Title Date
01262016 Tao Xie.pdf
11 SoS Quarterly Meeting July 2016 Blythe.pdf
10 SoS Quarterly Meeting July2016 Koppel
09 SoS Quarterly Meeting July2016 Smith.pdf
blythe sos 2016 final.pdf
smith sos 2016 final.pdf
koppel sos 2016 final.pdf
SOS 2016 dengfeng.pdf
A Lifting Approach to L2-gain Analysis of Periodic Event-triggered and Switching Sampled-data Control System
A Unified Framework for lp Analysis and Synthesis of Linear Switched Systems
092514 Bi-weekly Presentation Huang.pdf
092514 Bi-weekly Presentation Wang.pdf
092514 Bi-weekly Presentation Huang.pdf
Mitra Static-Dynamic Analysis of Security Metrics for Cyber-Physical Systems.pdf
SoS internal Dullerud-Mitra
10262015 Quarterly Meeting Slides Mitra
11042015 Huang and Wang
04262016 Huang Wang.pdf
13 SoS Quarterly Meeting July 2016 Mitra
14 SOS Quarterly Meeting July2016 Mitra.pdf
A Dynamic Game-Theoretic Approach to Resilient Control System Design for Cascading Failures
A Brain-Machine Interface to Navigate Mobile Robots Along Human-Like Paths Amidst Obstacles
Experiments in Quasi-Static Manipulation of a Planar Elastic Rod
Mechanics and Manipulation of Planar Elastic Kinematic Chains