The Internet of Things (IoT) is advancing technology by creating smart surroundings that make it easier for humans to do their work. This technological advancement not only improves human life and expands economic opportunities, but also allows intruders or attackers to discover and exploit numerous methods in order to circumvent the security of IoT networks. Hence, security and privacy are the key concerns to the IoT networks. It is vital to protect computer and IoT networks from many sorts of anomalies and attacks. Traditional intrusion detection systems (IDS) collect and employ large amounts of data with irrelevant and inappropriate attributes to train machine learning models, resulting in long detection times and a high rate of misclassification. This research presents an advance approach for the design of IDS for IoT networks based on the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (PSO) for feature selection and the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGB) model for PSO fitness function. The classifier utilized in the intrusion detection process is Random Forest (RF). The IoTID20 is being utilized to evaluate the efficacy and robustness of our suggested strategy. The proposed system attains the following level of accuracy on the IoTID20 dataset for different levels of classification: Binary classification 98 %, multiclass classification 83 %. The results indicate that the proposed framework effectively detects cyber threats and improves the security of IoT networks.
Authored by Asima Sarwar, Salva Hasan, Waseem Khan, Salman Ahmed, Safdar Marwat
Metaverse technologies depend on various advanced human-computer interaction (HCI) devices to be supported by extended reality (XR) technology. Many new HCI devices are supported by wireless Internet of Things (IoT) networks, where a reliable routing scheme is essential for seamless data trans-mission. Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy networks (RPL) is a key routing technology used in IPv6-based low power and lossy networks (LLNs). However, in the networks that are configured, such as small wireless devices applying the IEEE 802.15.4 standards, due to the lack of a system that manages the identity (ID) at the center, the maliciously compromised nodes can make fabricated IDs and pretend to be a legitimate node. This behavior is called Sybil attack, which is very difficult to respond to since attackers use multiple fabricated IDs which are legally disguised. In this paper, Sybil attack countermeasures on RPL-based networks published in recent studies are compared and limitations are analyzed through simulation performance analysis.
Authored by Jae-Dong Kim, Minseok Ko, Jong-Moon Chung
Vehicular Fog Computing (VFC) has been proposed to address the security and response time issues of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) in latency-sensitive vehicular network environments, due to the frequent interactions that VANETs need to have with cloud servers. However, the anonymity protection mechanism in VFC may cause the attacker to launch Sybil attacks by fabricating or creating multiple pseudonyms to spread false information in the network, which poses a severe security threat to the vehicle driving. Therefore, in this paper, we summarize different types of Sybil attack detection mechanisms in VFC for the first time, and provide a comprehensive comparison of these schemes. In addition, we also summarize the possible impacts of different types of Sybil attacks on VFC. Finally, we summarize challenges and prospects of future research on Sybil attack detection mechanisms in VFC.
Authored by Haonan Yang, Yongchao Zhong, Bo Yang, Yiyu Yang, Zifeng Xu, Longjuan Wang, Yuqing Zhang
While vehicle-to-everything communication technology enables information sharing and cooperative control for vehicles, it also poses a significant threat to the vehicles' driving security owing to cyber-attacks. In particular, Sybil malicious attacks hidden in the vehicle broadcast information flow are challenging to detect, thereby becoming an urgent issue requiring attention. Several researchers have considered this problem and proposed different detection schemes. However, the detection performance of existing schemes based on plausibility checks and neighboring observers is affected by the traffic and attacker densities. In this study, we propose a malicious attack detection scheme based on traffic-flow information fusion, which enables the detection of Sybil attacks without neighboring observer nodes. Our solution is based on the basic safety message, which is broadcast by vehicles periodically. It first constructs the basic features of traffic flow to reflect the traffic state, subsequently fuses it with the road detector information to add the road fusion features, and then classifies them using machine learning algorithms to identify malicious attacks. The experimental results demonstrate that our scheme achieves the detection of Sybil attacks with an accuracy greater than 90 % at different traffic and attacker densities. Our solutions provide security for achieving a usable vehicle communication network.
Authored by Ye Chen, Yingxu Lai, Zhaoyi Zhang, Hanmei Li, Yuhang Wang
Sybil attack is one of the most dangerous internal attacks in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET). It affects the function of the VANET network by maliciously claiming or stealing multiple identity propagation error messages. In order to prevent VANET from Sybil attacks, many solutions have been proposed. However, the existing solutions are specific to the physical or application layer's single-level data and lack research on cross-layer information fusion detection. Moreover, these schemes involve a large number of sensitive data access and transmission, do not consider users' privacy, and can also bring a severe communication burden, which will make these schemes unable to be actually implemented. In this context, this paper introduces FedMix, the first federated Sybil attack detection system that considers cross-layer information fusion and provides privacy protection. The system can integrate VANET physical layer data and application layer data for joint analyses simultaneously. The data resides locally in the vehicle for local training. Then, the central agency only aggregates the generated model and finally distributes it to the vehicles for attack detection. This process does not involve transmitting and accessing any vehicle's original data. Meanwhile, we also designed a new model aggregation algorithm called SFedAvg to solve the problems of unbalanced vehicle data quality and low aggregation efficiency. Experiments show that FedMix can provide an intelligent model with equivalent performance under the premise of privacy protection and significantly reduce communication overhead, compared with the traditional centralized training attack detection model. In addition, the SFedAvg algorithm and cross-layer information fusion bring better aggregation efficiency and detection performance, respectively.
Authored by Jing Zhao, Ruwu Wang
Any decentralized, biased distributed network is susceptible to the Sybil malicious attack, in which a malicious node masquerades as numerous different nodes, collectively referred to as Sybil nodes, causing the network to become unresponsive. Cloud computing environments are characterized by their loosely linked nature, which means that no node has comprehensive information of the entire system. In order to prevent Sybil attacks in cloud computing systems, it is necessary to detect them as soon as they occur. The network’s ability to function properly A Sybil attacker has the ability to construct. It is necessary to have multiple identities on a single physical device in order to execute a concerted attack on the network or switch between networks identities in order to make the detection process more difficult, and thereby lack of accountability is being promoted throughout the network. The purpose of this study is to Various varieties of Sybil assaults have been documented, including those that occur in Peer-to-peer reputation systems, self-organizing networks, and other similar technologies. The topic of social network systems is discussed. In addition, there are other approaches in which it has been urged over time that they be reduced or eliminated Their potential risks are also thoroughly investigated.
Authored by Ravula Kumar, Srikar Konda, Ramesh Karnati, Ravi Kumar.E, NarenderRavula
The intrusion detection systems are vital for the sustainability of Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) and the detection of sybil attacks are particularly challenging. In this work, we propose a novel approach for the detection of sybil attacks in C-ITS environments. We provide an evaluation of our approach using extensive simulations that rely on real traces, showing our detection approach's effectiveness.
Authored by Badis Hammi, Mohamed Idir, Rida Khatoun
Smart cities are a wide range of projects made to facilitate the problems of everyday life and ensure security. Our interest focuses only on the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) that takes care of the transportation issues using the Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) paradigm as its base. VANETs are a promising technology for autonomous driving that provides many benefits to the user conveniences to improve road safety and driving comfort. VANET is a promising technology for autonomous driving that provides many benefits to the user's conveniences by improving road safety and driving comfort. The problem with such rapid development is the continuously increasing digital threats. Among all these threats, we will target the Sybil attack since it has been proved to be one of the most dangerous attacks in VANETs. It allows the attacker to generate multiple forged identities to disseminate numerous false messages, disrupt safety-related services, or misuse the systems. In addition, Machine Learning (ML) is showing a significant influence on classification problems, thus we propose a behavior-based classification algorithm that is tested on the provided VeReMi dataset coupled with various machine learning techniques for comparison. The simulation results prove the ability of our proposed mechanism to detect the Sybil attack in VANETs.
Authored by Dhia Laouiti, Marwane Ayaida, Nadhir Messai, Sameh Najeh, Leila Najjar, Ferdaous Chaabane
As a result of the inherent weaknesses of the wireless medium, ad hoc networks are susceptible to a broad variety of threats and assaults. As a direct consequence of this, intrusion detection, as well as security, privacy, and authentication in ad-hoc networks, have developed into a primary focus of current study. This body of research aims to identify the dangers posed by a variety of assaults that are often seen in wireless ad-hoc networks and provide strategies to counteract those dangers. The Black hole assault, Wormhole attack, Selective Forwarding attack, Sybil attack, and Denial-of-Service attack are the specific topics covered in this thesis. In this paper, we describe a trust-based safe routing protocol with the goal of mitigating the interference of black hole nodes in the course of routing in mobile ad-hoc networks. The overall performance of the network is negatively impacted when there are black hole nodes in the route that routing takes. As a result, we have developed a routing protocol that reduces the likelihood that packets would be lost as a result of black hole nodes. This routing system has been subjected to experimental testing in order to guarantee that the most secure path will be selected for the delivery of packets between a source and a destination. The invasion of wormholes into a wireless network results in the segmentation of the network as well as a disorder in the routing. As a result, we provide an effective approach for locating wormholes by using ordinal multi-dimensional scaling and round trip duration in wireless ad hoc networks with either sparse or dense topologies. Wormholes that are linked by both short route and long path wormhole linkages may be found using the approach that was given. In order to guarantee that this ad hoc network does not include any wormholes that go unnoticed, this method is subjected to experimental testing. In order to fight against selective forwarding attacks in wireless ad-hoc networks, we have developed three different techniques. The first method is an incentive-based algorithm that makes use of a reward-punishment system to drive cooperation among three nodes for the purpose of vi forwarding messages in crowded ad-hoc networks. A unique adversarial model has been developed by our team, and inside it, three distinct types of nodes and the activities they participate in are specified. We have shown that the suggested strategy that is based on incentives prohibits nodes from adopting an individualistic behaviour, which ensures collaboration in the process of packet forwarding. To guarantee that intermediate nodes in resource-constrained ad-hoc networks accurately convey packets, the second approach proposes a game theoretic model that uses non-cooperative game theory. This model is based on the idea that game theory may be used. This game reaches a condition of desired equilibrium, which assures that cooperation in multi-hop communication is physically possible, and it is this state that is discovered. In the third algorithm, we present a detection approach that locates malicious nodes in multihop hierarchical ad-hoc networks by employing binary search and control packets. We have shown that the cluster head is capable of accurately identifying the malicious node by analysing the sequences of packets that are dropped along the path leading from a source node to the cluster head. A lightweight symmetric encryption technique that uses Binary Playfair is presented here as a means of safeguarding the transport of data. We demonstrate via experimentation that the suggested encryption method is efficient with regard to the amount of energy used, the amount of time required for encryption, and the memory overhead. This lightweight encryption technique is used in clustered wireless ad-hoc networks to reduce the likelihood of a sybil attack occurring in such networks
Authored by Chethana C, Piyush Pareek, Victor de Albuquerque, Ashish Khanna, Deepak Gupta
Vehicular crowdsensing (VCS) is a subset of crowd-sensing where data collection is outsourced to group vehicles. Here, an entity interested in collecting data from a set of Places of Sensing Interest (PsI), advertises a set of sensing tasks, and the associated rewards. Vehicles attracted by the offered rewards deviate from their ongoing trajectories to visit and collect from one or more PsI. In this win-to-win scenario, vehicles reach their final destination with the extra reward, and the entity obtains the desired samples. Unfortunately, the efficiency of VCS can be undermined by the Sybil attack, in which an attacker can benefit from the injection of false vehicle identities. In this paper, we present a case study and analyze the effects of such an attack. We also propose a defense mechanism based on generative adversarial neural networks (GANs). We discuss GANs' advantages, and drawbacks in the context of VCS, and new trends in GANs' training that make them suitable for VCS.
Authored by Luis Jaimes, Juan Calderon, Scott Shriver, Antonio Hendricks, Javier Lozada, Sivasundaram Seenith, Harish Chintakunta
In most PUF-based authentication schemes, a central server is usually engaged to verify the response of the device’s PUF to challenge bit-streams. However, the server availability may be intermittent in practice. To tackle such an issue, this paper proposes a new protocol for supporting distributed authentication while avoiding vulnerability to information leakage where CRPs could be retrieved from hacked devices and collectively used to model the PUF. The main idea is to provision for scrambling the challenge bit-stream in a way that is dependent on the verifier. The scrambling pattern varies per authentication round for each device and independently across devices. In essence, the scrambling function becomes node- and packetspecific and the response received by two verifiers of one device for the same challenge bit-stream could vary. Thus, neither the scrambling function can be reverted, nor the PUF can be modeled even by a collusive set of malicious nodes. The validation results using data of an FPGA-based implementation demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in thwarting PUF modeling attacks by collusive actors. We also discuss the approach resiliency against impersonation, Sybil, and reverse engineering attacks.
Authored by Mohammad Ebrahimabadi, Mohamed Younis, Wassila Lalouani, Naghmeh Karimi
Logistics risk assessment in the supply chain is considered as one of the important topics that has attracted the attention of researchers in recent years; Companies that struggle to manage their logistical risks by not putting in place resilient strategies to mitigate them, may suffer from significant financial losses; The automotive industry is a vital sector for the Moroccan economy, the year 2020, the added-value of the automotive industry in Morocco is higher than that of the fertilizer (Fathi, n.d.) [1], This sector is considered the first exporter of the country. Our study will focuses on the assessment of the pure logistical risks in the moroccan automotive industry. Our main objective for this study is to assess the logistical risks which will allow us to put in place proactive and predictive resilient strategies for their mitigation.
Authored by Nabil Kayouh, Btissam Dkhissi
The assurance of the operability of surface water treatment facilities lies in many factors, but the factor with the largest impact on said assurance is the availability of the necessary chemicals. Facilities across the country vary in their processes and sources, but all require chemicals to produce potable water. The purpose of this project was to develop a risk assessment tool to determine the shortfalls and risks in the water treatment industry's chemical supply chain, which was used to produce a risk mitigation plan ensuring plant operability. To achieve this, a Fault Tree was built to address four main areas of concern: (i) market supply and demand, (ii) chemical substitutability, (iii) chemical transportation, and (iv) chemical storage process. Expert elicitation was then conducted to formulate a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and develop Radar Charts, regarding the operations and management of specific plants. These tools were then employed to develop a final risk mitigation plan comprising two parts: (i) a quantitative analysis comparing and contrasting the risks of the water treatment plants under study and (ii) a qualitative recommendation for each of the plants-both culminating in a mitigation model on how to control and monitor chemical-related risks.
Authored by Syrine Mefteh, Alexa Rosdahl, Kaitlin Fagan, Anirudh Kumar
The purpose of this research work is to develop an approach based on risk management with a view to provide managers and decision-makers with assistance and appropriate guidelines to combine Lean and Green in a successful and integrated way. Risk cannot be managed if not well-identified; hence, a classification of supply chain risks in a Lean Green context was provided. Subsequently to risk identification an approach based on Weighted Product Method (WPM) was proposed; for risk assessment and prioritization, for its ease of use, flexibility and board adaptability. The output of this analysis provides visibility about organization's position toward desired performance and underlines crucial risks to be addressed which marks the starting point of the way to performance improvement. A case study was introduced to demonstrate the applicability and relevance of the developed framework.
Authored by Essaber Ezzahra, Benmoussa Rachid, De Roland
Today’s Supply Chains (SC) are engulfed in a maelstrom of risks which arise mainly from uncertain, contradictory, and incomplete information. A decision-making process is required in order to detect threats, assess risks, and implements mitigation methods to address these issues. However, Neutrosophic Data Analytic Hierarchy Process (NDAHP) allows for a more realistic reflection of real-world problems while taking into account all factors that lead to effective risk assessment for Multi Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM). The purpose of this paper consists of an implementation of the NDAHP for MCDM aiming to identifying, ranking, prioritizing and analyzing risks without considering SC’ expert opinions. To that end, we proceed, first, for selecting and analyzing the most 23 relevant risk indicators that have a significant impact on the SC considering three criteria: severity, occurrence, and detection. After that, the NDAHP method is implemented and showcased, on the selected risk indicators, throw an illustrative example. Finally, we discuss the usability and effectiveness of the suggested method for the SCRM purposes.
Authored by Ahlem Meziani, Abdelhabib Bourouis, Mohamed Chebout
Vendor cybersecurity risk assessment is of critical importance to smart city infrastructure and sustainability of the autonomous mobility ecosystem. Lack of engagement in cybersecurity policies and process implementation by the tier companies providing hardware or services to OEMs within this ecosystem poses a significant risk to not only the individual companies but to the ecosystem overall. The proposed quantitative method of estimating cybersecurity risk allows vendors to have visibility to the financial risk associated with potential threats and to consequently allocate adequate resources to cybersecurity. It facilitates faster implementation of defense measures and provides a useful tool in the vendor selection process. The paper focuses on cybersecurity risk assessment as a critical part of the overall company mission to create a sustainable structure for maintaining cybersecurity health. Compound cybersecurity risk and impact on company operations as outputs of this quantitative analysis present a unique opportunity to strategically plan and make informed decisions towards acquiring a reputable position in a sustainable ecosystem. This method provides attack trees and assigns a risk factor to each vendor thus offering a competitive advantage and an insight into the supply chain risk map. This is an innovative way to look at vendor cybersecurity posture. Through a selection of unique industry specific parameters and a modular approach, this risk assessment model can be employed as a tool to navigate the supply base and prevent significant financial cost. It generates synergies within the connected vehicle ecosystem leading to a safe and sustainable economy.
Authored by Albena Tzoneva, Galina Momcheva, Borislav Stoyanov
Design of smart risk assessment system for the agricultural products and the food safety inspection based on multivariate data analysis is studied in this paper. The designed quality traceability system also requires the collaboration and cooperation of various companies in the supply chain, and a unified database, including agricultural product identification system, code system and security status system, is required to record in detail the trajectory and status of agricultural products in the logistics chain. For the improvement, the multivariate data analysis is combined. Hadoop cannot be used on hardware with high price and high reliability. Even for groups with high probability of the problems, HDFS will continue to use when facing problems, and at the same time. Hence, the core model of HDFS is applied into the system. In the verification part, the analytic performance is simulated.
Authored by Yue Li, Yunjuan Zhang
Due to the increasing complexity of modern hetero-geneous System-on-Chips (SoC) and the growing vulnerabilities, security risk assessment and quantification is required to measure the trustworthiness of a SoC. This paper describes a systematic approach to model the security risk of a system for malicious hardware attacks. The proposed method uses graph analysis to assess the impact of an attack and the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is used to quantify the security level of the system. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed metric, we consider two open source SoC benchmarks with different architectures. The overall risk is calculated using the proposed metric by computing the exploitability and impact of attack on critical components of a SoC.
Authored by Sujan Saha, Joel Mbongue, Christophe Bobda
This paper proposes a cybersecurity maturity model to assess the capabilities of medical organizations to identify their level of maturity, prioritizing privacy and personal data protection. There are problems such as data breaches, the lack of security measures in health information, and the poor capacity of organizations to handle cybersecurity threats that generate concern in the health sector as they seek to mitigate risks in cyberspace. The proposal, based upon C2M2 (Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model), incorporates practices and controls which allow organizations to identify security gaps generated through cyberattacks on sensitive health patient data. This model seeks to integrate the best practices related to privacy and protection of personal data in the Peruvian legal framework through the Administrative Directive No. 294-MINSA and the personal data protection Act No. 29733. The model consists of 3 evaluation phases. 1. Assessment planning; 2. Execution of the evaluation; 3. Implementation of improvements. The model was validated and tested in a public sector medical organization in Lima, Peru. The preliminary results showed that the organization is at Level 1 with 14% of compliance with established controls, 34% in risk, threat and vulnerability management practices and 19% in supply chain management. These the 3 highest percentages of the 10 evaluated domains.
Authored by Aarón Rojas, Erick Valencia, Jimmy Armas-Aguirre, Juan Molina
Under the new situation of China's new infrastructure and digital transformation and upgrading, large IT companies such as the United States occupy the market of key information infrastructure components in important fields such as power and energy in China, which makes the risk of key information infrastructure in China's power enterprises become more and more prominent. In the power Internet of Things environment where everything is connected, the back doors and loopholes of basic software and hardware caused by the supply chain risks of key information infrastructure have broken through the foundation of power cyber-security and information security defense, and the security risk management of power key information infrastructure cyber-security has become urgent. Therefore, this paper studies the construction of the cyber-security management framework of key information infrastructure suitable for electric power enterprises, and defines the security risk assessment norms of each link of equipment access to the network. Implement the national cyber-security requirements, promote the cyber-security risk controllable assessment service of key information infrastructure, improve the security protection level of power grid information system from the source, and promote the construction and improvement of the network and information security system of power industry.
Authored by Guoying Zhang, Yongchao Xu, Yushuo Hou, Lu Cui, Qian Wang
Security and Controls with Data privacy in Internet of Things (IoT) devices is not only a present and future technology that is projected to connect a multitude of devices, but it is also a critical survival factor for IoT to thrive. As the quantity of communications increases, massive amounts of data are expected to be generated, posing a threat to both physical device and data security. In the Internet of Things architecture, small and low-powered devices are widespread. Due to their complexity, traditional encryption methods and algorithms are computationally expensive, requiring numerous rounds to encrypt and decode, squandering the limited energy available on devices. A simpler cryptographic method, on the other hand, may compromise the intended confidentiality and integrity. This study examines two lightweight encryption algorithms for Android devices: AES and RSA. On the other hand, the traditional AES approach generates preset encryption keys that the sender and receiver share. As a result, the key may be obtained quickly. In this paper, we present an improved AES approach for generating dynamic keys.
Authored by RV Chandrashekhar, J Visumathi, PeterSoosai Anandaraj
Obfuscation refers to changing the structure of code in a way that original semantics can be hidden. These techniques are often used by application developers for code hardening but it has been found that obfuscation techniques are widely used by malware developers in order to hide the work flow and semantics of malicious code. Class Encryption, Code Re-Ordering, Junk Code insertion and Control Flow modifications are Code Obfuscation techniques. In these techniques, code of the application is changed. These techniques change the signature of the application and also affect the systems that use sequence of instructions in order to detect maliciousness of an application. In this paper an ’Opcode sequence’ based detection system is designed and tested against obfuscated samples. It has been found that the system works efficiently for the detection of non obfuscated samples but the performance is effected significantly against obfuscated samples. The study tests different code obfuscation schemes and reports the effect of each on sequential opcode based analytic system.
Authored by Saneeha Khalid, Faisal Hussain
KYC or Know Your Customer is the procedure to verify the individuality of its consumers & evaluating the possible dangers of illegitimate trade relations. A few problems with the existing KYC manual process are that it is less secure, time-consuming and expensive. With the advent of Blockchain technology, its structures such as consistency, security, and geographical diversity make them an ideal solution to such problems. Although marketing solutions such as, K-Y-C. The legal right to enable blockchain-based KYC authentication provides a way for documents to be verified by a trusted network participant. This project uses an ETHereum based Optimised KYC Block-chain system with uniform A-E-S encryption and compression built on the LZ method. The system publicly verifies a distributed encryption, is protected by cryptography, operates by pressing the algorithm and is all well-designed blockchain features. The suggested scheme is a novel explanation based on Distributed Ledger Technology or Blockchain technology that would cut KYC authentication process expenses of organisations & decrease the regular schedule for completion of the procedure whilst becoming easier for clients. The largest difference in the system in traditional methods is the full authentication procedure is performed in just no time for every client, regardless of the number of institutions you desire to be linked to. Furthermore, since DLT is employed, validation findings may be securely distributed to consumers, enhancing transparency. Based on this method, a Proof of Concept (POC) is produced with Ethereum's API, websites as endpoints and the android app as the front office, recognising the viability and efficacy of this technique. Ultimately, this strategy enhances consumer satisfaction, lowers budget overrun & promotes transparency in the customer transport network.
Authored by Bhavya Dhiman, Rubin S
Forensic Science comprises a set of technical-scientific knowledge used to solve illicit acts. The increasing use of mobile devices as the main computing platform, in particular smartphones, makes existing information valuable for forensics. However, the blocking mechanisms imposed by the manufacturers and the variety of models and technologies make the task of reconstructing the data for analysis challenging. It is worth mentioning that the conclusion of a case requires more than the simple identification of evidence, as it is extremely important to correlate all the data and sources obtained, to confirm a suspicion or to seek new evidence. This work carries out a systematic review of the literature, identifying the different types of existing image acquisition and the main extraction and encryption methods used in smartphones with the Android operating system.
Authored by Alessandro Da Costa, Alan de Sá, Raphael Machado
This paper introduces a new type of attack on isolated, air-gapped workstations. Although air-gap computers have no wireless connectivity, we show that attackers can use the SATA cable as a wireless antenna to transfer radio signals at the 6 GHz frequency band. The Serial ATA (SATA) is a bus interface widely used in modern computers and connects the host bus to mass storage devices such as hard disk drives, optical drives, and solid-state drives. The prevalence of the SATA interface makes this attack highly available to attackers in a wide range of computer systems and IT environments. We discuss related work on this topic and provide technical background. We show the design of the transmitter and receiver and present the implementation of these components. We also demonstrate the attack on different computers and provide the evaluation. The results show that attackers can use the SATA cable to transfer a brief amount of sensitive information from highly secured, air-gap computers wirelessly to a nearby receiver. Furthermore, we show that the attack can operate from user mode, is effective even from inside a Virtual Machine (VM), and can successfully work with other running workloads in the background. Finally, we discuss defense and mitigation techniques for this new air-gap attack.
Authored by Mordechai Guri