Heather Lucas
Heather Lucas

Heather Lucas is a program director within the Laboratory for Advanced Cybersecurity Research and is the program lead for NSA's Science of Security and Privacy effort.  Ms. Lucas received a BA from University of Maryland Baltimore County, where she graduated magna cum laude.  She is passionate about providing a useful collaborative environment for researchers to share their work, and hopes to one day see open science as a reality.  She finds the TEDxWaterloo talk by Michael Nielsen on Open Science to be truly inspirational.

Outside of work, Ms. Lucas loves to travel to warm climates to soak in the sun and play in the water.  Locally she enjoys her free time gardening, and being creative making peep dioramas.  She also enjoys the under appreciated candy Satellite Wafers.

9800 Savage RoadSuite 6845
Fort Meade, Maryland