C3E 2010 Bios

Mr. Ed Gibson
Workshop Co-Chair 2010
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) - Director - Forensic Technology Solutions

Edward P. Gibson, Esq., CISSP, FBCS, is a Director in the Forensics Technology Solutions Group specializing in gathering intelligence to detect, mitigate, and prevent corporate risks such as economic espionage and cyber attacks. Prior to PwC, 2005-2009, Gibson was the Chief cyber Security Advisor for Microsoft Ltd in the United Kingdom (UK) and praised for his unique ability to make cyber issues relevant and personal. From 1985-2005 Gibson was a career FBI Special Agent. He specialized in investigating complex international white-collar crimes, and was cited for his work in various espionage investigations involving FBI & CIA traitors. Assigned to the FBI's Office of Legal Attaché, US Embassy London, from 2000-2005, he was responsible for FBI cyber investigations in the UK and Ireland involving terrorism, extortion, kidnapping, crimes against children, and frauds. Gibson also advised on Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) requests, extraditions, USA Patriot Act (emergency requests), and the increasingly crime plagued cyber environment. From 1980-1985, Gibson was a lawyer for a US based multi-national corporation. He is also a qualified Solicitor in England and Wales, was a Special Assistant United States Attorney, is a Vietnam era veteran (US Army), and holds an active Top Security (TS) SCI clearance. He is also a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Fellow of the British Computer Society (FBCS), and a member of the Information Security - Europe 'Hall of Fame'.


Mr. Kevin O'Connell
Workshop Co-Chair 2010, 2011, 2012
Innovative Analytics and Training, LLC - Co-Chair, C3E Conference

Kevin O'Connell, Owner, President and CEO, Innovative Analytics & Training, The Sources and Methods Company
Kevin O'Connell has over 26 years of experience in topics such as national security decision-making, intelligence and intelligence policy issues, and the policy, security and market issues related to commercial remote sensing.
O'Connell has served on a number of senior government panels, including the DHS Information Policy Board and a DARPA-NGA panel. He is the former chairman of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Federal Advisory Committee on Commercial Remote Sensing and was the staff director of the Independent Commission on the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. O'Connell also served as the founder and the first director of RAND's Intelligence Policy Center during almost a decade at RAND.
O'Connell previously served in the Department of Defense, the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research, the White House Situation Room, the National Security Council, as a special assistant to the vice president for National Security Affairs and on the community management staff of the Director of Central Intelligence.
O'Connell received a bachelor’s in international studies from the Ohio State University, graduate training in national security studies at The George Washington University and a master’s in public policy from the University of Maryland. He is an associate professor at Georgetown University and is published in a variety of journals. He is the winner of the IBM Center for Business of Government Fellowship for a forthcoming monograph entitled: "Recasting Open Source Within U.S. Intelligence."


Mr. Ted Senator
Data Track Chair 2010
SAIC - VP/Techical Fellow

Ted E. Senator is the Chief Technology Officer for the Engineering Assessment and Analysis Operation (EAAO) in SAIC's Technology and Advanced Systems Business Unit (TASBU). He is responsible for the technical leadership of this 400 person organization, focusing on overall strategy and quality as well as specific projects, primarily in the areas of intelligence analysis and advanced information technology. These efforts involve large-scale program planning, development, integration and evaluation and specific technologies such as data mining for connecting the dots, network analysis, and socio-cultural modeling. Since 1990 he has been working on techniques and systems for detecting potential complex improper activity in large amounts of data in several domains: money laundering (for the Treasury Department), stock markets (for NASD Regulation), and counter-terrorism (for DARPA). He was previously a program manager at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) from 2000 through 2006, during which time he conceived and led programs in Transfer Learning, Bio-surveillance, and Evidence Extraction and Link Discovery (EELD). His previous experience includes five years at NASD Regulation (now FINRA), during which time he founded and led their Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining group and designed and developed several systems for monitoring the Nasdaq stock market for potentially improper activity. Prior to NASD, he was with the US Department of the Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) where he managed the AI Division and System Development Division and led the development of a system to detect money laundering from reports of large cash transactions.

Mr. Senator is a three-time recipient of the Innovative Applications Award from the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), for his work for NASD R, Department of the Treasury, and Department of the Navy. He has served on the IAAI Program Committee since 1993 and as program co-chair in 1996 and chair in 1997 and on the Program Committee for the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, serving as the General Chair in 2003. He is the Secretary-Treasurer of AAAI. He holds degrees in Physics and in Electrical Engineering from M.I.T. and has done graduate work in physics, computer science, and finance. He is also a Jeopardy! champion.


Dr. Alexander Szalay
Data Track Chair 2010
The Johns Hopkins University – Professor

Alexander Szalay is the Alumni Centennial Professor of Astronomy at the Johns Hopkins University. He is also Professor in the Department of Computer Science. He is a cosmologist, working on the statistical measures of the spatial distribution of galaxies and galaxy formation. He was born and educated in Hungary. He has written over 450 papers in various scientific journals, covering areas from theoretical cosmology to observational astronomy, large-scale databases, spatial statistics and computer science. He is a Corresponding Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 2004 he received an Alexander Von Humboldt Award in Physical Sciences, in 2008 the Microsoft Award for Technical Computing.


Ms. Pamela Arya
Models Track Chair 2010
Harris Crucial Security – VP

Pamela Arya is currently a Director at Harris Crucial Security Inc. specializing in development of new offensive and extracted media forensics tools. She was formerly an Executive Director for Applied Minds, Inc., a research and development company creating a range of new products and services in software, entertainment, electronics, biotechnology and mechanical design. Ms. Arya's areas of interest include collaborative tools, advanced visualization and fusion of multi-source data. Ms. Arya was awarded the IEEE Computer Society Outstanding Contribution Award for her work on interoperable data structure standards. In the year 2000-2001, Ms. Arya was selected as a NRO Technology Fellow. This competitive program selects highly skilled technologists to work on projects requested from the Intelligence Community. Her topic was Enterprise Integration and Knowledge Management. Ms. Arya attended Brown University receiving a bachelors of science in geo-physics. She also has a Masters of Science from The Johns Hopkins University in Computer Science. She is a member of the Brown Alumni Association Board of Governors and Executive Board of the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology.


Mr. Dan Wolf
Conference Co-Chair 2011, Practitioner Track Chair 2010
Cyber Pack Ventrues, Inc. - President/CEO

Daniel G. Wolf is the President of Cyber Pack Ventures, Inc. specializing in consulting on a variety of information assurance, intelligence, and homeland security topics. Prior to this Dan was the Director of the Information Assurance Directorate of the National Security Agency (NSA), where he held the responsibility for implementing an information assurance strategy to protect government communications and networks carrying classified national security systems information. Dan held many high level positions at NSA throughout his 39 year career. He has received numerous awards including the Presidential Rank Award of Distinguished Executive in 2003, the Presidential Rank Awards of Meritorious Executive in both 1996 and 2001, the Department of Defense Distinguished Civilian Service Award in 2000, the DoD Medal for Meritorious Civilian Service in 2006. He also received the NSA Exceptional Civilian Service Award and the NSA Director's Distinguished Service Medal. Dan holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from Case Institute of Technology, and a Masters of Science degree in Electrical Engineering (Computer Systems) from the University of Maryland College Park. He is also a graduate of the Senior Executive Fellow Program at Harvard University (Kennedy School of Government) and the Federal Executive Institute (FEI) in Charlottesville, VA. For the last eleven years he has been a member of the Adjunct faculty of Howard Community College. He is also an adjunct assistant professor at the University Of Maryland University College in the Graduate School of Management & Technology, teaching homeland security courses.


Dr. Luanne Burns 
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab - Senior Staff

Luanne Burns received her M.S. in Computer Science and her Ph.D. in Cognitive Science from Columbia University. Her work involved neural networks and expert systems in education.

Luanne was a Research Staff Member at IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Center for 18 years. The main focus of her work was on user interface design and implementation in the database, education, and internet domains. Later she was a Senior Engineer at Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute.

She is now at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab in the Applied Information Sciences Department.


Dr. George Cybenko 
Dartmouth - Gramm Professor of Engineering

George Cybenko is the Dorothy and Walter Gramm Professor of Engineering at Dartmouth College. Prior to joining Dartmouth in 1992, he was Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Cybenko was the founding Editor-in-Chief of both IEEE Security and Privacy and IEEE/AIP Computing in Science and Engineering.

Cybenko is a Fellow of the IEEE, serves on the Defense Science Board, the Board of Directors of the Computing Research Association and the Board of Governors of the IEEE Computer Society. He has B.Sc. (Toronto) and Ph.D. (Princeton) degrees in Mathematics. His recent research has been focused on learning, representing, detecting and analyzing behaviors in networked environments with applications characterizing and identifying targets of interest.


Ms. Donna Dodson 
NIST - Chief, Computer Security Division

Donna Dodson is the Acting Division Chief of the Information Technology Laboratory's Computer Security Division and Deputy Cyber Security Advisor at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). As part of the management team, Donna helps direct the development of NIST's standards, technology and research for the protect information systems against threats to the confidentiality of information, integrity of information and processes, and availability of information and services in order to build trust and confidence in Information Technology (IT) systems.

She is also an active contributor in the areas of authentication and cryptography. Donna has also managed programs including the Advanced Encryption Standard, key management, PKI, authentication and security testing.


Dr. John Doyle 
Caltech - Braun Professor of CDS

John Doyle is the John G Braun Professor of Control and Dynamical Systems, Electrical Engineer, and BioEngineering at Caltech. He has a BS and MS in EE, MIT (1977), and a PhD, Math, UC Berkeley (1984). Current research interests are in theoretical foundations, for complex networks in engineering and biology, focusing on architecture, and for multiscale physics. Early work was in the mathematics of robust control, including LQG robustness, (structured) singular value analysis, H-infinity plus recent extensions to nonlinear and hybrid systems. His research group has collaborated in many software projects, including the Robust Control Toolbox (muTools), SOSTOOLS, SBML (Systems Biology Markup Language), and FAST (Fast AQM, Scalable TCP). Prize paper awards include the IEEE Baker, the IEEE Automatic Control Transactions Axelby (twice), and best conference papers in ACM Sigcomm and AACC American Control Conference. Individual awards include the AACC Eckman, and the IEEE Control Systems Field and Centennial Outstanding Young Engineer Awards. He has held national and world records and championships in various sports.


Dr. Matthew Gaston 
General Dynamics C4S | Viz - Director of Research

Dr. Matthew E. Gaston is the Director of Research for Viz, a Pittsburgh-based business area of General Dynamics C4 Systems, where he works on collaboration, intelligent user interfaces, visual analytics, and scalable information systems. For the past two years he has served as Co-PI on the DARPA Personal Assistant that Learns (PAL) Military Transition program, leading the integration of machine learning capabilities into Army command and control systems. Prior to joining Viz, Matt spent nine years at the National Security Agency building large-scale analytics and analytic engines to aid intelligence
analysts. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from UMBC and a B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Notre Dame.


Dr. Robert Grossman 
University of Chicago – Professor

Robert Grossman is a faculty member at the University of Chicago, where he is the Director of Informatics at the Institute for Genomics and Systems Biology,
a Senior Fellow at the Computation Institute, and a Professor of Medicine
in the Section of Genetic Medicine. His research group focuses on bioinformatics, data intensive computing, cloud computing, data mining, and related areas.

He is also the Founder and a Partner of Open Data Group, which provides outsourced services to build analytics models over big data.

He is involved in several open source projects, including
* Bionimbus, a cloud computing platform for genomics
* Augustus, a python-based PMML-compliant analytics application
* the Sector/Sphere system for cloud computing
* the UDT protocol for high performance data transport

He is a Member of the Board of Directors of the ACM Special Interest Group on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD), having been elected for the terms
2005-2009 and 2009-2011.

He is the Chair of the Open Cloud Consortium. From 1998 to 2010, he was Chair of theData Mining Group, which develops the Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML).

He has over 150 technical publications. Additional information can be found at rgrossman.com


Dr. Eric Haseltine 
Hasletine Partners - Managing Partner

Eric Haseltine, Ph.D., is a former intelligence officer and entertainment executive who was formally trained as a neuroscientist. He has applied new discoveries about the human brain to diverse fields such as aerospace technology, virtual reality, special effects, and most recently, intelligence and national security matters.

He got his Ph.D. studying the sensory neurophysiology of the brains of snakes (boas and pythons) that “see in the dark” via heat sensors around their lips.

After completing one year of post-doctoral training in neuroanatomy at Vanderbilt Medical School, Eric went to work for Hughes Aircraft Company as an industrial psychologist, where he used his training to design advanced fighter cockpit displays and flight simulation systems.

Dr. Haseltine’s research in military flight simulation gave him a strong foundation in the emerging field of virtual reality, so in 1992 he joined Walt Disney Imagineering to help found the Virtual Reality Studio, which he ultimately ran until his departure from Disney in 2002. When he left Disney, Dr Haseltine was Executive Vice President of Imagineering and head of R&D for the entire corporation, including film, television, theme parks, Internet and consumer products.

In the aftermath of 9/11, Eric joined the National Security Agency as its Associate Director, in charge of Research and Development, where he directed a broad range of projects, specializing in counter-terrorism technology.

When Congress created the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Dr. Haseltine was promoted in 2005 to become its first CTO (Associate Director National Intelligence, reporting to the Director). In his two years there, Eric oversaw all Science and Technology efforts within the United States Intelligence Community as well as fostering development innovative new technologies for counter terrorism.

Through his consulting company Haseltine Partners LLC, Eric now helps intelligence agencies and the Department of Defense find and apply cutting edge technologies to problems such as counter terrorism and collaborative intelligence analysis.

Dr. Haseltine also consults for Fortune 500 companies, helping them develop breakthrough innovations and business practices. He serves on numerous boards, and is an active speaker and writer. His new book is Long Fuse, Big Bang: Achieving Long-Term Success Through Daily Victories.


Dr. Boyd Livingston 
Research Directorate / NSA - Technical Director

Dr. Boyd Livingston is the Research Technical Director for the National
Security Agency. He did is undergraduate and graduate studies at MIT
in mathematics. Following the completion of his dissertation, he worked
for the Communications Research Division of the Institute for Defense Analyses where he met the love of his life. He became Mr. Becky Procter, and they now have two beautiful daughters. Dr. Livingston joined NSA in 1990 as a cryptanalyst and has expertise in high performance computing, cryptomathematics, cryptanalysis, and computer security. He has been honored with most every significant award within the cryptanalytic community as well as a Meritorious Presidential Rank Award.


Dr. Tom Longstaff
Track Chair 2011
Johns Hopkins University - Chief Scientist, Cyber Mission

Dr. Tom Longstaff is the Chief Scientist for the Cyber Missions Branch of the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL). APL is a University Affiliated Research Center (UARC), a division of the Johns Hopkins University founded in 1942 and located in Laurel, MD. Tom joined APL in 2007 to work with a wide variety of infocentric operations projects on behalf of the US Government to include technology transition of cyber R&D, information assurance, intelligence, and global information networks.

Tom is also the chair of the Computer Science, Information Assurance, and Information Systems Engineering Programs within the Whiting School at The Johns Hopkins University. Tom’s academic publications span topics such as malware analysis, information survivability, insider threat, intruder modeling, and intrusion detection.
He maintains an active role in the information assurance community and regularly advises organizations on the future of network threat and information assurance. Tom is also a fellow of the International Information Integrity Institute and editor of the IEEE Security & Privacy journal.

Prior to coming to APL, Tom was the deputy director for technology for the CERT at Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute. In his 15-year tenure at CERT, Tom helped to create many of the projects and centers that enabled CERT to become an internationally recognized network security organization. His work included assisting the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies to use response and vulnerability data to define and direct a research and operations program in analysis and prediction of network security and cyber terrorism events.


Dr. Steve Lukasik 
Center for International Security, Policy, and Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology - Distinguished Senior Research Fellow

Dr. Lukasik received a B.S. in physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the Ph.D. in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His early research at Stevens Institute of Technology was on the physics of fluids and plasmas. While a member of the Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), he was responsible for research in support of nuclear test ban negotiations and subsequently served from 1967–1974 as Deputy Director and Director of the Agency. Later government service was as Chief Scientist of the Federal Communications Commission, 1979–1982, where he was responsible for advising the Commission on technical issues in communication regulation and for the management of non-government use of the electromagnetic spectrum.

He taught physics and engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology, technology policy at the RAND Graduate Institute, and in the Technology Management program at the Pepperdine University Graduate School of Business and Management. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Stanford University Center for International Security and Cooperation and is currently Distinguished Senior Research Fellow in the Center for International Security, Technology and Policy, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology, where his research is directed to issues related to the protection of critical infrastructures and the cyber commons.

Dr. Lukasik has been Vice President and Manager of the Systems Development Division at the Xerox Corporation, Vice President for National Security Research and Chief Scientist at the RAND Corporation, Vice President and Manager of the Northrop Research and Technology Center, Corporate Vice President for Technology at Northrop, and Vice President for Technology at the TRW Space and Defense Sector.

He is the author of numerous papers and reports dealing with national strategies for cyber defense against crime and terrorism and the deterrence of cyber war. He has served on the Boards of Trustees of Harvey Mudd College and Stevens Institute of Technology.

Dr. Patricia Muoio 
NSA - Chief, Trusted Systems Research Group

Pat Muoio is the Chief of NSA's National Information Assurance Research Lab where she leads an inter-disciplinary cadre of over 100 researchers developing capabilities that enable national security customers to operate safely in compromised environments. She has worked at the National Security Agency since 1983 in a variety of technical and leadership positions in the areas of cryptanalysis, signals analysis techniques development, cryptographic design and high confidence systems, and mission management. Recent positions include ODNI Science and Technology Lead for Cyber and Deputy Chief of NSA's Computer and Information Science Research organization. Pat has a BA from Fordham University and a PhD from Yale University.


Dr. David Skillicorn 
Queen's University – Professor

David Skillicorn's research focuses on adversarial data analysis, settings where there is a potential feedback loop between analysts improving techniques and adversaries using manipulation and concealment. Such settings include counterterrorism, intelligence, law enforcement, and fraud. Skillicorn heads the Smart Information Laboratory in the School of Computing at Queen's University in Kingston, Canada.


Dr. Salvatore Stolfo 
Columbia University – Professor

Salvatore J. Stolfo received his Ph.D. from NYU Courant Institute in 1979 and has been on the faculty of Columbia ever since. He has published extensively in the areas of parallel computing, AI knowledge-based systems, data mining and most recently computer security and intrusion detection systems (see http://ids.cs.columbia.edu/). His research has been supported by DARPA, NSF, ONR, ARO, AFRL, NSA, CIA, IARPA, DHS and numerous companies and state agencies over the years while at Columbia. His IDS lab, established in 1996 and sponsored by DARPA, pioneered the use of data analysis and machine learning techniques for the adaptive generation of novel sensors and anomaly detectors for a variety of tasks in computer security.

Professor Stolfo has graduated over 25 PhD students and many dozens of Master's students. The Columbia IDS lab has produced over a dozen patent applications filed by Columbia University for security and privacy technologies some of which have been licensed to commercial enterprises. Professor Stolfo serves as a consultant to DARPA and other federal agencies and holds a TS/SCI level clearance. Presently he is a member of the National Academy's Naval Study Board Subcommittee on Information Assurance for Naval Centric Forces.


Dr. William Streilein 
MIT Lincoln Laboratory - Staff Member

William Streilein is a technical staff member in the Information Systems Technology Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. His current research interests include the application of statistical and machine learning techniques to the characterization of high-speed streaming data and to the detection of computer network attacks. Prior to joining the Information Systems Technology group, Bill was in the Sensor Exploitation Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, where his research focused on the exploitation of multisensor fused imagery in interactive automatic learning and recognition environments. He holds a B.A. degree in mathematics from Austin College, an M.M. in electronic and computer music from the University of Miami, and a Ph.D. degree in cognitive and neural systems from Boston University.



Mr. Gerald Willard 
NTOC Office of Analysis - Technical Director

Mr. Gerald 'Chip' Willard is currently the Technical Director for the Office of Analysis within the NSACSS Threat Operations Center (NTOC). He has over 30 years of SIGINT experience as a Navy Cryptologist, defense contractor, and as an NSA employee. Involved with Information Operations (IO) almost his entire career, in the last ten years he has served as senior analyst and technical leader in the Information Operations Technology Center (IOTC), the Advanced Analysis Lab (AAL), Office of SIGINT Support to IO (SSIO), the Office of Information Operations (OIO) and now in the NTOC. Since joining NSA as a Global Network Analyst in 2002, he has been a leader in advancing the agency's analytic tradecraft and has been instrumental in applying complex systems modeling approaches to overcome some of the intelligence and IO community's most daunting challenges.