C3E 2019 Homepage


For 2019, C3E will further examine a key element explored during the 2018 Workshop – the role of the human in cyber environments. Specifically, the 2019 C3E Workshop will explore cognitive security and human machine teaming in cyber. As we find ourselves in the midst of an era of social-information warfare - for which we are presently ill prepared to mount an effective defense – it is necessary that we investigate hybrid approaches that account for both technological and human sides of the problem.


With an ultimate goal to secure and support cognitive activities (e.g. decision-making, analytic judgements) that may be vulnerable to incorrect, incomplete, or misinformation in cyber contexts, we will address the effects of both bad judgements and bad information: bad information that may lead someone towards a bad judgement; purposeful misinformation that may drive someone toward a bad judgement; and, bad judgements that may result from either or both natural cognitive biases or explicit adversarial manipulation. We will explore means to mitigate these effects; decision-making processes at risk; and methods for restoring trust once lost.

Human behavior, which follows a decision-making process that results in judgements, requires examination. We will consider the role of AI, human, and cyber context in decision-making and its influence; the accuracy of human behavior modelling; the role of humans and machines as advisors of each other; leveraging of bias to the defenders advantage in securing against an adversary; educational requirements to strengthen the security of cognitive activities, and more.

The Fall 2019 Workshop will be held September 16-18, 2019 in Menlo Park, California at SRI International. Attendance at the Fall workshop is by invitation only and limited because of time and space constraints. For more information please contact the organizers: c3e@cps-vo.org


Conference Sponsor

Brad Martin

Technical Lead

Lonnie Carey

Conference Co-Chairs

Celeste Lyn Paul

Dan Wolf
Conference Organizers

Katie Dey

Anne Dyson

The workshop is sponsored by SCORE.