C3E 2009 Agenda


Monday, August 3, 2009
C3E Registration: Tina Orr from Systems Planning Corporation will be available to distribute pre-conference materials and important logistics information.

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
1800 – 1900: Cocktail Hour including cash bar and hors d'oeuvres

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
19:00 – 2000: Welcome to C3E:

Pat Muoio and Jeff Marasovich set the stage and state goals for C3E.

Ted Senator and Steve Bellovin, co-chairs C3E, give informal keynote talks.

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
2000 – 2200: Dinner

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
0715 – 0815: Breakfast

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
0815 – 0830: Day One Kick-off: Ted Senator and Steve Bellovin

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
0830 – 0900: Use of Analytics in Other Adversarial Fields, Pt.1: facilitated by Ted Senator

Participants introduce themselves, analytics in their field, and possible applications to cyber in five minute increments

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
0900 – 0930: Thinking Like a Bad Guy: Bill Cheswick

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
0930 – 1000: Use of Analytics in Other Adversarial Fields, Pt.2: facilitated by Ted Senator

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
1000 – 1030: Why What We Tried Isn’t Enough: Sal Stolfo

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
1030 – 1100: Break

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
1100 – 1130: Use of Analytics in Other Adversarial Fields, Pt. 3: facilitated by Ted Senator

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
1130 – 1200: Massive Analytics -- Thin Clients and Fat Adversaries: Bob Grossman

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
1200 – 1230: Use of Analytics in Other Adversarial Fields, Pt. 4: facilitated by Ted Senator

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
1230 – 1330: Lunch, Keynote Speaker: Jeff Jonas

Location:Las Fuentas Main Room
1330 – 1530: *Breakout Session Number One:

Group A. Infiltrator on the Inside: Sal Stolfo

Group B. Bad Neighborhood: Dave Belanger

Group C. Camouflage: Marty Ellingsworth

Location:Las Fuentas Main Room
1530 – 1600 Break

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
1600 – 1800: *Breakout Session Number Two:

Group A. Bad Neighborhood: Dave Belangerr

Group B. Camouflage: Marty Ellingsworth

Group C. Infiltrator on the Inside: Sal Stolfo

Location:Las Fuentas Main Room
1800 – 2200 Walking Tour of Old Santa Fe followed by dinner at the Georgia O’Keefe Museum

Participants meet in Bishop’s Lodge Main Lobby by 1800
Wednesday August 5, 2009
0715 – 0815: Breakfast

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
0815 – 0830: Day Two Kick-Off: Ted Senator and Steve Bellovin

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
0830 – 0930: New Ideas for Cyber: facilitated by Steve Bellovin

Participants introduce themselves and participate in a progressive discussion of analytics and reflections on possible applications to cyber, in five minute increment.

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
0900 – 0930: Threat Brief: Levi Gundert

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
0930 – 1000: New Ideas for Cyber: facilitated by Steve Bellovin

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
1000 – 1030: Break

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
1030 – 1200: *Breakout Session Number Three:

Group B. Infiltrator on the Inside: Sal Stolfo

Group C. Bad Neighborhood: Dave Belanger

Group A. Camouflage: Marty Ellingsworth

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
1200 – 1300: Lunch, Keynote Speaker: Malcolm Sparrow

Location: Las Fuentas Main Room
1300 – 1430: Breakout Synthesis:

Infiltrator on the Inside: Sal Stolfo

Bad Neighborhood: Dave Belanger

Camouflage: Marty Ellingsworth

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
1430 – 1500: Break

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
1500 – 1620: Break out Reports and Discussion: Breakout Leads- Tesuque Pavilion

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
1620 – 1640: Workshop Synthesis: Ted Senator and Steve Bellovin

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
1640 – 1700: Sponsor Reflections and Next Steps: Pat Muoio and Jeff Marasovich

Location: Tesuque Pavilion
1800 – 2000: Dinner- Bishop’s Lodge

Location: Thunderbird and El Charro Patio