Title Date
Assurance Cases
Regulation of Patient Management Software in Canada
Workflow Management for Health Care Processes Meets Formal Verification
Assurance Cases for Formally Demonstrated Conformance Relations
The Tabular Expressions Toolbox for Matlab/Simulink
Certification of Health IT Software
The Rational Design Process Used for the Darlington Shutdown Systems
Measuring and Assessing Software Trustworthiness: Approaches and Challenges
Agenda - SCC Meeting 8: Nov 9-10 2011
Software Safety
Keeping Things “As Simple As Possible, but Not Simpler"
Robustness Assurance for Systems at Scale
Assurance Cases and Software: Is there any evidence?
What Goes Wrong With Software Development And Why?
Automotive System Safety Engineering Practitioner Knowledge
Thoughts on Assurance Cases
DI&C systems safety demonstration framework research planned
Role of Expert Judgement in Assurance
Assessing Testing Evidence: Do We Know How?
Confidence About Evidence and Its Role in an Argument
Fuzz Testing for Creating Evidence in Security Assurance Cases
The Role of Evidence in the Review of Infusion Pumps
Assuring Medical Device InteroperabilityPlug-and-Play Open Systems
Software Evidence in the Aviation Domain
Automated Assurance Cases: Why and How?