed quantitative method of estimating cybersecurity risk allows vendors to have visibility to the financial risk associated with potential threats and to consequently allocate adequate resources to cybersecurity. It facilitates faster implementation of defense measures and provides a useful tool in the vendor selection process. The paper focuses on cybersecurity risk assessment as a critical part of the overall company mission to create a sustainable structure for maintaining cybersecurity health. Compound cybersecurity risk and impact on company operations as outputs of this quantitative analysis present a unique opportunity to strategically plan and make informed decisions towards acquiring a reputable position in a sustainable ecosystem. This method provides attack trees and assigns a risk factor to each vendor thus offering a competitive advantage and an insight into the supply chain risk map. This is an innovative way to look at vendor cybersecurity posture. Through a selection of unique industry specific parameters and a modular approach, this risk assessment model can be employed as a tool to navigate the supply base and prevent significant financial cost. It generates synergies within the connected vehicle ecosystem leading to a safe and sustainable economy.
Authored by Albena Tzoneva, Galina Momcheva, Borislav Stoyanov
An end-to-end cyber risk assessment process is presented that is based on the combination of guidelines from the National Institute of Standards \& Technology (NIST), the standard 5\times 5 risk matrix, and quantitative methods for generating loss exceedance curves.The NIST guidelines provide a framework for cyber risk assessment, and the standard 5\times 5 matrix is widely used across the industry for the representation of risk across multiple disciplines. Loss exceedance curves are a means of quantitatively assessing the loss that occurs due to a given risk profile. Combining these different techniques enables us to follow the guidelines, adhere to standard 5\times 5 risk management practices and develop quantitative metrics simultaneously. Our quantification process is based on the consideration of the NASA and JPL Cost Risk assessment modeling techniques as we define the cost associated with the cybersecurity risk profile of a mission as a function of the mission cost.
Authored by Leila Meshkat, Robert Miller
In recent times, the research looks into the measures taken by financial institutions to secure their systems and reduce the likelihood of attacks. The study results indicate that all cultures are undergoing a digital transformation at the present time. The dawn of the Internet ushered in an era of increased sophistication in many fields. There has been a gradual but steady shift in attitude toward digital and networked computers in the business world over the past few years. Financial organizations are increasingly vulnerable to external cyberattacks due to the ease of usage and positive effects. They are also susceptible to attacks from within their own organisation. In this paper, we develop a machine learning based quantitative risk assessment model that effectively assess and minimises this risk. Quantitative risk calculation is used since it is the best way for calculating network risk. According to the study, a network s vulnerability is proportional to the number of times its threats have been exploited and the amount of damage they have caused. The simulation is used to test the model s efficacy, and the results show that the model detects threats more effectively than the other methods.
Authored by Lavanya M, Mangayarkarasi S
Over the past decade, the number of cyber attack incidents targeting critical infrastructures such as the electrical power system has increased. To assess the risk of cyber attacks on the cyber-physical system, a holistic approach is needed that considers both system layers. However, the existing risk assessment methods are either qualitative in nature or employ probabilistic models to study the impact on only one system layer. Hence, in this work, we propose a quantitative risk assessment method for cyber-physical systems based on probabilistic and deterministic techniques. The former uses attack graphs to evaluate the attack likelihood, while the latter analyzes the potential cyber-physical impact. This is achieved through a dynamic cyber-physical power system model, i.e., digital twin, able to simulate power system cascading failures caused by cyber attacks. Additionally, we propose a domain-specific language to describe the assets of digital substations and thereby model the attack graphs. Using the proposed method, combined risk metrics are calculated that consider the likelihood and impact of cyber threat scenarios. The risk assessment is conducted using the IEEE 39-bus system, consisting of 27 user-defined digital substations. These substations serve as the backbone of the examined cyber system layer and as entry-points for the attackers. Results indicate that cyber attacks on specific substations can cause major cascading failures or even a blackout. Thereby, the proposed method identifies the most critical substations and assets that must be cyber secured.
Authored by Ioannis Semertzis, Vetrivel Rajkumar, Alexandru Ştefanov, Frank Fransen, Peter Palensky
Cybersecurity is largely based on the use of frameworks (ISO27k, NIST, etc.) which main objective is compliance with the standard. They do not, however, address the quantification of the risk deriving from a threat scenario. This paper proposes a methodology that, having evaluated the overall capability of the controls of an ISO27001 framework, allows to select those that mitigate a threat scenario and evaluate the risk according to a Cybersecurity Risk Quantification model.
Authored by Glauco Bertocchi, Alberto Piamonte
Cybersecurity risk analysis is crucial for orga-nizations to assess, identify, and prioritize possible threats to their systems and assets. Organizations aim to estimate the loss cost in case cybersecurity risks occur to decide the control actions they should invest in. Quantitative risk analysis aids organizations in making well-informed decisions about risk mitigation strategies and resource allocation. Therefore, organizations must use quantitative risk analysis methods to identify and prioritize risks rather than relying on qualitative methods. This paper proposes a spreadsheet-based quantitative risk analysis method based on verbal likelihoods. Our approach relies on tables constructed by experts that map between linguistic likelihood and possible probability ranges. Using linguistic terms to estimate the probability of risk occurrence will help experts apply quantitative estimation easily by using common language as input, thus eliminating the need to assign precise probabilities. We experimented with real examples to validate our approach s accuracy and reliability and compared our results with those obtained from another method. Also, we conducted tests to measure our model s performance and robustness. Our study showcases the effectiveness of our approach and demonstrates its potential for risk analysts to use it in real-world applications.
Authored by Karim Elhammady, Sebastian Fischmeister
In modern conditions, the relevance of the problem of assessing the information security risks for automated systems is increasing. Risk assessment is defined as a complex multi-stage task. Risk assessment requires prompt decision-making for effective information protection. To solve this problem, a method for automating risk assessment based on fuzzy cognitive maps is proposed. A fuzzy cognitive map is a model that can be represented as a directed graph in which concepts and connections between them have own weights. The automation process allows evaluate complex relationships between factors and threats, providing a more comprehensive risk assessment. The application of fuzzy cognitive maps proved to be an effective tool for automation, promptness, and quality in risk assessment.
Authored by Andrey Shaburov, Anna Ozhgibesova, Vsevolod Alekseev
Cybersecurity risk analysis is crucial for orga-nizations to assess, identify, and prioritize possible threats to their systems and assets. Organizations aim to estimate the loss cost in case cybersecurity risks occur to decide the control actions they should invest in. Quantitative risk analysis aids organizations in making well-informed decisions about risk mitigation strategies and resource allocation. Therefore, organizations must use quantitative risk analysis methods to identify and prioritize risks rather than relying on qualitative methods. This paper proposes a spreadsheet-based quantitative risk analysis method based on verbal likelihoods. Our approach relies on tables constructed by experts that map between linguistic likelihood and possible probability ranges. Using linguistic terms to estimate the probability of risk occurrence will help experts apply quantitative estimation easily by using common language as input, thus eliminating the need to assign precise probabilities. We experimented with real examples to validate our approach s accuracy and reliability and compared our results with those obtained from another method. Also, we conducted tests to measure our model s performance and robustness. Our study showcases the effectiveness of our approach and demonstrates its potential for risk analysts to use it in real-world applications.
Authored by Karim Elhammady, Sebastian Fischmeister
Cybersecurity is largely based on the use of frameworks (ISO27k, NIST, etc.) which main objective is compliance with the standard. They do not, however, address the quantification of the risk deriving from a threat scenario. This paper proposes a methodology that, having evaluated the overall capability of the controls of an ISO27001 framework, allows to select those that mitigate a threat scenario and evaluate the risk according to a Cybersecurity Risk Quantification model.
Authored by Glauco Bertocchi, Alberto Piamonte
In recent times, the research looks into the measures taken by financial institutions to secure their systems and reduce the likelihood of attacks. The study results indicate that all cultures are undergoing a digital transformation at the present time. The dawn of the Internet ushered in an era of increased sophistication in many fields. There has been a gradual but steady shift in attitude toward digital and networked computers in the business world over the past few years. Financial organizations are increasingly vulnerable to external cyberattacks due to the ease of usage and positive effects. They are also susceptible to attacks from within their own organisation. In this paper, we develop a machine learning based quantitative risk assessment model that effectively assess and minimises this risk. Quantitative risk calculation is used since it is the best way for calculating network risk. According to the study, a network s vulnerability is proportional to the number of times its threats have been exploited and the amount of damage they have caused. The simulation is used to test the model s efficacy, and the results show that the model detects threats more effectively than the other methods.
Authored by Lavanya M, Mangayarkarasi S
In this paper, a quantitative analysis method is proposed to calculate the risks from cyber-attacks focused on the domain of data security in the financial sector. Cybersecurity risks have increased in organizations due to the process of digital transformation they are going through, reflecting in a notorious way in the financial sector, where a considerable percentage of the attacks carried out on the various industries are concentrated. In this sense, risk assessment becomes a critical point for their proper management and, in particular, for organizations to have a risk analysis method that allows them to make cost-effective decisions. The proposed method integrates a layered architecture, a list of attacks to be prioritized, and a loss taxonomy to streamline risk analysis over the data security domain including: encryption, masking, deletion, and resiliency. The layered architecture considers: presentation layer, business logic layer, and data management layer. The method was validated and tested by 6 financial companies in Lima, Peru. The preliminary results identified the applicability of the proposed method collected through surveys of experts from the 6 entities surveyed, obtaining 85.7\% who consider that the proposed three-layer architecture contains the assets considered critical.
Authored by Alberto Alegria, Jorge Loayza, Arnaldo Montoya, Jimmy Armas-Aguirre
Vendor cybersecurity risk assessment is of critical importance to smart city infrastructure and sustainability of the autonomous mobility ecosystem. Lack of engagement in cybersecurity policies and process implementation by the tier companies providing hardware or services to OEMs within this ecosystem poses a significant risk to not only the individual companies but to the ecosystem overall. The proposed quantitative method of estimating cybersecurity risk allows vendors to have visibility to the financial risk associated with potential threats and to consequently allocate adequate resources to cybersecurity. It facilitates faster implementation of defense measures and provides a useful tool in the vendor selection process. The paper focuses on cybersecurity risk assessment as a critical part of the overall company mission to create a sustainable structure for maintaining cybersecurity health. Compound cybersecurity risk and impact on company operations as outputs of this quantitative analysis present a unique opportunity to strategically plan and make informed decisions towards acquiring a reputable position in a sustainable ecosystem. This method provides attack trees and assigns a risk factor to each vendor thus offering a competitive advantage and an insight into the supply chain risk map. This is an innovative way to look at vendor cybersecurity posture. Through a selection of unique industry specific parameters and a modular approach, this risk assessment model can be employed as a tool to navigate the supply base and prevent significant financial cost. It generates synergies within the connected vehicle ecosystem leading to a safe and sustainable economy.
Authored by Albena Tzoneva, Galina Momcheva, Borislav Stoyanov
Modern day cyber-infrastructures are critically dependent on each other to provide essential services. Current frameworks typically focus on the risk analysis of an isolated infrastructure. Evaluation of potential disruptions taking the heterogeneous cyber-infrastructures is vital to note the cascading disruption vectors and determine the appropriate interventions to limit the damaging impact. This paper presents a cyber-security risk assessment framework for the interconnected cyber-infrastructures. Our methodology is designed to be comprehensive in terms of accommodating accidental incidents and malicious cyber threats. Technically, we model the functional dependencies between the different architectures using reliability block diagrams (RBDs). RBDs are convenient, yet powerful graphical diagrams, which succinctly describe the functional dependence between the system components. The analysis begins by selecting a service from the many services that are outputted by the synchronized operation of the architectures whose disruption is deemed critical. For this service, we design an attack fault tree (AFT). AFT is a recent graphical formalism that combines the two popular formalisms of attack trees and fault trees. We quantify the attack-fault tree and compute the risk metrics - the probability of a disruption and the damaging impact. For this purpose, we utilize the open source ADTool. We show the efficacy of our framework with an example outage incident.
Authored by Rajesh Kumar