  • "Protecting auto computer systems from hacks"
    Emre Koksal’s electrical and computer engineering research at Ohio State University have introduced an approach to further securing wireless systems used by vehicles in order to combat security threats such as fraudulent signals or messages. This…
  • "Mac Malware Installs Ransomware, Spyware, Security Firms Say"
    According to security researchers at AlienVault and Fortinet, malware targeting Macs are expected to increase as indicated by the discovery of two new malware-as-a-service threats being circulated within the dark web. These threats, which have been…
  • "E-cigarettes can be used to hack computers"
    Hackers can now use electronic cigarettes to hack into computers as demonstrated by security researchers and experts. At BSides London, Ross Bevington gave a presentation in which he reveals how a computer could be hacked by using an e-cigarette to…
  • "New Attack Method Delivers Malware Via Mouse Hover"
    Researchers have discovered a new strategy in which attackers could launch malware attacks. This technique allows a variant of the OTLARD banking Trojan, GootKit, to be downloaded via the hovering over a hyperlinked text or image within a Microsoft…
  • "'Crash Override': The Malware That Took Down a Power Grid"
    Analyses shared by researchers at ESET and Dragos Inc. suggest that the December 2016 power outage that occurred in the city of Kiev was a testing of an even bigger critical infrastructure-targeting malware. This malware, which has been dubbed the “…
  • "Why linguistics can't always identify cyber attackers' nationality"
    There has been much effort by security researchers to identify perpetrators of cyberattacks through the use of linguistic analysis, however this strategy does consist of limitations. While it is still possible to assemble clues to support evidence…
  • "Dvmap: the first Android malware with code injection"
    Dvmap is an unusual rooting malware distributed through the Google Play Store that injects malicious code into system runtime libraries, in addition to installing malicious modules into the system. This Trojan utilizes a variety of dangerous methods…
  • "Experts, Microsoft push for global NGO to expose hackers"
    Microsoft and independent experts are seeking to expose hackers behind cyberattacks with the establishment of a global NGO, called the “Global Cyber Attribution Consortium”. The goal of the NGO is to publish the identities of the entities behind…
  • "Computing with encrypted data"
    Over the past few years, great advancements have been made to the encryption and the protection of data, however the potential for cyberattacks and theft are still of great concern as the data must be decrypted to be manipulated. Therefore, there is much…
  • "Quantum-powered random numbers could provide key to better cryptography"
    At the InfoSecurity Europe 2017 show, Whitewood introduced a product, which provides crypto-security solutions built upon the concept of advanced quantum technology, considered entropy-as-a-service. The service promises to generate truly random numbers…
  • "Fifty Password Hashes Per Hour: How Insiders Could Compromise Any Corporate Network With A $20 Device"
    Researchers at Kaspersky Lab conducted an investigation to discover if a network could be compromised without the use of malware. With the additional configuration of a Raspberry-Pi microcomputer, installation of publicly available tools used for…
  • "Researchers find gaps in IoT security"
    Researchers at the University of Michigan and Stony Brook University have shared a new approach to tackling challenges in the security of IoT. This approach to identifying gaps and solving problems in the security of IoT, applies current security…