  • "Hackers Using Blockchain to Keep Authorities at Bay & to Sustain Operations"
    Cybercriminals are taking advantage of the security offered by blockchain technologies to protect their malicious operations from being taken down by law enforcement authorities. According to a report released by security firm, RSA, cybercriminals are…
  • "Insider Threat Seriously Undermining Healthcare Cybersecurity"
    Reports released by Verizon and Accenture indicate that the healthcare sector experiences more security incidents involving insiders than any other sector. Financial gain was found to be the main motivation behind security incidents involving insiders.…
  • "Researchers Bypassed Windows Password Locks With Cortana Voice Commands"
    Researchers have discovered a way in which an attacker can circumvent password-lock protection and install malware on Windows 10 machines through the use of the built-in voice-controlled virtual assistant, Cortana. As Cortana is still able to be…
  • "Hacking Operation Uses Malicious Word Documents to Target Aid Organizations"
    Security researchers at McAfee Labs have discovered a malware campaign that has targeted humanitarian aid organizations. The campaign called Operation Honeybee distributes modified Syscon malware via Word documents that could allow attackers to create…
  • "Is Your IoT Strategy Creating Security Holes?"
    Osterman Research conducted a survey to which individuals with security experience or knowledge within midsize and large organizations responded. The survey revealed that many organizations still do not consider IoT security strategies to be of…
  • "For Hackers, Uniformity Is Path of Least Resistance"
    Enforcing the uniformity of hardware, software, and operating systems is the standard way in which organizations attempt to strengthen their cyber environment. However, the uniformity of such components can help in the development of security…
  • "Five Threat Groups Target Industrial Systems: Dragos"
    Industrial cybersecurity firm, Dragos, recently released a report in which it is revealed that at least five threat groups have performed activities focused on industrial control systems (ICS). The five threat groups that Dragos has been monitoring…
  • "Developer Training Is the Key to Implementing Security into DevOps, CA Veracode Says"
    In order to achieve DevSecOps through the implementation of security into the software development and software operation (DevOps) process,  developers must receive adequate application security training. Organizations are encouraged to provide…
  • "Record-Breaking Github DDoS Attack: Here’s What Enterprises Need to Know"
    GitHub was faced with the most massive DDoS attack ever recorded. The DDoS attack used a recently detected method to launch such attacks in which Memcached servers are abused by hackers. This article continues to discuss the attack and the expected…
  • "New Android Malware Family Highlights Evolving Mobile Threat Capabilities"
    A new Android malware family by the name of RedDrop was discovered by security vendor Wandera. RedDrop is capable of performing malicious activities such as stealing different types of data, eavesdropping on users via live audio recording, and increasing…
  • "Real-time Captcha Technique Improves Biometric Authentication"
    Cybersecurity specialists at the Georgia Institute of Technology developed a new approach to login authentication that could improve upon the security of standard biometrics methods in which video or images of users’ faces are utilized. The technique…
  • "Cyber Crooks Are Using Swift to Launch New Sophisticated Attacks, Security Researchers Warn"
    SWIFT is a financial messaging service that is being used by attackers to execute new complex cyberattacks against users of the platform. According to experts from Comodo Threat Research Lab, attackers are using the messaging service to infiltrate the…