  • "A Bug in Microsoft’s Login System Put Users at Risk of Account Hijacks"
    Security researchers at CyberArk discovered a vulnerability in Microsoft's login system that could have allowed attackers to hijack users' accounts. According to researchers, attackers could have exploited the bug to steal account tokens, which…
  • "This Trojan Malware is Being Used to Steal Passwords and Spread Ransomware"
    There is a new hacking campaign happening right now, targeting healthcare and education organizations with custom-built, Python-based trojan malware. The malware gives attackers almost full control of Windows systems with the ability to monitor actions…
  • "Cultural Differences Account for Global Gap in Online Regulation"
    A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Birmingham suggests the correlation between a country's cultural values and their commitment to cybersecurity regulation. The study suggests that web users in more competitive national cultures…
  • "Netflix Account Freeze – Don’t Click, It’s a Scam!"
    There is a new phishing email going around trying to trick Netflix users that their account was frozen, and specific information is needed to unlock the account. There are quite a few misspellings in the email, and when one clicks on the link, it doesn't…
  • "Bad RCS Implementations Are Creating Big Vulnerabilities"
    There are multiple vulnerabilities associated with how the new messaging standard aimed at replacing SMS (Short Message Service) is being implemented by carriers. In some instances, carriers' implementation of the communication protocol, RCS (Rich…
  • "Need to Safeguard Drones and Robotic Cars Against Cyber Attacks"
    Researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC) demonstrated three different covert attacks on robotic vehicles, suggesting the vulnerability of robotic vehicles such as Amazon delivery drones or Mars rovers to getting hacked. The attacks…
  • "CISA Wants a Vulnerability Disclosure Program At Every Agency"
    The U.S. Homeland Security Department's Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) wants a vulnerability disclosure policy in place for every federal agency. Each federal agency would be required to create a formal process for security…
  • "This Tool Predicts Cybercriminal Activity Even Before It Happens"
    Group-IB, a Singapore-based cybersecurity company, developed a new tool that can help analysts in security operations centers and computer emergency response teams predict cyberattacks before they occur. The tool is also available to threat intelligence…
  • "Should Cybersecurity be Taught in Schools?"
    Human behavior is one of the biggest threats when it comes to cybersecurity. The education system teaches children not only with elementary competencies but also equips them with at least some of the skills that they’ll need to navigate their daily lives…
  • "APT33 Has Shifted Targeting to Industrial Control Systems Software, Microsoft Says"
    The Iranian government-linked hacking group, known as APT33, has shifted targets in that the group is now going after industrial control systems (ICS) instead of just probing IT networks. APT33 was previously known to have targeted defense,…
  • "Most Organizations Have Incomplete Vulnerability Information"
    According to a new report released by Risk Based Security, if a company only uses the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system or National Vulnerability Database (NVD) to gain insight into vulnerabilities, they are vulnerable to a significant…
  • "Attackers Demand $14 Million Ransom From IT Services Firm"
    On November 17th Virtual Care Provider Inc., which provides cloud hosting and other services to more than 110 healthcare entities, including nursing homes and assisted living facilities, had been affected by ransomware. The type of ransomware that was…