  • "Data Privacy - Are You Sure You Want a Cookie?"
    New research from Copenhagen Business School finds that the designers of cookie banners can impact users' privacy choices through the manipulation of the choice architecture. Simple changes can increase absolute consent by 17 percent. A website cookie…
  • "Sophos Warns of Discord-Borne Malware"
    Researchers at the cybersecurity firm Sophos analyzed over 1,800 malicious files on Discord's Content Distribution Network (CDN) that were detected by the company's telemetry. According to Sophos, the number of URLs hosting malware on the collaboration…
  • "Scammers Are Using Fake Microsoft 11 Installers to Spread Malware"
    Security researchers at Kaspersky have warned that crooks are exploiting people who are overeager to get their hands on the new Microsoft operating system update, due for a fall release, with fake installers.  The researchers stated that although…
  • "CBP Cybersecurity Failures Left Travelers' Personal Info at Risk, IG Says"
    According to a recent DHS Office of Inspector General audit, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) failed to ensure that its Mobile Passport Control (MPC) applications were protected from cybersecurity threats. The internal watchdog report found that the…
  • "Malware Makers Using ‘Exotic’ Programming Languages"
    Researchers from BlackBerry Research and Intelligence Team have found that malware authors are increasingly using rarely spotted programming languages such as Go, Rust, Nim, and DLang to rewrite old tools, create new tools, and to hinder analysis. The…
  • "How Android Unlocking Patterns Could Be Made More Secure"
    Android device users can unlock the display by entering a pattern, often in the shape of a letter. While this function is convenient, it is less secure than using a PIN. An international research team recommends the implementation of a blocklist on…
  • "Misconceptions Plague Security and Privacy Tools"
    A study conducted by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University's CyLab found that people have many misconceptions about the available security and privacy tools meant to protect their privacy and online security. The researchers surveyed 500…
  • "Memory Corruption Issues Lead 2021 CWE Top 25"
    Memory corruption errors are still considered one of the most common and critical vulnerabilities in modern software. The MITRE-operated Homeland Security Systems Engineering and Development Institute places memory corruption errors at the top of the 25…
  • "Netskope Report Finds Cloud-Delivered Malware Increased 68% in Q2"
    Netskope recently released the fifth edition of its Cloud and Threat Report covering the cloud data risks, threats, and trends they see throughout the quarter.  The report noted that cloud storage apps account for more than 66% of cloud malware…
  • "Kaseya Obtains Universal Decryptor for REvil Ransomware"
    Kaseya has obtained a master decryptor key for the REvil ransomware that locked up the systems of at least 60 of its customers in a spate of worldwide cyberattacks on July 2. The attacks, which exploited now-patched zero-days in the Kaseya Virtual System…
  • "New Cybersecurity Education and Research Institute"
    Washington State University (WSU) was selected to receive a $1.5 million Department of Defense (DOD) grant to set up a new cybersecurity education and research program. The Northwest Virtual Institute for Cybersecurity Education and Research (CySER)…
  • "Financial Services Accounting For Nearly 40% of All Phishing URLs"
    Researchers at Vade discovered that there had been a significant jump in phishing attacks since the start of the year, with a 281 percent spike in May and another 284 percent increase in June, for a total of 4.2 billion phishing emails detected by Vade…