  • "Internet Crime Complaints Surge in 2020, Fueled By Pandemic"
    According to the FBI, suspected internet crime complaints increased by 69% in 2020 compared to 2019 in the US.  Total complaints reached 791,790 last year, representing a rise of more than 300,000 compared to 2019.  This resulted in total…
  • "Ransom Payments Have Nearly Tripled"
    In 2020 researchers from Palo Alto Networks found that manufacturing, healthcare, and construction companies suffered 39% of ransomware attacks in 2020.  The average ransom paid by companies jumped 171% to more than $312,000.  The highest…
  • "New Malware Uses Malicious Xcode Project to Install Backdoors on Developer Macs"
    Security researchers at SentinelLabs have discovered a new malware called XcodeSpy that targets Xcode developers. XcodeSpy impacts the Xcode integrated development environment (IDE) on macOS. Xcode is a coding platform that allows developers to…
  • "Facebook Adds Hardware Security Key Support for Android and iOS"
    Facebook has supported hardware security keys on desktops since 2017. The social media giant has now expanded its support for hardware security keys to iOS and Android devices. Hardware security keys add an extra layer of security to online accounts. The…
  • "FBI Warns of PYSA Ransomware Attacks on Education Institutions in US, UK"
    The FBI issued a warning about an increase in PYSA ransomware attacks against education institutions in the United States and the United Kingdom. According to the FBI, PYSA ransomware attacks have targeted higher education, K-12 schools, and seminaries.…
  • "New BYU Algorithm Making ID Verification More Secure by Tracking Facial Movements"
    Studies have revealed significant security flaws in some of the most advanced human biometric identification systems, including those based on fingerprints and retina scans. Researchers at Brigham Young University (BYU) developed an improved and more…
  • "Hackers Are Targeting Telecom Companies to Steal 5G Secrets"
    The McAfee Advanced Threat Research Strategic Intelligence team has uncovered a cyber-espionage campaign targeting telecommunications companies in Southeast Asia, Europe, and the United States. The campaign, dubbed Operation Diànxùn, aims to steal…
  • "$4,000 COVID-19 ‘Relief Checks’ Cloak Dridex Malware"
    Researchers at Cofense have discovered that cybercriminals have wasted no time in hopping on the COVID-19 relief legislation just signed into law (American Rescue Plan) as a lure for email-based scams.  A campaign began circulating in March that…
  • "Not Just Hands, Your PDFs Also Need to be Sanitized"
    A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Grenoble Alpes found that most organizations and security agencies are not sanitizing Portable Document Format (PDF) files before publishing or sharing them with others. The study involved the…
  • "FBI Alert Warns of Russian, Chinese Use of Deepfake Content"
    The FBI sent out an alert on Wednesday that malicious actors “almost certainly” will be using deepfakes to advance their influence or cyber-operations in the coming weeks.  The FBI anticipates that foreign and criminal cyber actors will increasingly…
  • "New Threat Report Finds Email Prime Vehicle for Malware"
    The Threat Insights Report recently released by HP and Bronium found that 88 percent of malware was delivered via email in the fourth quarter of 2020. In the delivery of malware by email, threat actors have been successful at circumventing measures…
  • "URL Phishing Campaign Hides Attack Behind Morse Code"
    A new URL phishing campaign that uses Morse code was discovered in February 2021. Morse code was invented by Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail in the 19th century. It is a communication method that uses dots and dashes to transmit messages. Phishers are now…