  • "New All-Fiber Device Simplifies Free-Space Based Quantum Key Distribution"
    As the era of fully developed quantum computers approaches, post-quantum cryptographic methods must continue to be explored as this advanced technology is expected to render current encryption algorithms obsolete. The secure communication method, quantum…
  • "Consumer IoT Devices Are Compromising Enterprise Networks"
    The number of consumer Internet of Things (IoT) devices connected to enterprise networks has increased significantly. According to the 2019 IoT Threats Report, which highlights findings of a study conducted by researchers at Zscaler ThreatLabZ, many IoT…
  • "Ransomware Not Gone but More Targeted, Report Says"
    According to the Q1 Global Threat Landscape Report recently released by Fortinet, the launch of ransomware has decreased. However, this form of malware has become more targeted. Ransomware is being tailored more for high-profile targets that could allow…
  • "Middle East-Linked Hacking Group Is Working Hard to Mask Its Moves"
    Researchers from Cisco's Talos have discovered that the hacking group supposedly linked to the Middle East, called BlackWater, is trying to mask its activities by circumventing host-based signatures and Yara signatures. According to researchers, these…
  • "Database May Have Exposed Instagram Data for 49 Million"
    It has been identified, that there has been a potential leak of personally identifiable information from Instagram.  There was an online database discovered which contained 49 million Instagram users private information, including their email…
  • "Google Research: Most Hacker-For-Hire Services Are Frauds"
    According to new research conducted by Google and academics at the University of California, San Diego, most hacker-for-hire services offered online are fraudulent and unsuccessful. The research conducted behind this discovery involved engaging with 27…
  • "Industrial Robotics - Are You Increasing Your Cybersecurity Risk?"
    Industrial robots have been used to support product manufacturing, productivity, and safety. Though there has not been a wave of cyberattacks against industrial robots that we know of, such robots are expected to become a more attractive target for…
  • "Researchers: Aircraft Landing Systems Vulnerable"
    Researchers from Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University in Boston have demonstrated the vulnerability of aircraft landing systems to spoofing attacks, which could be launched by attackers to misguide planes into missing runways.…
  • "How effective are login challenges at preventing Google account takeovers?"
      Despite the increased use of  implementation of bugs that might affect the security of physical security keys, Google argues that physical security keys are still the strongest protection against phishing currently…
  • "Lack of Secure Coding Called a National Security Threat"
    The lack of secure coding is a pervasive and serious threat to national security. In order to fix the problem of coders not performing secure coding, one needs to come up with an objective standard, and a legislative mandate that requires a…
  • "Bluetooth's Complexity Has Become a Security Risk"
    Bluetooth security vulnerabilities arise on account of the protocol's complexity. The documentation for the Bluetooth standard is significantly longer and more comprehensive than the material provided for other wireless protocols, making it increasingly…
  • "EU Approves Cyber-Attack Sanctions Ahead of Election"
    The European Union (EU) has agreed upon the enforcement of new cyber sanctions that would penalize cyberattackers by freezing their assets and banning them from traveling. The aim of the automatic set of sanctions is to discourage the future launch of…