Intelligent transportation systems, such as connected vehicles, are able to establish real-time, optimized and collision-free communication with the surrounding ecosystem. Introducing the internet of things (IoT) in connected vehicles relies on deployment of massive scale sensors, actuators, electronic control units (ECUs) and antennas with embedded software and communication technologies. Combined with the lack of designed-in security for sensors and ECUs, this creates challenges for security engineers and architects to identify, understand and analyze threats so that actions can be taken to protect the system assets. This paper proposes a novel STRIDE-based threat model for IoT sensors in connected vehicle networks aimed at addressing these challenges. Using a reference architecture of a connected vehicle, we identify system assets in connected vehicle sub-systems such as devices and peripherals that mostly involve sensors. Moreover, we provide a prioritized set of security recommendations, with consideration to the feasibility and deployment challenges, which enables practical applicability of the developed threat model to help specify security requirements to protect critical assets within the sensor network.
Authored by Sajib Kuri, Tarim Islam, Jason Jaskolka, Mohamed Ibnkahla
Security is an essential requirement of Industrial Control System (ICS) environments and its underlying communication infrastructure. Especially the lowest communication level within Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems - the field level - commonly lacks security measures.Since emerging wireless technologies within field level expose the lowest communication infrastructure towards potential attackers, additional security measures above the prevalent concept of air-gapped communication must be considered.Therefore, this work analyzes security aspects for the wireless communication protocol IO-Link Wireless (IOLW), which is commonly used for sensor and actuator field level communication. A possible architecture for an IOLW safety layer has already been presented recently [1].In this paper, the overall attack surface of IOLW within its typical environment is analyzed and attack preconditions are investigated to assess the effectiveness of different security measures. Additionally, enhanced security measures are evaluated for the communication systems and the results are summarized. Also, interference of security measures and functional safety principles within the communication are investigated, which do not necessarily complement one another but may also have contradictory requirements.This work is intended to discuss and propose enhancements of the IOLW standard with additional security considerations in future implementations.
Authored by Thomas Doebbert, Florian Fischer, Dominik Merli, Gerd Scholl
In this paper, we investigate the conditions for the existence of dynamically undetectable attacks and perfectly undetectable attacks. Then we provide a quantitative measure on the security for discrete-time linear time-invariant (LTI) systems under both actuator and sensor attacks based on undetectability. Finally, the computation of proposed security index is reduced to a min-cut problem for the structured systems by graph theory. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the theoretical results.
Authored by Lijing Zhai, Kyriakos Vamvoudakis, Jérôme Hugues
This publication deals with the robust attitude stabilization of a quadrotor subject to stealthy actuator attacks. Based first on the nonlinear model of the system, the sector non-linearity approach will be applied in order to deduce a polytopic Takagi-sugeno model. In parallel, a polytopic fuzzy T-S modeling of the data-deception malicious attacks (time-varying parameters) is presented. After some mathematical development, it will be shown that our original nonlinear system subject to stealthy actuator attacks can be represented as an uncertain polytopic T-S system. Based on this latest model, basic concepts for attitude stabilization will be used to implement the control law. The stabilization conditions will be given in terms of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) deduced from a classical Lyapunov approach. In order to highlight the efficiency of the proposed approach, simulation results will be given.
Authored by Souad Rebai
This study addresses the coordination issue of multi-agent systems under complicated actuator faults and cyber attacks. Distributed fault-tolerant design is developed with the estimated and output neighboring information in decentralized estimation observer. Criteria of reaching the exponential coordination of multi-agent systems with cyber attacks is obtained with average dwelling time and chattering bound method. Simulations validate the efficiency of the anti-attack fault-tolerant design.
Authored by Chun Liu, Yue Shi
The emergence of CPSs leads to modernization of critical infrastructures and improving flexibility and efficiency from one point of view. However, from another point of view, this modernization has subjected them to cyber threats. This paper provides a modeling approach for evaluating the security of CPSs. The main idea behind the presented model is to study the attacker and the system behaviors in the penetration and attack phases with exploiting some defensive countermeasures such as redundant components and attack detection strategies. By using the proposed approach, we can investigate how redundancy factor of sensors, controllers and actuators and intrusion detection systems can improve the system security and delay the system security failure.
Authored by Hamed Sepehrzadeh
This demonstration presents an internet of things device (thermostat), whose security is enforced by a secure element (smartcard) running TLS server, and using Virtual Input/Ouput technology. The board comprises a Wi-Fi system on chip (SoC), a micro-controller managing sensor (temperature probe) and actuator (relay), and a javacard. All device messages are sent/received over TLS, and processed by the secure element. Some of them are exported to micro-controller in clear form, which returns a response, sent over TLS by the smartcard.
Authored by Pascal Urien
Machine learning (ML) has been applied in prognostics and health management (PHM) to monitor and predict the health of industrial machinery. The use of PHM in production systems creates a cyber-physical, omni-layer system. While ML offers statistical improvements over previous methods, and brings statistical models to bear on new systems and PHM tasks, it is susceptible to performance degradation when the behavior of the systems that ML is receiving its inputs from changes. Natural changes such as physical wear and engineered changes such as maintenance and rebuild procedures are catalysts for performance degradation, and are both inherent to production systems. Drawing from data on the impact of maintenance procedures on ML performance in hydraulic actuators, this paper presents a simulation study that investigates how long it takes for ML performance degradation to create a difference in the throughput of serial production system. In particular, this investigation considers the performance of an ML model learned on data collected before a rebuild procedure is conducted on a hydraulic actuator and an ML model transfer learned on data collected after the rebuild procedure. Transfer learning is able to mitigate performance degradation, but there is still a significant impact on throughput. The conclusion is drawn that ML faults can have drastic, non-linear effects on the throughput of production systems.
Authored by Tyler Cody, Stephen Adams, Peter Beling, Laura Freeman
In control systems, the operation of the system after an incident occurs is important. This paper proposes to design a whitelist model that can detect anomalies and identify locations of anomalous actuators using finite automata during multiple actuators attack. By applying this model and comparing the whitelist model with the operation data, the monitoring system detects anomalies and identifies anomaly locations of actuator that deviate from normal operation. We propose to construct a whitelist model focusing on the order of the control system operation using binary search trees, which can grasp the state of the system when anomalies occur. We also apply combinatorial compression based on BDD (Binary Decision Diagram) to the model to speed up querying and identification of abnormalities. Based on the model designed in this study, we aim to construct a secured control system that selects and executes an appropriate fallback operation based on the state of the system when anomaly is detected.
Authored by Yoshiki Ikeda, Kenji Sawada
Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), which contain devices to aid with physical infrastructure activities, comprise sensors, actuators, control units, and physical objects. CPS sends messages to physical devices to carry out computational operations. CPS mainly deals with the interplay among cyber and physical environments. The real-time network data acquired and collected in physical space is stored there, and the connection becomes sophisticated. CPS incorporates cyber and physical technologies at all phases. Cyber Physical Systems are a crucial component of Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The CPS is a traditional concept that brings together the physical and digital worlds inhabit. Nevertheless, CPS has several difficulties that are likely to jeopardise our lives immediately, while the CPS's numerous levels are all tied to an immediate threat, therefore necessitating a look at CPS security. Due to the inclusion of IoT devices in a wide variety of applications, the security and privacy of users are key considerations. The rising level of cyber threats has left current security and privacy procedures insufficient. As a result, hackers can treat every person on the Internet as a product. Deep Learning (DL) methods are therefore utilised to provide accurate outputs from big complex databases where the outputs generated can be used to forecast and discover vulnerabilities in IoT systems that handles medical data. Cyber-physical systems need anomaly detection to be secure. However, the rising sophistication of CPSs and more complex attacks means that typical anomaly detection approaches are unsuitable for addressing these difficulties since they are simply overwhelmed by the volume of data and the necessity for domain-specific knowledge. The various attacks like DoS, DDoS need to be avoided that impact the network performance. In this paper, an effective Network Cluster Reliability Model with enhanced security and privacy levels for the data in IoT for Anomaly Detection (NSRM-AD) using deep learning model is proposed. The security levels of the proposed model are contrasted with the proposed model and the results represent that the proposed model performance is accurate
Authored by Maloth Sagar, Vanmathi C
Security attacks on sensor data can deceive a control system and force the physical plant to reach an unwanted and potentially dangerous state. Therefore, attack detection mechanisms are employed in cyber-physical control systems to detect ongoing attacks, the most prominent one being a threshold-based anomaly detection method called CUSUM. Literature defines the maximum impact of stealth attacks as the maximum deviation in the plant’s state that an undetectable attack can introduce, and formulates it as an optimization problem. This paper proposes an optimization-based attack with different saturation models, and it investigates how the attack duration significantly affects the impact of the attack on the state of the plant. We show that more dangerous attacks can be discovered when allowing saturation of the control system actuators. The proposed approach is compared with the geometric attack, showing how longer attack durations can lead to a greater impact of the attack while keeping the attack stealthy.
Authored by Gabriele Gualandi, Martina Maggio, Alessandro Papadopoulos
Container security has received much research attention recently. Previous work has proposed to apply various machine learning techniques to detect security attacks in containerized applications. On one hand, supervised machine learning schemes require sufficient labelled training data to achieve good attack detection accuracy. On the other hand, unsupervised machine learning methods are more practical by avoiding training data labelling requirements, but they often suffer from high false alarm rates. In this paper, we present SHIL, a self-supervised hybrid learning solution, which combines unsupervised and supervised learning methods to achieve high accuracy without requiring any manual data labelling. We have implemented a prototype of SHIL and conducted experiments over 41 real world security attacks in 28 commonly used server applications. Our experimental results show that SHIL can reduce false alarms by 39-91% compared to existing supervised or unsupervised machine learning schemes while achieving a higher or similar detection rate.
Authored by Yuhang Lin, Olufogorehan Tunde-Onadele, Xiaohui Gu, Jingzhu He, Hugo Latapie
In the world of information technology and the Internet, which has become a part of human life today and is constantly expanding, Attention to the users' requirements such as information security, fast processing, dynamic and instant access, and costs savings has become essential. The solution that is proposed for such problems today is a technology that is called cloud computing. Today, cloud computing is considered one of the most essential distributed tools for processing and storing data on the Internet. With the increasing using this tool, the need to schedule tasks to make the best use of resources and respond appropriately to requests has received much attention, and in this regard, many efforts have been made and are being made. To this purpose, various algorithms have been proposed to calculate resource allocation, each of which has tried to solve equitable distribution challenges while using maximum resources. One of these calculation methods is the DRF algorithm. Although it offers a better approach than previous algorithms, it faces challenges, especially with time-consuming resource allocation computing. These challenges make the use of DRF more complex than ever in the low number of requests with high resource capacity as well as the high number of simultaneous requests. This study tried to reduce the computations costs associated with the DRF algorithm for resource allocation by introducing a new approach to using this DRF algorithm to automate calculations by machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms (Autonomic Dominant Resource Fairness or A-DRF).
Authored by Amin Fakhartousi, Sofia Meacham, Keith Phalp
Unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAVs) have been receiving high interest lately due to their wide range of potential deployment options that can touch all aspects of our life and economy, such as transportation, delivery, healthcare, surveillance. However, UAVs have also introduced many new vulnerabilities and attack surfaces that can be exploited by cyberattacks. Due to their complexity, autonomous operations, and being relatively new technologies, cyberattacks can be persistent, complex, and can propagate rapidly to severely impact the main UAV functions such as mission management, support, processing operations, maneuver operations, situation awareness. Furthermore, such cyberattacks can also propagate among other UAVs or even their control stations and may even endanger human life. Hence, we need self-protection techniques with an autonomic management approach. In this paper we present our approach to implement self-protection of UAVs (SP-UAV) such that they can continue their critical functions despite cyberattacks targeting UAV operations or services. We present our design approach and implementation using a unified management interface based on three ports: Configuration, observer, and control ports. We have implemented the SP-UAV using C and demonstrated using different attack scenarios how we can apply autonomic responses without human involvement to tolerate cyberattacks against the UAV operations.
Authored by Cihan Tunc, Salim Hariri
The service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer in a microservice architecture. It manages service-to-service communication within an application between decoupled or loosely coupled microservices (called services) without modifying their implementations. The service mesh includes APIs for security, traffic and policy management, and observability features. These features are enabled using a pre-defined configuration, which can be changed at runtime with human intervention. However, it has no autonomy to self-manage changes to the microservice application’s operational environment. A better configuration is one that can be customized according to environmental conditions during execution to protect the application from potential threats. This customization requires enabling self-protection mechanisms within the service mesh that evaluate the risk of environmental condition changes and enable appropriate configurations to defend the application from impending threats. In this paper, we design an assessment component into a service mesh that includes a security assurance case to define the threat model and dynamically assess the application given environment changes. We experiment with a demo application, Bookinfo, using an open-source service mesh platform, Istio, to enable self-protection. We consider certain parameters extracted from the service request as environmental conditions. We evaluate those parameters against the threat model and determine the risk of violating a security requirement for controlled and authorized information flow.
Authored by Rami Alboqmi, Sharmin Jahan, Rose Gamble
Resilience and antifragility under duress present significant challenges for autonomic and self-adaptive systems operating in contested environments. In such settings, the system has to continually plan ahead, accounting for either an adversary or an environment that may negate its actions or degrade its capabilities. This will involve projecting future states, as well as assessing recovery options, counter-measures, and progress towards system goals. For antifragile systems to be effective, we envision three self-* properties to be of key importance: self-exploration, self-learning and self-training. Systems should be able to efficiently self-explore – using adversarial search – the potential impact of the adversary’s attacks and compute the most resilient responses. The exploration can be assisted by prior knowledge of the adversary’s capabilities and attack strategies, which can be self-learned – using opponent modelling – from previous attacks and interactions. The system can self-train – using reinforcement learning – such that it evolves and improves itself as a result of being attacked. This paper discusses those visions and outlines their realisation in AWaRE, a cyber-resilient and self-adaptive multi-agent system.
Authored by Saad Hashmi, Hoa Dam, Peter Smet, Mohan Chhetri
OHODIN is an online extension for data streams of the kNN-based ODIN anomaly detection approach. It provides a detection-threshold heuristic that is based on extreme value theory. In contrast to sophisticated anomaly and novelty detection approaches the decision-making process of ODIN is interpretable by humans, making it interesting for certain applications. However, it is limited in terms of the underlying detection method. In this article, we present an extension of the OHODIN to further detection techniques to reinforce OHODIN capability of online data streams anomaly detection. We introduce the algorithm modifications and an experimental evaluation with competing state-of-the-art anomaly detection approaches.
Authored by Ghassan Al-Falouji, Christian Gruhl, Torben Neumann, Sven Tomforde
Distributed computation and AI processing at the edge has been identified as an efficient solution to deliver real-time IoT services and applications compared to cloud-based paradigms. These solutions are expected to support the delay-sensitive IoT applications, autonomic decision making, and smart service creation at the edge in comparison to traditional IoT solutions. However, existing solutions have limitations concerning distributed and simultaneous resource management for AI computation and data processing at the edge; concurrent and real-time application execution; and platform-independent deployment. Hence, first, we propose a novel three-layer architecture that facilitates the above service requirements. Then we have developed a novel platform and relevant modules with integrated AI processing and edge computer paradigms considering issues related to scalability, heterogeneity, security, and interoperability of IoT services. Further, each component is designed to handle the control signals, data flows, microservice orchestration, and resource composition to match with the IoT application requirements. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed platform is tested and have been verified.
Authored by Sewwandi Nisansala, Gayal Chandrasiri, Sonali Prasadika, Upul Jayasinghe
Machine Learning (ML) models are now commonly used as components in systems. As any other component, ML components can produce erroneous outputs that may penalize system utility. In this context, self-adaptive systems emerge as a natural approach to cope with ML mispredictions, through the execution of adaptation tactics such as model retraining. To synthesize an adaptation strategy, the self-adaptation manager needs to reason about the cost-benefit tradeoffs of the applicable tactics, which is a non-trivial task for tactics such as model retraining, whose benefits are both context- and data-dependent.To address this challenge, this paper proposes a probabilistic modeling framework that supports automated reasoning about the cost/benefit tradeoffs associated with improving ML components of ML-based systems. The key idea of the proposed approach is to decouple the problems of (i) estimating the expected performance improvement after retrain and (ii) estimating the impact of ML improved predictions on overall system utility.We demonstrate the application of the proposed framework by using it to self-adapt a state-of-the-art ML-based fraud-detection system, which we evaluate using a publicly-available, real fraud detection dataset. We show that by predicting system utility stemming from retraining a ML component, the probabilistic model checker can generate adaptation strategies that are significantly closer to the optimal, as compared against baselines such as periodic retraining, or reactive retraining.
Authored by Maria Casimiro, Paolo Romano, David Garlan, Luís Rodrigues
In the context of IoT (Internet of Things), Device Management (DM), i.e., remote administration of IoT devices, becomes essential to keep them connected, updated and secure, thus increasing their lifespan through firmware and configuration updates and security patches. Legacy DM solutions are adequate when dealing with home devices (such as Television set-top boxes) but need to be extended to adapt to new IoT requirements. Indeed, their manual operation by system administrators requires advanced knowledge and skills. Further, the static DM platform — a component above IoT platforms that offers advanced features such as campaign updates / massive operation management — is unable to scale and adapt to IoT dynamicity. To cope with this, this work, performed in an industrial context at Orange, proposes a self-adaptive architecture with runtime horizontal scaling of DM servers, with an autonomic Auto-Scaling Manager, integrating in the loop constraint programming for decision-making, validated with a meaningful industrial use-case.
Authored by Ghada Moualla, Sebastien Bolle, Marc Douet, Eric Rutten
Internet of Things (IoT) networks consist of small devices that use a wireless communication to monitor and possibly control the physical world. A common threat to such networks are jamming attacks, a particular type of denial of service attack. Current research highlights the need for the design of more effective and efficient anti-jamming techniques that can handle different types of attacks in IoT networks. In this paper, we propose DeMiJA, short for Detection and Mitigation of Jamming Attacks in IoT, a novel approach to deal with different jamming attacks in IoT networks. DeMiJA leverages architecture-based adaptation and the MAPE-K reference model (Monitor-Analyze-Plan-Execute that share Knowledge). We present the general architecture of DeMiJA and instantiate the architecture to deal with jamming attacks in the DeltaIoT exemplar. The evaluation shows that DeMiJA can handle different types of jamming attacks effectively and efficiently, with neglectable overhead.
Authored by Maxim Reynvoet, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, Danny Weyns
Anomalous behaviour in subsystems of complex machines often affect overall performance even without failures. We devise unsupervised methods to detect times with degraded performance, and localize correlated signals, evaluated on a system with over 4000 monitored signals. From incidents comprising both downtimes and degraded performance, our approach localizes relevant signals within 1.2% of the parameter space.
Authored by Anwesha Das, Daniel Ratner, Alex Aiken
Security and privacy are one of crucial factor in the area of information technology and iys applications. Ad-hoc network is a type of non-infrastructure wireless network that is more prone to be attacked and abused due to its properties. Deploying the ad-hoc network in vehicular environment needs the additional security consideration to prevent the attacks that can cause the serious harms like accidents, crashes and fatality of living being lives. In this paper we have explored analysis and requirements of the security solution for the ad hoc network under the vehicular environment. Different categories of threats, their risks are evaluated and then various issues related to deploying the security solutions are addressed by mentioning the proper security technologies and tools.
Authored by Shailaja Salagrama, Yuva Boyapati, Vimal Bibhu
Key management for self-organized wireless ad-hoc networks using peer-to-peer (P2P) keys is the primary goal of this article (SOWANs). Currently, wireless networks have centralized security architectures, making them difficult to secure. In most cases, ad-hoc wireless networks are not connected to trusted authorities or central servers. They are more prone to fragmentation and disintegration as a result of node and link failures. Traditional security solutions that rely on online trusted authorities do not work together to protect networks that are not planned. With open wireless networks, anyone can join or leave at any time with the right equipment, and no third party is required to verify their identity. These networks are best suited for this proposed method. Each node can make, distribute, and revoke its keying material in this paper. A minimal amount of communication and computation is required to accomplish this task. So that they can authenticate one another and create shared keys, nodes in the self-organized version of the system must communicate via a secure side channel between the users' devices.
Authored by Abin Joseph, Nidhin Sani, Vineeth V, Suresh Kumar, Ananth Kumar, R. Nishanth
Wireless ad hoc networks are characterized by dynamic topology and high node mobility. Network attacks on wireless ad hoc networks can significantly reduce performance metrics, such as the packet delivery ratio from the source to the destination node, overhead, throughput, etc. The article presents an experimental study of an intrusion detection system prototype in mobile ad hoc networks based on machine learning. The experiment is carried out in a MANET segment of 50 nodes, the detection and prevention of DDoS and cooperative blackhole attacks are investigated. The dependencies of features on the type of network traffic and the dependence of performance metrics on the speed of mobile nodes in the network are investigated. The conducted experimental studies show the effectiveness of an intrusion detection system prototype on simulated data.
Authored by Leonid Legashev, Luybov Grishina