"Bot Attack Costs Double to $86m Annually"

"Bot Attack Costs Double to $86m Annually"

According to security researchers at Netacea, the typical business in the US and UK loses over 4% of their online revenue every year due to malicious bot attacks. The researchers surveyed 440 businesses with an average online revenue of $1.9bn across the travel, entertainment, e-commerce, financial services, and telecoms sectors in the US and the UK. The researchers found that the average firm loses $85.6m annually to bot attacks, up from $33.3m per business in 2020. The researchers noted that this is far greater than the average ransom payment or GDPR fine.

Submitted by Adam Ekwall on

"T-Mobile App Glitch Let Users See Other People's Account Info"

"T-Mobile App Glitch Let Users See Other People's Account Info"

T-Mobile customers reported being able to see the account and billing information of others after logging into the company's official mobile app. According to user reports, the exposed information included consumers' names, phone numbers, addresses, account balances, and credit card information, such as expiration dates and the last four digits. While a large number of reports began appearing on Reddit and Twitter on September 20, some T-Mobile customers claimed to have experienced this for the last two weeks.

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on

"Cyber Group 'Gold Melody' Selling Compromised Access to Ransomware Attackers"

"Cyber Group 'Gold Melody' Selling Compromised Access to Ransomware Attackers"

A financially motivated threat actor has been identified as an Initial Access Broker (IAB) who sells access to compromised organizations to other adversaries to perform follow-on attacks. The SecureWorks Counter Threat Unit (CTU) has named the group Gold Melody, which also goes by the names Prophet Spider and UNC961. According to the cybersecurity company, this financially motivated group has been active since at least 2017, exploiting vulnerabilities in unpatched Internet-facing servers to compromise organizations.

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on

A Look at Resilience Breakdowns of Human-assisted Cyber Reasoning Systems

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Yan Shoshitaishvili is an Assistant Professor at Arizona State University, where he pursues parallel passions of cybersecurity research, real-world impact, and education. His research focuses on automated program analysis and vulnerability detection techniques. Aside from publishing dozens of research papers in top academic venues, Yan led Shellphish’s participation in the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge, achieving the creation of a fully autonomous hacking system that won third place in the competition.

Resiliency in Systems Engineering Context

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Bill Scherlis is a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). He recently completed a second tour at DARPA, where he served as Director of the Information Innovation Office (I2O) from Sept 2019 to May 2022 and as Special Assistant to the Director from May to Sept 2022. As I2O director, he led program managers in the development of research programs in cyber operations, secure and resilient systems, AI, and information operations.

Attestation and Time

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Perry Alexander is the AT&T Foundation Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Science and Director of the Institute for Information Sciences at the University of Kansas. His research and teaching interests include formal verification and synthesis, trusted systems, and programming language semantics.

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