  • "MosaicLoader Malware Delivers Facebook Stealers, RATs"
    Researchers at Bitdefender have discovered a never-before-documented Windows malware strain dubbed MosaicLoader.  MosaicLoader is spreading indiscriminately worldwide through paid ads in search results, targeting people looking for pirated software…
  • "Cybersecurity Training Program Teaches How to Fend Off Attacks"
    IT Governance USA calls on organizations to implement cybersecurity training in the onboarding process for all new employees. This training should include examples of security incidents and the details of those who should be contacted in the event that…
  • "Facebook Suspends Accounts Used by Iranian Hackers to Target US Military Personnel"
    Facebooks takes down over 200 Iranian Hacker Accounts used to target US Military Personnel This week Facebook disabled a sophisticated online cyber espionage campaign by Iranian threat actor AKA Tortoiseshell which was targeting about 200 military…
  • "Ruthless Attackers Target Florida Condo Collapse Victims"
    It has recently been discovered that adversaries are stealing the identities of those lost in the condo-collapse tragedy.  Families mourning the loss of loved ones to the partial collapse of the Champlain Towers South condo building in Surfside,…
  • "Hackers Got Past Windows Hello by Tricking a Webcam"
    Researchers from the security firm CyberArk have discovered a potential vulnerability in Microsoft's facial recognition technology. They demonstrated a new method for deceiving Microsoft's Windows Hello facial recognition system. Windows Hello facial…
  • "CISA Issues Mitigation Tips for Common Attack Tactics"
    The U.S. Homeland Security Department's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has made high-level recommendations for mitigating six stages of a sample attack pathway. The six stages identified by CISA include initial access, command…
  • "US Blames China For Microsoft Hacking, Ransomware Attacks as Part of Global Condemnation"
    On Monday, the United States and their allies blamed China for exploiting flaws in the Microsoft Exchange Server that enabled worldwide ransomware attacks on tens of thousands of victims.  It was part of a multi-front response Monday from the…
  • "U.S. Government Sets up Ransomware Task Force, Offers $10 Million Reward for Info"
    The U.S. Department of Justice said in the announcement that ransomware is a long-standing problem and a growing national security threat. Tackling this challenge requires collaboration across every level of government, the private sector, and our…
  • "Encrypting Photos on the Cloud to Keep Them Private"
    Online photo collections must be secured as they can provide a gold mine of personal data to attackers. A new study by computer scientists at Columbia Engineering has revealed what could potentially be the first way to encrypt personal images on widely…
  • "New Research Shows Cryptographic Vulnerabilities on Popular Messaging Platform, Telegram"
    Researchers from Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL), are part of a team, which conducted a security analysis of the encryption protocol used by the popular Telegram messaging platform that is used by more than half a billion active users…
  • "Iranian Spies Tried Hacking US Military Personnel by Posing as Job Recruiters on Facebook"
    Facebook discovered on Thursday that Iranian government-backed hackers were targeting U.S. military personnel and companies in the defense and aerospace industries, primarily in the US and to a lesser extent in the UK and Europe, on their platform.…
  • "A New Feature Selection Technique For Intrusion Detection Systems"
    Network-based technologies continue to grow in use among individuals, professionals, and businesses worldwide. However, most network-based systems have been discovered to be significantly vulnerable to attacks. A malicious attack on network-based systems…