  • “Miners on the Rise”
    Miners are one of the classes of malware that have increasingly been encountered by users recently. Malicious threat actors could collect cryptocurrency by deceiving unsuspecting users into installing mining software on their computer systems. Threat…
  • “No Nuclear Weapon Is Safe from Cyberattacks”
    Though a nuclear weapons system has not suffered a cyberattack as of yet, security researchers claim that such attacks on this system are far from impossible. The exploitation of any vulnerability within this system by cyberattackers could significantly…
  • “Low-Cost Tools Making Cybercrime More Accessible: SecureWorks”
    A report released by the security vendor, SecureWorks, says that tools used in the performance of malicious cyber activities are becoming more affordable, thus increasing the accessibility to such tools for cybercriminals. Less-skilled cybercriminals…
  • Winner Annouced for 5th Annual Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper Competition
    You Get Where You're Looking For: The Impact of Information Sources on Code Security (Free Open Access Copy) by Yasemin Acar, Michael Backes, Sascha Fahl, Doowon Kim, Michelle L. Mazurek, Christian Stransky is the Winner of the 5th Annual Best Scientific…
  • “Malware-Infected CCleaner Installer Distributed to Users Via Official Servers for a Month”
    Researchers from Cisco Systems’ Talos group have detected malware that has been embedded into the installer of a popular utilities program by the name of CCleaner. The maliciously modified CCleaner installer has been discovered by researchers to…
  • “Bill Creating an Office of Cyber Issues in the State Department Proposed”
    The Cyber Diplomacy Act of 2017 has been introduced by a bipartisan group of Representatives that would create an Office of Cyber Issues at the State Department as well as require the development of a public international cyberspace strategy by the…
  • “‘The Dark Side' of Quantum Computers”
    As the age of fully developed quantum computers approaches, researchers are quickly trying to develop post-quantum cryptographic methods as such advanced technology is expected to break current encryption algorithms, RSA and ECC. Current encryption …
  • “Organizations struggle to maximize the value of threat intelligence”
    A survey conducted by Ponemon Institute finds that most organizations acknowledge the importance of threat intelligence in achieving a strong security posture. However, many of the organizations that participated in this survey, still find it difficult…
  • “New Attack Abuses CDNs to Spread Malware”
    Security firm, ESET, has warned of the increasing use of content delivery networks (CDNs) by hackers to spread malware. In a recently launched attack that targeted users in Brazil, attackers used a standard by the name of “downAndExec” in the…
  • “Thousands of Elasticsearch Servers Hijacked to Host PoS Malware”
    Analysis conducted by Kromtech Security Center has revealed that 15,000 Elasticsearch servers are insecure with 4,000 of those servers hosting point-of-sale (POS) malware strains by the names of Alina and JackPos. These servers are insecure as they lack…
  • “Recycled Electronic Waste Adds to Cybersecurity Concerns”
    Improper disposal or destruction of recycled hardware devices raises cybersecurity concerns as such devices could still contain sensitive data that could be extracted by anyone. Electronic waste derives from inevitable device updates that are carried out…
  • "Fitness Trackers Could Benefit from Better Security, Study Finds"
    A team of researchers at the University of Edinburgh discovered a method, which hackers could use to interreupt messages in their transmission between fitness trackers and cloud servers. In the demonstration of this method, researchers were able to…