Neal Ziring.docx

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Neal Ziring

Technical Director, Information Assurance Directorate
National Security Agency

Neal Ziring is the technical director for the information assurance directorate at the National Security Agency (NSA), where he tracks technical activities, promotes technical health of staff, and acts as a liaison to industry, intelligence, academic, and government partners. He also guides the directorate's academic outreach program, acting as a technical liaison to universities that participate in the National Centers for Academic Excellence - Research program. His expertise includes router security, IPv6, VM-based secure systems, cloud computing, cross-domain information exchange, and mobile code security. He holds Cisco Certified Security Professional certificates. Ziring joined NSA in 1988, working on software tools and cryptosystem simulation, and later transitioned to information assurance evaluations, where he has held positions of increasing responsibility for the past two decades. Prior to joining NSA, he served as a member of the technical staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories.


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