C3E 2024 One-Day Planning Meeting Agenda
The Governor Calvert House - 58 State Circle, Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Jonas Green Room

0800 - 0830

Check-in | Networking
0830 - 0835 Welcome, Opening Remarks, and Workshop Introduction
Sponsors: Glenn Lilly (NSA) and Brad Martin (DARPA)
0835 - 0900 Lightning Round
(1-minute of fame)
0900 - 0945 Invited Talk: From Paper Piles to Predictive Platforms: Transforming Aerospace Design
Tim Booher (Boeing)
0945 - 1000 Morning Break
1000 - 1045 Invited Talk: From Brain to Bytes: Championing the Human in Artificial Intelligence
Kristen Greene (NIST)
1045 - 1115

Introduction of Track Themes by Track Leads

  • Sociotechnical Aspects of Human-AI Systems
  • Generative AI for Specifications
1115 - 1215 Content Development Session
Led by Track Leads
1215 - 1330 Lunch (on your own)
1330 - 1545 Content Development Session
Led by Track Leads
1545 - 1600 Afternoon Break
1600 - 1615 Challenge Problem Introduction
Dan Wolf (CPVI)
1615 - 1645 Development Session Outbriefs
 Track Delegates
1645 - 1700 Closing Remarks and Next Steps
Glenn Lilly (NSA) and Brad Martin (DARPA)
1700 Adjourn