C3E 2011 Bibliography

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Workshop 11
Date Document Title Author Modified By Comments
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2011-09-25 Complexity Science Challenges in Cybersecurity Robert C. Armstrong, Jackson R. Mayo, Frank Siebenlist  Luanne Burns Computers and the Internet are indispensable to our modern society, but by the standards of critical infrastructure, they are notably unreliable....
2011-09-25 Leveraging Complexity in Software for Cybersecurity Robert C. Armstrong, Jackson R. Mayo  Luanne Burns A method for assessing statistically quantifiable improvements in security for software vulnerabilities is presented. Drawing on concepts in complexity theory, undecidability,...
2011-09-25 Self-organization in social insects Eric Bonabeau, Guy Theraulaz, Jean-Louis Deneubourg, Serge Aron and Scott Camazine  Luanne Burns Self-organization was introduced originally in the context of physics and chemistry to describe how microscopic processes give rise to macroscopic structures...
2011-09-25 Swarm Intelligence Blum, Christian; Merkle, Daniel (Eds.)  Luanne Burns The laws that govern the collective behavior of social insects, flocks of birds, or fish schools continue to mesmerize researchers. While...
2011-09-22 The Promise and Peril of Big Data David Bollier  Luanne Goldrich According to a recent report1, the amount of digital content on the Internet is now close to five hundred billion gigabytes....
2011-09-22 What is Data Science? Mike Loukides  Luanne Burns The Web is full of “data-driven apps.” Almost any e-commerce application is a data-driven application. There’s a database behind a web...
2011-09-22 Ant-Based Cyber Security Jereme N. Haack, Glenn A. Fink, Wendy M. Maiden, A. David McKinnon, Steven J. Templeton  Luanne Burns We describe a swarming-agent-based, mixedinitiative approach to infrastructure defense where teams of humans and software agents defend cooperating organizations in tandem...
2011-09-22 Big Data, Analytics and the Path From Insights to Value Steve LaValle, Eric Lesser, Rebecca Shockely, Michael S. Hopkins, and Nina Kruschwitz  Luanne Burns How the smartest organizations are embedding analytics to transform information into insight and then action. Findings and recommendations from the first...
2011-09-22 Big-Data Computing: Creating revolutionary breakthroughs in commerce, science, and society Randal E. Bryant, Rnady H. Katz, Edward D. Lazowska  Luanne Burns Advances in digital sensors, communications, computation, and storage have created huge collections of data, capturing information of value to business, science,...
2011-09-22 Understanding High–Dimensional Spaces David Skillcorn  Luanne Burns High-dimensional spaces arise naturally as a way of modelling datasets with many attributes. Such a dataset can be directly represented in...
2011-09-20 Outside the Closed World: On Using Machine Learning For Network Intrusion Detection Sommer + Paxson  John Gerth This is a thoughtful analysis of why, despite extensive research, one rarely finds network intrusion detection systems based on machine-learning deployed...
2011-09-16 Cyber Intelligence...setting the landscape for an emerging discipline INSA  Luanne Burns Evolving information systems technology has turned the cyber arena into a multi-dimensional attack space that extends the conventional landscape to a...
2011-09-16 The Calculi of Emergence: Computation, Dynamics, and Induction James P. Crutchfield  Luanne Burns Defining structure and detecting the emergence of complexity in nature are inherently subjective, though essential, scientific activities. Despite the difficulties, these...
2011-09-16 Directions in Security Metrics Research Wayne Jansen  Luanne Burns More than 100 years ago, Lord Kelvin insightfully observed that measurement is vital to deep knowledge and understanding in physical science....
2011-09-16 Quantitative Evaluation of Risk for Investment Efficient Strategies in Cybersecurity: The QuERIES Methodology LAWRENCE CARIN, GEORGE CYBENKO, JEFF HUGHES  Luanne Burns Organizations in both the private and public sectors have been struggling to determine the appropriate investments to make for protecting their...
2011-09-16 Other References for Emergent Behavior Track Antonio Sanfilippo  Luanne Burns <This is a list of other books and referencesof read-ahead materials for the Emergent Behavior track sessions.
2011-09-16 Gaming security by obscurity Dusko Pavlovic  Luanne Burns The present paper explores some ways to refine the current models of the attacker, and of the defender, by taking into...
2011-09-16 Sherlock Holmes’s Evil Twin: On The Impact of Global Inference for Online Privacy Gerald Friedland, Gregor Maier, Robin Sommer, Nicholas Weaver  Luanne Burns a crucial ingredient tomanyweb sites and services today. However, many users who provide content do not realize that their uploads may...
2011-09-16 Public Security: simulations need to replace conventional wisdom Kay Hamacher, Stefan Katzenbeisser  Luanne Burns Is more always better? Is conventional wisdom always the right guideline in the development of security policies that have large opportunity...
2011-09-01 Self-Organizing Resilient Network Sensing (SornS) with Very Large Scale Anomaly Detection Rick Dove  Rick Dove Abstract—Anomaly detection promises to find elements of abnormality in a field of data. Computational barriers constrain anomaly detection to sparse subsets...
2011-08-06 The Prediction of Abnormal and Malicious Behavior: Automated Behavior Analysis (ABA) Gary M. Jackson  Luanne Burns ABA as a set of methodologies consists of specific tools for constructing predictive models that may be embedded in specific adversarial...
2011-07-16 Department of Defense Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace   Luanne Burns <At July 15, 2011 SCORE meeting, Jack, the DoD Representative, mentioned that the DoD just released an unclassified version of the...
2011-07-16 Pentagon Strategy Prepares For War In Cyberspace   Luanne Burns <NPR report July 15, 2011
2011-07-14 Cyberspace Defense Technician Todd M. Boudreau  Luanne Burns The current methods are completely inadequate for a variety of reasons. First, we cannot afford to allow adversarial activity to occur...
2011-07-14 Fuzzy Logic Based Anomaly Detection for Embedded Network Security Cyber Sensor Ondrej Linda, Milos Manic, Todd Vollmer, Jason Wright  Luanne Burns This paper proposes a novel learning algorithm for anomaly based network security cyber sensor together with its hardware implementation. The presented...
2011-07-14 Evolutionary Approach for Network Anomaly Detection Using Effective Classification Chandrasekar,Vasudevan,Yogesh  Luanne Burns This work discusses about the ways of implementing Evolutionary Approach for Network based Anomaly Detection Systems using Effective Classification. It involves...
2011-07-14 Cyber Profiling for Insider Threat Detection Walter Udoeyop, University of Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange  Luanne Burns Cyber attacks against companies and organizations can result in high impact losses that include damaged credibility, exposed vulnerability, and financial losses....
2011-07-14 Automatic Construction of Anomaly Detectors from Graphical Models M. Ferragut, David M. Darmon, Craig A. Shue, and Stephen Kelley  Luanne Burns Detection of rare or previously unseen attacks in cyber security presents a central challenge: how does one search for a sufficiently...
2011-07-14 Cyber Infrastructure Protection Tarek Saadawi and Louis Jordan  Luanne Burns The Internet, as well as other telecommunication networks and information systems, have become an integrated part of our daily lives, and...
2011-07-14 Doing intrusion detection using embedded sensors proposal Zamboni  Luanne Burns Intrusion detection systems have usually been developed using large host-based components. These components impose an extra load on the system where...
2011-07-14 Intrusion detection systems have usually been developed using large host-based components. Schales, Christodorescu,Stoecklin, Rao,Venema, Sailer  Luanne Burns In this paper, IBM presents a highly-scalable, run-time extensible, and dynamic cybersecurity analytics platform. It is specifically designed and implemented to...
2011-07-14 Holistic Network Defense: Fusing Host and Network Features for Attack Clarification Jenny W. Ji  Luanne Burns Defending the cyberspace domain has taken a higher priority as the internet has become an enabler and integrated component of the...
2011-07-14 Trust Management and Security in Satellite Telecommand Processing Mark C. Duncan  Luanne Burns New standards and initiatives in satellite system architecture are moving the space industry to more open and efficient mission operations. Primarily,...
2011-07-14 Spear Phishing Attack Detection David T. Merritt  Luanne Burns This thesis addresses the problem of identifying email spear phishing attacks, which are indicative of cyber espionage. Spear phishing consists of...
2011-07-14 Mission Cyber Security Situation Management Gabriel Jakobson  Luanne Burns Interesting Powerpoint that looks at cyber attack detection more scientifically (scroll down to the cyber security section p. 43)
2011-07-14 Network profiling for high assurance survivability Mike Burmester  Luanne Burns with the Center for Security and Assurance in IT, Florida State University
2011-07-14 NetBytes Viewer: An Entity-based NetFlow Visualization Utility for Identifying Intrusive Behavior Taylor, Stephen Brooks and John McHugh   Luanne Burns NetBytes Host Viewer is an interactive visualization tool designed to show the historical network flow data per port of an individual...
2011-07-14 Intrusion Detection Systems & Multisensor Data Fusion Creating Cyberspace Situational Awareness Tim Bass  Luanne Burns Intrusion Detection Systems & Multisensor Data Fusion: Creating Cyberspace Situational Awarenes
2011-07-14 Distributed Intrusion Detection and Attack Containment for Organizational Cyber Security Stephen G. Batsell, Nageswara S. Rao, Mallikarjun Shankar  Luanne Burns The sheer number and sophistication of cyber attacks are making our nation’s critical computer networks increasingly vulnerable. At the same time,...
2011-07-14 A Comprehensive Survey of Data Mining-based Fraud Detection Research   Luanne Burns This survey paper categorizes, compares, and summarizes from almost all published technical and review articles in automated fraud detection within the...
2011-07-14 The application of data mining techniques in financial fraud detection: A classification framework and an academic review of literature Ngai, Hu, Wong, Chen, Sun  Luanne Burns This paper thus represents the first systematic, identifiable and comprehensive academic literature review of the data mining techniques that have been...
2011-07-14 Transaction Mining for Fraud Detection in ERP Systems Khan, Roheena Q. and Corney, Malcolm W. and Clark, Andrew J. and Mohay, George M.  Luanne Burns In this paper, a role mining inspired approach is presented to represent user behavior in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, primarily...
2011-07-14 Outlier Detection Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey Yang Zhang, Nirvana Meratnia, and Paul Havinga  Luanne Burns In the field of wireless sensor networks, those measurements that significantly deviate from the normal pattern of sensed data are considered...
2011-07-14 The Emerging Frontiers of Risk Management   Luanne Burns This paper goes into detail about modern norms and expectations regarding fraud and detection methods. It then assesses how to manage...
2011-07-14 Stopping Fraud Where it Starts The Value of Analytics in the Onboarding Process   Luanne Burns Difficult economic conditions appear to have reversed the trend of decreasing fraud incidence. According to Javelin’s 2009 Identity Fraud Survey Report,...
2011-07-14 RAC Game Changer: Predictive Modeling   Luanne Burns Similar in nature to technology already being used by credit card companies to detect fraud, predictive modeling is expected to identify...
2011-07-14 Fraud Detection Methods   Luanne Burns Online electronic fraud has become increasingly problematic to many companies offering services on the web. This blogger is trying to generalize...
2011-07-14 Businesses must use multi-layer authentication   Luanne Burns Most single-layer authentication methods are broken and more are being broken all the time, says Gartner analyst Avivah Litan.
2011-07-14 DOE Lab Shuts Down Email, Weak Access after Sophisticated Cyber-Attack   Luanne Burns Cyber-attackers hit another Department of Energy research laboratory last week, forcing IT managers to shut down all of the facility’s computer...
2011-07-14 New cyberattacks target small businesses   Luanne Burns Since early June, one gang has been using a uniquely insidious type of automated attack to inject malicious code on some...
2011-07-14 Cyber-criminals Increasingly Launch Spear Phishing Assaults: Cisco   Luanne Burns Cisco recently released a report entitled "E-mail Attacks: This Time It's Personal," which finds that there's been a threefold increase in...
2011-07-14 Citi: Millions stolen in May hack attack   Luanne Burns Citigroup acknowledged that a hack attack last month stole millions of dollars from customers' credit card accounts. Citigroup told CNN that...
2011-07-14 Brazil suffers its biggest cyber attack-yet   Luanne Burns The service interruption of government websites and the disclosure of the supposedly personal data of top-ranking politicians claimed by hacking collective...
2011-07-14 Not all Hack for the Heck of it   Luanne Burns Interesting article about the future of cyber-attacks, specifically hacking as a paying job. What is grating the American authorities and security...
2011-07-14 Darpa Gets Big Bucks for ‘Cyber Tech’ (Whatever That Means)   Luanne Burns News on developments in anomalous behavior detection methods: In May, it was revealed in fiscal reports regarding the 2012 defense budget...