HCSS 2016 Poster Session

Poster sessions were held between 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 10 and Wednesday, May 11 in the atrium of the Governor Calvert House.

An Assessment Methodology, Models For National Security Systems
Jennifer Guild
US Navy

Applying User Sessions to Detect SQL Injection Vulnerabilities in Web Applications
Sreedevi Sampath, Isaiah Yoon, Mengzi Du
University of Maryland, Baltimore Country

Combinatorial Coverage as an Estimator of Residual Risk after Testing
Rick Kuhn†, Raghu Kacker†, Dimitris Simos‡, Kristoffer Kleine‡
National Institute of Standards and Technology, ‡SBA Research

Rule Based Systems and the Intersection of Formal Methods and Testing
Rick Kuhn†, Vincent Du†, David Ferraiolo†, Raghu Kacker†, Dylan Yaga†, Yu Lei‡
†National Institute of Standards and Technology, ‡UT Arlington

Science of Security and Privacy
Heather Lucas
National Security Agency

The Bug Framework (BF): A Taxonomy for Precise and Accurate Software Bug Descriptions
Paul E. Black, Irena Bojanova, Yaacov Yesha, Yan Wu
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Towards a Process to Forecast Vulnerability in Systems of Systems
Joseph Natarian*, Marvin Worst†, Bruce Howard‡
*AFRL, †National Air and Space Intelligence Center, ‡Wright State Research Institute

Verification and Validation of Autonomous Systems: Verifiable Requirements for Complex Systems
Jon Hoffman* and Brian Hulbert*†
*Air Force Research Laboratory, †LinQuest Corp

Verification of Decision Procedures Modeled in Intelligent Agents
Siddhartha Bhattacharyya†, Tom C. Eskridge†, Marco M. Carvalho†, Jennifer Davis‡
†Florida Institute of Technology, ‡Rockwell Collins

Verifying Programs with Complex Data Structures Using Coq
Kenneth Roe
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab