"Inside Bugcrowd's Plans to 'Demystify' AI Security With New Vulnerability Reporting Scheme"

"Inside Bugcrowd's Plans to 'Demystify' AI Security With New Vulnerability Reporting Scheme"

Bugcrowd, the crowdsourced security platform, has updated its Vulnerability Rating Taxonomy (VRT) to include vulnerabilities in Large Language Models (LLMs). According to Casey Ellis, CSO of Bugrowd, the long-term goal is to "demystify" the technology and foster a more transparent vulnerability reporting environment. He adds that this will help alleviate security and privacy concerns about using generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) models. Bugcrowd's VRT is an open-source platform designed to facilitate the sharing of information regarding known software vulnerabilities.

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on

"ESET Patches High-Severity Vulnerability in Secure Traffic Scanning Feature"

"ESET Patches High-Severity Vulnerability in Secure Traffic Scanning Feature"

ESET has recently released patches for several of its endpoint and server security products to address a high-severity vulnerability that could have been exploited to cause web browsers to trust sites that should not be trusted.  ESET noted that the flaw tracked as CVE-2023-5594 affected their products' SSL/TLS protocol scanning feature.  It could have caused browsers to trust websites with certificates signed with outdated and insecure algorithms.

Submitted by Adam Ekwall on

"Google Rushes to Patch Eighth Chrome Zero-Day This Year"

"Google Rushes to Patch Eighth Chrome Zero-Day This Year"

Google recently announced emergency patches for a Chrome vulnerability that is under active exploitation.  This is the eighth zero-day documented this year.  Google noted that the issue is tracked as CVE-2023-7024 and is a high-severity heap buffer overflow bug in Chrome’s WebRTC component.  WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is an open-source project that provides real-time communication via APIs.  Google is aware that an exploit for CVE-2023-7024 exists in the wild.

Submitted by Adam Ekwall on

"OTORIO Researchers Uncover Critical Vulnerabilities in Building Security Systems"

"OTORIO Researchers Uncover Critical Vulnerabilities in Building Security Systems"

Researchers at OTORIO have highlighted cybersecurity risks associated with modern Physical Access Control Systems (PACS). The researchers showed that PACS, especially those using the Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP), inadvertently created a potential entry point into an organization's internal IP network. The study demonstrates how cybercriminals could exploit doors equipped with cutting-edge building access control measures.

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on

"NDAA Provision Looks to Close Cybersecurity Gaps in Nuclear Weapons Systems"

"NDAA Provision Looks to Close Cybersecurity Gaps in Nuclear Weapons Systems"

A bipartisan proposal in the recently passed defense policy bill will form a working group to address previously identified cybersecurity gaps in the nation's nuclear weapons systems. The provision, which was first introduced in June, was included in the fiscal year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on

"CISA Issues Request For Information on Secure by Design Software Whitepaper"

"CISA Issues Request For Information on Secure by Design Software Whitepaper"

As part of its global Secure by Design campaign, the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) on the whitepaper titled "Shifting the Balance of Cybersecurity Risk: Principles and Approaches for Secure by Design Software." CISA and its partners seek information on topics, including incorporating security early in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), recurring vulnerabilities, Operational Technology (OT), the economics of Secure by Design, and more, to better inform the agency's Secure by Design campaign.

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on

"ALPHV/BlackCat Dangles Threat to Critical Infrastructure After Allegedly 'Unseizing' Site From FBI"

"ALPHV/BlackCat Dangles Threat to Critical Infrastructure After Allegedly 'Unseizing' Site From FBI"

The ransomware gang ALPHV/BlackCat has announced that its network of affiliates can now target nuclear power plants, hospitals, and critical infrastructure. The move is a response to recent FBI enforcement activity. ALPHV/BlackCat made the announcement on its leak website, which had been offline since December 7, when it was believed to have been shut down by law enforcement. The previously closed ALPHV/BlackCat website briefly displayed an FBI seizure notice.

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on

"EMS Software Hack Exposes 2.7 Million People"

"EMS Software Hack Exposes 2.7 Million People"

A ransomware attack on ESO, a provider of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) software, involves the sensitive details of millions of people, including their healthcare data. One impacted system contained information about patients associated with ESO's customers. SSNs were only exposed in a few cases. Healthcare data can be sold on dark web forums to malicious actors who want to commit medical identity theft. This type of identity theft involves using stolen information to submit forged claims to Medicare and other health insurers.

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on

"Sophisticated JaskaGO Infostealer Targets macOS and Windows"

"Sophisticated JaskaGO Infostealer Targets macOS and Windows"

AT&T Alien Labs researchers discovered JaskaGO, a previously undetected Go-based information stealer that targets Windows and macOS systems. JaskaGO supports a wide range of commands and maintains persistence in various ways. The malware's macOS variant was discovered in July 2023, spreading in the form of installers for pirated legitimate software such as CapCut or AnyConnect. According to the researchers, the recent malware sample still has a low detection rate.

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on

"NSA Blocked 10 Billion Connections to Malicious and Suspicious Domains"

"NSA Blocked 10 Billion Connections to Malicious and Suspicious Domains"

The National Security Agency (NSA) recently published its annual report detailing its efforts in cybersecurity and its work with government partners, foreign partners, and defense industrial base (DIB) entities to improve national security.  The NSA announced that its domain security service blocked 10 billion user connections to known malicious or suspicious domains.

Submitted by Adam Ekwall on
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