Science of Security Virtual Organization |
Graduate Summer School: Games and Contracts for Cyber-Physical Security |
2015 HCSS Conference |
Multi-Language and Multi-Prover Verification with SAWScript |
Verifiable C: Proving Functional Correctness of C Programs in Coq, e.g. SHA-256 and HMAC |
Cerberus: Towards an Executable Semantics for Sequential and Concurrent C11 |
Proof Engineering: The Soft Side of Hard Proof |
Detecting Malice in Commodity Software |
Remote Attestation for Cloud-Based Systems |
Not-quite-so-broken TLS: Lessons in Re-engineering a Security Protocol Specification and Implementation |
Rigorous Architectural Modelling for Production Multiprocessors |
Language-based Hardware Verification with ReWire: Just Say No! to Semantic Archaeology |
Achieving High Speed and High Assurance in a Hardware-Based Cross-Domain System Using Guardol |
Bringing Hardware Hacking to Life |
Building Privacy-Aware Computing Systems: An Overview of Current Capabilities and Technical Challenges |
Reconciling Provable Security and Practical Cryptography: A Programming Language Perspective |
NSA Civil Liberties & Privacy: Bridging the Art and Science of Privacy |