William Martin
William Martin

William “Brad” Martin is a Cybersecurity Subject Matter Expert (SME) within NSA’s Laboratory for Advanced Cybersecurity Research, the U.S. government’s premier cybersecurity research and design center; focused on conducting and sponsoring collaborative research in the technologies and techniques which will secure America’s information systems of tomorrow. Mr. Martin has a strong history in the area of high confidence software and systems research and development, having initiated research groups at NSA supporting development of scientific foundations and technologies for innovative systems design, systems and embedded application software, and assurance and verification to enable the routine production of reliable, robust, safe, secure, and certifiably dependable IT-centric physical and engineered systems.

Mr. Martin serves as Co-Chair of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program’s Computing-Enabled Networked Physical Systems (CNPS) Interagency Working Group (IWG). The CNPS IWG coordinates Federal R&D to advance and assure information technology-enabled systems that integrate the cyber/information, physical, and human elements. Additionally, Mr. Martin previously served as the Chair of the Special Cyber Operations Research and Engineering (SCORE) Subcommittee, a Subcommittee of the NSTC Committee on Homeland & National Security. The SCORE Subcommittee is focused on enhancing coordination and collaboration across the classified cyber research community, and specifically scoped for science and technology for national security needs in cyber.
