Title Date
3 - DEPCOMM Graph Summerization on System Audit Logs for Attack Investigation.pdf
3 - DEPCOMM Graph Summerization on System Audit Logs for Attack Investigation.pdf - NS.pdf
4 - Securing Reset Operations in NISQ Quatum Computers.pdf
5 - Provably Safe Multilingual Software Sandboxing using WebAssembly - NS.pdf
5 - Provably Safe Multilingual Software Sandboxing using WebAssembly.pdf
6 - Adversary Safety by Construction in a Language of Cryptographic Protocols - NS.pdf
6 - Adversary Safety by Construction in a Language of Cryptographic Protocols.pdf
7 - Securing GPU via Region-based Bounds Checking - NS.pdf
7 - Securing GPU via Region-based Bounds Checking.pdf
8 - MC2 Rigorous and Efficient Directed Greybox Fuzzing - NS.pdf
8 - MC2 Rigorous and Efficient Directed Greybox Fuzzing.pdf
9 - Securing Reset Operations in NISQ Quantum Computers - NS1.pdf
9 - Securing Reset Operations in NISQ Quantum Computers - NS2.pdf
9 - Securing Reset Operations in NISQ Quantum Computers - NS3.pdf
9 - Securing Reset Operations in NISQ Quantum Computers - NS4.pdf
9 - Securing Reset Operations in NISQ Quantum Computers.pdf
9 - Securing Reset Operations in NISQ Quatum Computers - NS5.pdf
11 - ADVERT An Adaptive and Data Driven Attention Enhacemetn Mechanism for Phishing Prevention - NS.pdf
11 - ADVERT An Adaptive and Data Driven Attention Enhacemetn Mechanism for Phishing Prevention.pdf
12 - Proving UNSAT in Zero Knowledge - NS.pdf
12 - Proving UNSAT in Zero Knowledge.pdf
14 - Designing Effective Masking Strategies for Dyberdefnese through human experimenation - NS.pdf
14 - Designing Effective Masking Strategies for Dyberdefnese through human experimenation.pdf
15 - Cracking the Stateful Nut Computational Proofs of Stateful Securing Protocols - NS.pdf
15 - Cracking the Stateful Nut Computational Proofs of Stateful Securing Protocols.pdf