Emergent Behavior Track Program

Track Chair: Antonio Sanfilippo


Monday, September 26, 2012

2:00 – 5:30
Start the discussion on the three topics:

1. Modeling cyber emergence

2. Model interoperability

3. Model evaluation

Three brief, 15-20 min. talks will provide participants with discussion points. A discussant will be assigned to each talk. The role of the discussant is to kick off the general dicussion with a short intervention on the talk assigned to him/her. The speaker and discussants will function as interlocutors with the audience. The track chair will coordinate the process and keep track of time.
2:00 — 2:10 Opening

Antonio Sanfilippo
2:10 — 2:30 Talk on Modeling Cyber Emergence

Jereme Haack
2:30 — 2:35 Comments by discussant

H. Van Dyke Parunak
2:35 — 3:00 General Discussion

All with Discussion Leads
3:00 — 3:30 Afternoon Break
3:30 — 4:00 General Discussion (continued)

All with Discussion Leads
4:00 — 4:15 Talk on Model Interoperability

Antonio Sanfilippo
4:15 — 4:20 Comments by discussant

Eric Bonabeau
4:20 — 4:45 Talk on Model Evaluation

George Cybenko
5:00 — 5:05 Comments by discussant

Michael van Putte
5:05 — 5:30 General Discussion

All with Discussion Leads
5:30 Track Session end

Workshop adjourns for the day
Tuesday, September 27, 2012

2:00 – 4:30
Finalize discussion output from day one:
2:00 — 2:30 Modeling Cyber Emergence

Discussion leads: Jereme Haack, H. Van Dyke Parunak
2:30 — 3:00 Model Evaluation

Discussion leads: George Cybenko, Michael van Putte
3:00 — 3:15 Afternoon Break
3:15 — 3:35 Talk on "Big Data"

Eric Bonabeau
3:35 — 3:40 General Discussion
3:40 — 4:25 General Discussion

All w/Discussion Leads
4:25 — 4:30 Closing

Antonio Sanfilippo
4:30 Track Session end

(Back to short Plenary Session for Closing