Today, Distribution System Operators (DSO) face numerous challenges, such as growth of decentralized power generation, increasing unconventional demands, active network management for peak load- and congestion management. Moreover, DSO also face an accelerated asset ageing while confronted with tight budgets and a strong ROI business case justification. The Digital Transformer Twin is the digital representation of real physical assets and enables the operators to evaluate the Transformer Asset Condition by leveraging software capabilities, AI insights from large datasets as well as academic research results in order to turn data into reality. Thus, trusted and consistent results over the entire transformer life span require also a faithful Digital Transformer Twin over the entire physical transformer life cycle from inception to retirement.
Authored by B. Fischer, K. Viereck, C. Hofmeister
Sustainability within the built environment is increasingly important to our global community as it minimizes environmental impact whilst providing economic and social benefits. Governments recognize the importance of sustainability by providing economic incentives and tenants, particularly large enterprises seek facilities that align with their corporate social responsibility objectives. Claiming sustainability outcomes clearly has benefits for facility owners and facility occupants that have sustainability as part of their business objectives but there are also incentives to overstate the value delivered or only measure parts of the facility lifecycle that provide attractive results. Whilst there is a plethora of research on Building Information Management (BIM) systems within the construction industry there has been limited research on BIM in the facilities management \& sustainability fields. The significant contribution with this research is the integration of blockchain for the purposes of transaction assurance with development of a working model spanning BIM and blockchain underpinning phase one of this research. From an industry perspective the contribution of this paper is to articulate a path to integrate a wide range of mature and emerging technologies into solutions that deliver trusted results for government, facility owners, tenants and other directly impacted stakeholders to assess the sustainability impact.
Authored by Luke Desmomd, Mohamed Salama
Happiness Is Homemade is a safe and trusted platform that addresses the lack of recreational opportunities faced by older adults. Our website will help people not only elders but also volunteers of younger age groups, connect with people of similar likes and interests helping them enlarge their social circle and switching to other means of recreation apart from mobile phones and television. This platform aims at resolving the issues of lack of leisure time activities which may lead to problems in physical and mental health, social life, and the environment in which they live and interact with older adults. Registered volunteers organize specific activities for senior citizens. Elders who are interested in embarking on new experiences or continue pursuing their hobbies and interests can register for the specific curated event. The event details, time, place, and the details of the volunteer/s organizing the event would be mentioned. Activities here include excursions to specific locations, temple visits, retro nights and yoga, meditation events, etc. It also provides a platform for seniors to organize courses(classes) in their areas of expertise. These courses are accompanied by interested volunteers. Classes can be conducted online or offline at senior citizens homes. Classes can include any subject, including cooking, finance, gardening, and home economics. With the help of this platform not only will the problem of leisure time activities be resolved but also it will help the elder citizens to earn some income.
Authored by Vaishnavi Kothari, Anupama Menon, Itisha Mathane, Shivangi Kumar, Ashhvini Gaikwad
In Industry 4.0, the Digital twin has been widely used in industrial activities. However, the data-driven industry is placing a higher demand on digital twins, especially for the secure sharing and management of data throughout the lifecycle. As a distributed ledger technology, Blockchain is well suited to address these challenges. Unfortunately, current blockchain-based digital twin lifecycle management does not focus on data processing after the retirement stage. In this paper, we propose BDTwins, a blockchain-based digital twin lifecycle management framework, which is built based on our proposed 7D model. In this framework, we make innovative use of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) to process the data in the recovery stage of the digital twin. This method solves digital intellectual property disputes and inherits digital twin knowledge completely and stably after the destruction of physical entities. In addition, BDTwins has designed a fine-grained hierarchical access control policy to enable secure data sharing among stakeholders. And solves the performance bottleneck of traditional single-chain blockchain architecture by utilizing directed acyclic graph (DAG) blockchain and off-chain distributed storage. Finally, we implement a general blockchain-based digital twin case using smart contract technology to demonstrate our proposed digital twin lifecycle management framework.
Authored by Xianxian Cao, Xiaoling Li, Yinhao Xiao, Yumin Yao, Shuang Tan, Ping Wang
This study aims to examine the effect of Islamic financial literacy on Islamic financial inclusion through the mediation of digital finance and social capital. Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling was used to select 385 samples from each of Banda Aceh City s 9 sub-districts. Afterward, the questionnaire data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in accordance with scientific standards. This study found two important things. First, Islamic financial literacy, digital finance, and social capital boost Banda Aceh s Islamic financial inclusion. Second, digital finance and social capital can mediate the effects of Islamic financial literacy on Banda Aceh s Islamic financial inclusion. This study emphasizes the need for a holistic approach, combining education, technology, and community trust to promote Islamic financial inclusion. Policymakers, educators, institutions, and community leaders can leverage these insights to contribute to a more inclusive Islamic finance ecosystem.
Authored by Putri Marla, Shabri Majid, Said Musnadi, Maulidar Agustina, Faisal Faisal, Ridwan Nurdin
The backend of the processor executes the μops decoded from the frontend out of order, while the retirement is responsible for retiring completed μops in the Reorder Buffer in order. Consequently, the retirement may stall differently depending on the execution time of the first instruction in the Reorder Buffer. Moreover, since retirement is shared between two logical cores on the same physical core, an attacker can deduce the instructions executed on the other logical core by observing the availability of its own retirement. Based on this finding, we introduce two novel covert channels: the Different Instructions covert channel and the Same Instructions covert channel, which can transmit information across logical cores and possess the ability to bypass the existing protection strategies. Furthermore, this paper explores additional applications of retirement. On the one hand, we propose a new variant of Spectre v1 by applying the retirement to the Spectre attack using the principle that the fallback penalty of misprediction is related to the instructions speculated to be executed. On the other hand, based on the principle that different programs result in varied usage patterns of retirement, we propose an attack method that leverages the retirement to infer the program run by the victim. Finally, we discuss possible mitigations against new covert channels.
Authored by Ke Xu, Ming Tang, Quancheng Wang, Han Wang
This study explores how AI-driven personal finance advisors can significantly improve individual financial well-being. It addresses the complexity of modern finance, emphasizing the integration of AI for informed decision-making. The research covers challenges like budgeting, investment planning, debt management, and retirement preparation. It highlights AI s capabilities in data-driven analysis, predictive modeling, and personalized recommendations, particularly in risk assessment, portfolio optimization, and real-time market monitoring. The paper also addresses ethical and privacy concerns, proposing a transparent deployment framework. User acceptance and trust-building are crucial for widespread adoption. A case study demonstrates enhanced financial literacy, returns, and overall well-being with AI-powered advisors, underscoring their potential to revolutionize financial wellness. The study emphasizes responsible implementation and trust-building for ethical and effective AI deployment in personal finance.
Authored by Parth Pangavhane, Shivam Kolse, Parimal Avhad, Tushar Gadekar, N. Darwante, S. Chaudhari