  • "New Telegram Bot 'Telekopye' Powering Large-scale Phishing Scams from Russia"
    A new operation motivated by financial gain involves a malicious Telegram bot to help threat actors scam their victims. The Telekopye toolkit automates creating a phishing website from a template and sending the URL to potential victims. According to…
  • "North Korea's Lazarus APT Uses GUI Framework to Build Stealthy RAT"
    In recent attacks targeting healthcare organizations and an Internet infrastructure company, the North Korean state-sponsored cyber threat group Lazarus launched a new highly evasive Remote Access Trojan (RAT) called "QuiteRAT." QuiteRAT is an upgraded…
  • "Lack of Visibility Into Cloud Access Policies Leaves Enterprises Flying Blind"
    According to Strata Identity, the top security concern in multi-cloud environments is fragmented access policies, as more than 75 percent of enterprises reported not knowing where applications are deployed or who has access to them. Since last year, the…
  • "New Whiffy Recon Malware Uses Wi-Fi to Triangulate Your Location"
    Cybercriminals responsible for the Smoke Loader botnet are using new malware called Whiffy Recon to triangulate the location of infected devices through Wi-Fi scanning and Google's geolocation Application Programming Interface (API). Google's geolocation…
  • "Rockwell ThinManager Vulnerabilities Could Expose Industrial HMIs to Attacks"
    Vulnerabilities discovered by researchers at Tenable in Rockwell Automation’s ThinManager ThinServer product could be exploited in attacks aimed at industrial control systems (ICS).  The researchers found one critical and two high-severity…
  • "Hosting Provider CloudNordic Loses All Customer Data in Ransomware Attack"
    Danish cloud hosting services provider CloudNordic recently announced that all its systems were rendered unusable following a ransomware attack.  The company noted that the attack started on Friday, August 18, and resulted in all its systems and…
  • "Sensitive Data of 10 Million at Risk After French Employment Agency Breach"
    The French national employment agency, Pôle emploi, has recently been hit by a cyberattack potentially exposing critical information of up to 10 million people.  Several security researchers have linked the breach to the Clop ransomware gang’s…
  • "Protecting Canada's Energy Infrastructure and Supply Chain From Cyber Attacks"
    Dr. Sebastian Fischmeister, an engineering professor at the University of Waterloo, has been awarded federal funding in support of efforts to protect Canada's critical energy infrastructure and energy sector supply chains from cyberattacks. Dr.…
  • "Five Unique Cybersecurity Challenges in Africa"
    The African economy is expected to grow significantly over the next five years. In order to promote financial inclusion with this growth, the continent's financial technologies and infrastructure must undergo security and resilience improvements. The…
  • "Palo Alto Networks Closes Door on TunnelCrack"
    Palo Alto Networks has responded to researchers' TunnelCrack Virtual Private Network (VPN) eavesdropping technique demonstrated earlier in August. According to the study, most VPNs could be tricked into leaking traffic. They described two vulnerabilities…
  • "Combating Phishing Attacks Using AI and Machine Learning Technologies"
    The advancement of Artificial intelligence (AI) technology and the ease with which the general public can access it has given attackers powerful new capabilities to create more convincing phishing messages for victims. However, AI technology can also be…
  • "FBI Finds 1,580 Bitcoin in Crypto Wallets Linked to North Korean Hackers"
    The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has published information on six cryptocurrency wallets operated by North Korean hackers and believed to be holding stolen funds.  The FBI stated that the cryptocurrency addresses hold roughly 1,580 Bitcoin…