Challenge Problem Session Presenters

  S P E C I A L   S E S S I O N   -   C H A L L E N G E    P R O B L E M S  


SESSION 2 - Wednesday, October 27 at 4:00pm

Title: Power Indices and Security Investment Games  

David Burke


Title: tba

Peter Chin


Title: Toward Personalized Adaptive Anti-Phishing Training and Automated Assistants

Edward A. Cranford


Title: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Autonomic and Automated Security    

Aron Laszka


Title: tba

John Mallery


Title: Towards Continuous Assurance for Autonomy Software

Sayan Mitra


Title: tba

Spencer Oriot


Title: Updating economic methods for strategic reasoning in cybersecurity: When Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) became Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD)

Dusko Pavlovic 


Title: Run-Time Enforcers in Adversarial and Information-Limited Environments

Ufuk Topcu


Title: Observer Perception-Reflection Dynamics: A Shared Paradigm in Human-Machine Teaming for Adaptive Preparedness   

Nancy Mogire Carroll