"Real-time Captcha Technique Improves Biometric Authentication"Cybersecurity specialists at the Georgia Institute of Technology developed a new approach to login authentication that could improve upon the security of standard biometrics methods in which video or images of users’ faces are utilized. The technique…
"Cyber Crooks Are Using Swift to Launch New Sophisticated Attacks, Security Researchers Warn"SWIFT is a financial messaging service that is being used by attackers to execute new complex cyberattacks against users of the platform. According to experts from Comodo Threat Research Lab, attackers are using the messaging service to infiltrate the…
"Basic Password Guidance Can Dramatically Improve Account Security, Study Shows"Providing technology users with more guidance in the creation of passwords can significantly improve upon account security as indicated by a recent study led by the University of Plymouth. As end users continue to be the weakest link leading to breaches…
"Winter Olympics Hack Shows How Advanced Groups Can Fake Attribution"A recent malware attack that disrupted the opening ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics highlights the difficulty of tracking and identifying the perpetrators behind an attack. The malware called the “Olympic Destroyer” contained code deriving from other…
"Global AI experts warn of malicious use of AI in the coming decade"Twenty-six experts from different organizations and disciplines collaborated on a report in which they emphasize the potential misuse of artificial intelligence (AI) by malicious actors to launch new highly-sophisticated cyberattacks. The report…
"FTC Warning Users to Do Homework Before Using VPN Apps"The FTC warned users of the security and privacy issues discovered to be surrounding VPN apps. A study conducted by the FTC in which 300 VPN apps were examined, revealed that many of the apps lacked encryption and made requests for sensitive…
SoS Musings #11 - What’s the Buzz in Academic Research?SoS Musings #11 What’s the Buzz in Academic Research?
"Global Megatrends That Are Problematic for the State of Cybersecurity"The Ponemon Institute conducted the 2018 Global Megatrends in Cybersecurity survey to which 1,100 senior-level IT and IT security global practitioners responded. Although the sophistication and hostility of cyber threats continues to grow, cybersecurity…
Cyber Scene #18 - Thinking Globally, Acting LocallyCyber Scene #18 Thinking Globally Tech Olympiad: Higher, Faster and Perhaps Lower Poles (and others) in the Tent
"OMG! Mirai Variant Creates Proxy Servers"Researchers at FortiGuard Labs have discovered a new variant of the Mirai botnet. In addition to having DDoS attack capabilities, the botnet called OMG has also been discovered by researchers to be turning vulnerable IoT devices into proxy servers for…
"The Toolset of an Elite North Korean Hacker Group On the Rise"FireEye released details pertaining to a North Korean hacking group dubbed APT37. According to security researchers, APT37 has mostly launched attacks on South Korean targets through the use of a wide range of penetration techniques and custom-written…