Economics of Continuous Assurance in Cybersecurity



Current economic incentives for many individuals are behind a broad market failure in cybersecurity. The Economics of Continuous Assurance is a framework for analyzing collective economic incentives and identifying the potential reasons behind this market failure. Some examples of existing technology that are aligned with continuous assurance are provided as the basis for a potential market in security information.

Slides found here.


Spencer Oriot is the founder of Liquid Security Co., where he is bringing market-feasible solutions and information security research together. He is an alum of the Hacking 4 Defense program, where he was tasked with finding ways to improve supply chain cybersecurity in the Defense Industrial Base. With undergraduate degrees in Math and Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Chicago and graduate degrees from the University of Chicago Law School and Booth School of Business, he brings a unique perspective to designing and implementing systems of systems in a way that is likely to gain acceptance from the most critical person: the end user.

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