  • "Most Security Pros Admit to Accidental Internal Breaches at Their Organization"
    A survey conducted by Egress to which 500 IT security decision-makers in the U.S. responded. Findings from the survey reveal that inadvertent internal breaches are becoming a greater threat to organizations. In addition to accidental employee breaches,…
  • "New Orleans Has Declared a State of Emergency After a Cyberattack"
    New Orleans declared a state of emergency following the detection of a cyberattack on its networks. According to the city's head of IT, Kim LaGrue, shortly after the detection of suspicious activity in the city's networks, there was a sharp increase in…
  • "Plundervolt – Stealing Secrets by Starving Your Computer of Voltage"
    Researchers discovered a new vulnerability, and are calling it Plundervolt.  The vulnerability is caused by an individual running a processor on a voltage that’s a little bit lower than it usually expects, for example, 0.9V instead of…
  • "Secure Data Backup of Medical Records Using Secret Sharing and Secure Communications"
    A secure data backup system for medical records, called Healthcare Long-term Integrity and Confidentiality Protection System (H-LINCOS), was developed by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Kochi Health Science Center,…
  • Open for Nominations - Submission Period Extended!
    The 8th Annual Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper Competition is now open for nominations. This year's nominating period runs through midnight on March 31, April 15, 2020. We look forward to receiving your nominations.
  • "SaaS Security Fears: Is Your Data Exposed To Potential Risk?"
    In a new survey, findings prove that IT executives have rising SaaS security fears, and worry about cloud security, proprietary data encryption, as well as the loss of independent control due to access limitations. Nearly all executives surveyed (92…
  • "Cyberattacks on Retailers Could Increase 20% this Holiday Season"
    Findings from the analysis of threat data by VMWare Carbon Black suggest that the number of attempted attacks against retailers will grow by 20% this holiday season. Based on the analysis, ransomware attacks and commodity malware will make up a…
  • "Hacked Ring Camera Found In Child’s Bedroom"
    Another incident further raises a concern about the growing use of inadequately secured Internet of Things (IoT) devices. A video recently surfaced online, in which a hacker is heard to talking to a little girl in her bedroom via her family's Ring…
  • "Aviation Industry Playing Catch Up on Cybersecurity"
    The aviation industry continues to grow in connectivity and digitalization, which increases the risk of cyberattacks on aircraft computer systems. A new report from the Atlantic Council highlights the need to implement cybersecurity into frameworks…
  • "IoT Smartwatch Exposes Kids’ Personal, GPS Data"
    Researchers at AV-TEST have discovered vulnerabilities in the SMA M2 smartwatch, manufactured by Shenzhen Smart Care Technology Ltd. According to researchers, the smartwatch designed for children contains vulnerabilities that could allow hackers to…
  • "Chrome 79 Includes Anti-Phishing and Hacked Password Protection"
    There is a new version of Chrome out, which does a better job protecting the user against phishing sites and credential stuffing attacks. The older version of Chrome protected users against phishing by checking the sites they entered their Google…
  • "Number-Crunchers Set New Record for Cracking Online Encryption Keys"
    A team composed of computer scientists from the University of California San Diego, the French National Center for Scientific Research, the University of Limoges, and the French research institute for digital sciences Inria, has set a new record for…