By analyzing the design requirements of a secure desktop virtualization information system, this paper proposes the security virtualization technology of "whitelist" security mechanism, the virtualization layer security technology of optimized design, and the virtual machine security technology of resource and network layer isolation. On this basis, this paper constructs the overall architecture of the secure desktop virtualization information system. This paper studies the desktop virtualization technology research based on VMware using VMware server virtualization solution to transform and upgrade the traditional intelligent desktop virtualization system, improve server resource utilization rate, and reduce operation and maintenance costs.
Authored by Honglei Xia
Science of Security 2022 - In order to overcome new business changes that bring new security threats and challenges to many Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) fields such as smart grids, smart factories, and smart transportation, the paper proposed the architecture of the industrial Internet of Things system, and analyzed the security threats of the industrial Internet of Things system. Combining various attack methods, targeted security protection strategies for the perception layer, network layer, platform layer and application layer are designed. The results show that the security protection strategy can effectively meet the security protection requirements of IIoT systems.
Authored by Ping Yu, Yunxin Long, Hui Yan, Hanlin Chen, Xiaozhong Geng
Science of Security 2022 - To prevent all sorts of attacks, the technology of security service function chains (SFC) is proposed in recent years, it becomes an attractive research highlights. Dynamic orchestration algorithm can create SFC according to the resource usage of network security functions. The current research on creating SFC focuses on a single domain. However in reality the large and complex networks are divided into security domains according to different security levels and managed separately. Therefore, we propose a cross-security domain dynamic orchestration algorithm to create SFC for network security functions based on ant colony algorithm(ACO) and consider load balancing, shortest path and minimum delay as optimization objectives. We establish a network security architecture based on the proposed algorithm, which is suitable for the industrial vertical scenarios, solves the deployment problem of the dynamic orchestration algorithm. Simulation results verify that our algorithm achieves the goal of creating SFC across security domains and demonstrate its performance in creating service function chains to resolve abnormal traffic flows.
Authored by Weidong Xiao, Xu Zhang, Dongbin Wang
Predictive Security Metrics - With the emergence of Zero Trust (ZT) Architecture, industry leaders have been drawn to the technology because of its potential to handle a high level of security threats. The Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) is paving the path for a security industrial revolution by eliminating location-based implicant access and focusing on asset, user, and resource security. Software Defined Perimeter (SDP) is a secure overlay network technology that can be used to implement a Zero Trust framework. SDP is a next-generation network technology that allows network architecture to be hidden from the outside world. It also hides the overlay communication from the underlay network by employing encrypted communications. With encrypted information, detecting abnormal behavior of entities on an overlay network becomes exceedingly difficult. Therefore, an automated system is required. We proposed a method in this paper for understanding the normal behavior of deployed polices by mapping network usage behavior to the policy. An Apache Spark collects and processes the streaming overlay monitoring data generated by the built-in fabric API in order to do this mapping. It sends extracted metrics to Prometheus for storage, and then uses the data for machine learning training and prediction. The cluster-id of the link that it belongs to is predicted by the model, and the cluster-ids are mapped onto the policies. To validate the legitimacy of policy, the labeled polices hash is compared to the actual polices hash that is obtained from blockchain. Unverified policies are notified to the SDP controller for additional action, such as defining new policy behavior or marking uncertain policies.
Authored by Waleed Akbar, Javier Rivera, Khan Ahmed, Afaq Muhammad, Wang-Cheol Song
Object Oriented Security - Smart distribution grids have new protection concepts known as fault self-healing whereby Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) can automatically reconfigure the power circuits to isolate faults and restore power to the relevant sections. This is typically implemented with IEDs exchanging IEC 61850 Generic Object Oriented Substation Event (GOOSE) messages in a peer-to-peer communication network. However, a selfhealing application may be faced by challenges of emerging cyber-physical security threats. These can result in disruption to the applications’ operations thereby affecting the power system reliability. Blockchain is one technology that has been deployed in several applications to offer security and bookkeeping. In this paper, we propose a novel concept using blockchain as a second-tier security mechanism to support time-critical selfhealing operations in smart distribution grids. We show through a simulation study the impact of our proposed architecture when compared with a normal self healing architecture. The results show that our proposed architecture can achieve significant savings in time spent in no-power state by portions of the grid during cyber-physical attacks.
Authored by Befekadu Gebraselase, Charles Adrah, Tesfaye Amare, Bjarne Helvik, Poul Heegaard
Network Security Resiliency - The 5G ecosystem is designed as a highly sophisticated and modularized architecture that decouples the radio access network (RAN), the multi-access edge computing (MEC) and the mobile core to enable different and scalable deployments. It leverages modern principles of virtualized network functions, microservices-based service chaining, and cloud-native software stacks. Moreover, it provides built-in security and mechanisms for slicing. Despite all these capabilities, there remain many gaps and opportunities for additional capabilities to support end-toend secure operations for applications across many domains. Although 5G supports mechanisms for network slicing and tunneling, new algorithms and mechanisms that can adapt network slice configurations dynamically to accommodate urgent and mission-critical traffic are needed. Such slices must be secure, interference-aware, and free of side channel attacks. Resilience of the 5G ecosystem itself requires an effective means for observability and (semi-)autonomous self-healing capabilities. To address this plethora of challenges, this paper presents the SECurity and REsiliency TEchniques for Differentiated 5G OPerationS (SECRETED 5G OPS) project, which is investigating fundamental new solutions that center on the zero trust, network slicing, and network augmentation dimensions, which together will achieve secure and differentiated operations in 5G networks. SECRETED 5G OPS solutions are designed to be easily deployable, minimally invasive to the existing infrastructure, not require modifications to user equipment other than possibly firmware upgrades, economically viable, standards compliant, and compliant to regulations.
Authored by Akram Hakiri, Aniruddha Gokhale, Yogesh Barve, Valerio Formicola, Shashank Shekhar, Charif Mahmoudi, Mohammad Rahman, Uttam Ghosh, Syed Hasan, Terry Guo
Network Security Resiliency - The 5G ecosystem is designed as a highly sophisticated and modularized architecture that decouples the radio access network (RAN), the multi-access edge computing (MEC) and the mobile core to enable different and scalable deployments. It leverages modern principles of virtualized network functions, microservices-based service chaining, and cloud-native software stacks. Moreover, it provides built-in security and mechanisms for slicing. Despite all these capabilities, there remain many gaps and opportunities for additional capabilities to support end-toend secure operations for applications across many domains. Although 5G supports mechanisms for network slicing and tunneling, new algorithms and mechanisms that can adapt network slice configurations dynamically to accommodate urgent and mission-critical traffic are needed. Such slices must be secure, interference-aware, and free of side channel attacks. Resilience of the 5G ecosystem itself requires an effective means for observability and (semi-)autonomous self-healing capabilities. To address this plethora of challenges, this paper presents the SECurity and REsiliency TEchniques for Differentiated 5G OPerationS (SECRETED 5G OPS) project, which is investigating fundamental new solutions that center on the zero trust, network slicing, and network augmentation dimensions, which together will achieve secure and differentiated operations in 5G networks. SECRETED 5G OPS solutions are designed to be easily deployable, minimally invasive to the existing infrastructure, not require modifications to user equipment other than possibly firmware upgrades, economically viable, standards compliant, and compliant to regulations.
Authored by Akram Hakiri, Aniruddha Gokhale, Yogesh Barve, Valerio Formicola, Shashank Shekhar, Charif Mahmoudi, Mohammad Rahman, Uttam Ghosh, Syed Hasan, Terry Guo
Network Security Architecture - As a result of globalization, the COVID-19 pandemic and the migration of data to the cloud, the traditional security measures where an organization relies on a security perimeter and firewalls do not work. There is a shift to a concept whereby resources are not being trusted, and a zero-trust architecture (ZTA) based on a zero-trust principle is needed. Adapting zero trust principles to networks ensures that a single insecure Application Protocol Interface (API) does not become the weakest link comprising of Critical Data, Assets, Application and Services (DAAS). The purpose of this paper is to review the use of zero trust in the security of a network architecture instead of a traditional perimeter. Different software solutions for implementing secure access to applications and services for remote users using zero trust network access (ZTNA) is also summarized. A summary of the author’s research on the qualitative study of “Insecure Application Programming Interface in Zero Trust Networks” is also discussed. The study showed that there is an increased usage of zero trust in securing networks and protecting organizations from malicious cyber-attacks. The research also indicates that APIs are insecure in zero trust environments and most organization are not aware of their presence.
Authored by Farhan Qazi
Network Security Architecture - Design a new generation of smart power meter components, build a smart power network, implement power meter safety protection, and complete smart power meter network security protection. The new generation of smart electric energy meters mainly complete legal measurement, safety fee control, communication, control, calculation, monitoring, etc. The smart power utilization structure network consists of the master station server, front-end processor, cryptographic machine and master station to form a master station management system. Through data collection and analysis, the establishment of intelligent energy dispatching operation, provides effective energy-saving policy algorithms and strategies, and realizes energy-smart electricity use manage. The safety protection architecture of the electric energy meter is designed from the aspects of its own safety, full-scenario application safety, and safety management. Own security protection consists of hardware security protection and software security protection. The full-scene application security protection system includes four parts: boundary security, data security, password security, and security monitoring. Security management mainly provides application security management strategies and security responsibility division strategies. The construction of the intelligent electric energy meter network system lays the foundation for network security protection.
Authored by Baofeng Li, Feng Zhai, Yilun Fu, Bin Xu
Network Security Architecture - To prevent all sorts of attacks, the technology of security service function chains (SFC) is proposed in recent years, it becomes an attractive research highlights. Dynamic orchestration algorithm can create SFC according to the resource usage of network security functions. The current research on creating SFC focuses on a single domain. However in reality the large and complex networks are divided into security domains according to different security levels and managed separately. Therefore, we propose a cross-security domain dynamic orchestration algorithm to create SFC for network security functions based on ant colony algorithm(ACO) and consider load balancing, shortest path and minimum delay as optimization objectives. We establish a network security architecture based on the proposed algorithm, which is suitable for the industrial vertical scenarios, solves the deployment problem of the dynamic orchestration algorithm. Simulation results verify that our algorithm achieves the goal of creating SFC across security domains and demonstrate its performance in creating service function chains to resolve abnormal traffic flows.
Authored by Weidong Xiao, Xu Zhang, Dongbin Wang
Network Security Architecture - Software-Defined Networking or SDN (Software-Defined Networking) is a technology for software control and management of the network in order to improve its properties. Unlike classic network management technologies, which are complex and decentralized, SDN technology is a much more flexible and simple system. The new architecture may be vulnerable to several attacks leading to resource depletion and preventing the SDN controller from providing support to legitimate users. One such attack is the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), which is on the rise today. We suggest Modified-DDoSNet, a system for detecting DDoS attacks in the SDN environment. A model based on Deep Learning (DL) techniques will be implemented, combining a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with an Autoencoder. The proposed model, which was first trained to detect attacks, was implemented in the security architecture of the SDN network, as a new component. The security architecture of the SDN network contains a total of 13 components, each of which represents an individual part of the architecture, where the first component is the RNN - autoencoder. The model itself, which is the first component, was trained in the CICDDoS2019 dataset. It has high reliability for attack detection, which increases the security of the SDN network architecture.
Authored by Jovan Gojic, Danijel Radakovic
Network Security Architecture - Network security isolation technology is an important means to protect the internal information security of enterprises. Generally, isolation is achieved through traditional network devices, such as firewalls and gatekeepers. However, the security rules are relatively rigid and cannot better meet the flexible and changeable business needs. Through the double sandbox structure created for each user, each user in the virtual machine is isolated from each other and security is ensured. By creating a virtual disk in a virtual machine as a user storage sandbox, and encrypting the read and write of the disk, the shortcomings of traditional network isolation methods are discussed, and the application of cloud desktop network isolation technology based on VMwarer technology in universities is expounded.
Authored by Kai Ye
Network Security Architecture - In view of the current network security architecture of power grid enterprises does not adapt to new regulatory regulations, does not adapt to the development trend of digitalization, and the new technology of network security is not covered, this paper designs a set of network security architecture containing element views, capability views and measures views on the basis of the IPDRR network security architecture model, combined with the requirements of power grid enterprises for network security architecture, which covers the network security requirements of "collection, transmission, storage, application" and information system life cycle at the level of information system architecture. Meet new regulations and provide leadership with an understanding of the security posture of the enterprise, improving the organization s ability to defend against attacks.
Authored by Jinqiang Fan, Yonggang Xu, Jing Ma
Network on Chip Security - This paper designs a network security protection system based on artificial intelligence technology from two aspects of hardware and software. The system can simultaneously collect Internet public data and secret-related data inside the unit, and encrypt it through the TCM chip solidified in the hardware to ensure that only designated machines can read secret-related materials. The data edgecloud collaborative acquisition architecture based on chip encryption can realize the cross-network transmission of confidential data. At the same time, this paper proposes an edge-cloud collaborative information security protection method for industrial control systems by combining endaddress hopping and load balancing algorithms. Finally, using WinCC, Unity3D, MySQL and other development environments comprehensively, the feasibility and effectiveness of the system are verified by experiments.
Authored by Xiuyun Lu, Wenxing Zhao, Yuquan Zhu
Network on Chip Security - IoT technology is finding new applications every day and everywhere in our daily lives. With that, come new use cases with new challenges in terms of device and data security. One of such challenges arises from the fact that many IoT devices/nodes are no longer being deployed on owners’ premises, but rather on public or private property other than the owner’s. With potential physical access to the IoT node, adversaries can launch many attacks that circumvent conventional protection methods. In this paper, we propose Secure SoC (SecSoC), a secure system-on-chip architecture that mitigates such attacks. This include logical memory dump attacks, bus snooping attacks, and compromised operating systems. SecSoC relies on two main mechanisms, (1) providing security extensions to the compute engine that runs the user application without changing its instruction set, (2) adding a security management unit (SMU) that provide HW security primitives for encryption, hashing, random number generators, and secrets store (keys, certificates, etc.). SecSoC ensures that no secret or sensitive data can leave the SoC IC in plaintext. SecSoC is being implemented in Bluespec SystemVerilog. The experimental results will reveal the area, power, and cycle time overhead of these security extensions. Overall performance (total execution time) will also be evaluated using IoT benchmarks.
Authored by Ayman Hroub, Muhammad Elrabaa
Network Intrusion Detection - Aiming at the problems of low detection accuracy, high false detection rate and high missed detection rate of traditional Intelligent Substation (I-S) secondary system network Intrusion Detection (I-D) methods, a semantic enhanced network I-D method for I-S secondary system is proposed. First of all, through the analysis of the secondary system network of I-S and the existing security risks, the information network security protection architecture is built based on network I-D. Then, the overall structure of I-S secondary network I-D is constructed by integrating CNN and BiLSTM. Finally, the semantic analysis of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is introduced to enhance the network I-D model, which greatly improves the detection accuracy. The proposed method is compared with the other two methods under the same conditions through simulation experiments. The results show that the detection accuracy of the proposed method is the highest (95.02\%) in the face of 10 different types of attack traffic, and the false detection rate and missed detection rate are the lowest (1.3\% and 3.8\% respectively). The algorithm performance is better than the other three comparison algorithms.
Authored by Bo Xiang, Changchun Zhang, Jugang Wang, Bo Wang
Network Coding - Aiming at the problem of security transmission in the space-terrestrial integrated networks, this paper proposes a physical layer secure transmission architecture based on concatenated LT and LDPC Codes. The outer code LT code adopts real-time random sampling coding, which can form a complex random interconnection structure and fully expand the randomness. The inner code LDPC code generates different codes through the random change of cyclic shift vector, Reduce the node interconnection deterioration caused by randomization on soft decision decoding, and obtain weak randomness high-performance error correction coding through storage optimized high-performance check matrix combined with soft decision decoding. The analysis and simulation results show that the proposed security transmission method not only improves the security of transmission, but also maintains the high transmission efficiency. Therefore it can be applied to the field of secure communication.
Authored by Ruijia Yuan, Tianjiao Xie, Jianhua Zhang
Named Data Network Security - Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming an important approach to accomplish healthcare monitoring where critical medical data retrieval is essential in a secure and private manner. Nevertheless, IoT devices have constrained resources. Therefore, acquisition of efficient, secure and private data is very challenging. The current research on applying architecture of Named Data Networking (NDN) to IoT design reveals very promising results. Therefore, we are motivated to combine NDN and IoT, which we call NDN-IoT architecture, for a healthcare application. Inspired by the idea, we propose a healthcare monitoring groundwork integrating NDN concepts into IoT in Contiki NG OS at the network layer that we call µNDN as it is a micro and light-weight implementation. We quantitatively explore the usage of the NDN-IoT approach to understand its efficiency for medical data retrieval. Reliability and delay performances were evaluated and analyzed for a remote health application. Our results, in this study, show that the µNDN architecture performs better than IP architecture when retrieving medical data. Thus, it is worth exploring the µNDN architecture further.
Authored by Alper Demir, Gokce Manap
Named Data Network Security - This research focuses on the interest flooding attack model and its impact on the consumer in the Named Data Networking (NDN) architecture. NDN is a future internet network architecture has advantages compared to the current internet architecture. The NDN communication model changes the communication paradigm from a packet delivery model based on IP addresses to names. Data content needed is not directly taken from the provider but stored in a distributed manner on the router. Other consumer request data can served by nearest router. It will increase the speed of data access and reduce delay. The changes communication model also have an impact on the existing security system. One attack that may occur is the threat of a denial of service (DoS) known as an interest flooding attack. This attack makes the network services are being unavailable. This paper discussed examining the interest flooding attack model that occurred and its impact on the performance of NDN. The result shows that interest flooding attacks can decrease consumer satisfied interest.
Authored by Jupriyadi, Syaiful Ahdan, Adi Sucipto, Eki Hamidi, Hasan Arifin, Nana Syambas
Named Data Network Security - Named Data Networking (NDN) is a network with a future internet architecture that changes the point of view in networking from host-centric to data-centric. Named data networking provides a network system where the routing system is no longer dependent on traditional IP. Network packets are routed through nodes by name. When many manufacturers produce packages with different names for several consumers, routing with load balancing is necessary. The case study carried out is to conduct a simulation by connecting all UIN campuses into a topology with the name UIN Topology in Indonesia, using several scenarios to describe the effectiveness of the load balancer on the UIN topology in Indonesia. This study focuses on load balancer applications to reduce delays in Named Data Networking (NDN), the topology of UIN in Indonesia.
Authored by Eki Hamidi, Syaiful Ahdan, Jupriyadi, Adi Sucinto, Hasan Arifin, Nana Syambas
Named Data Network Security - With the growing recognition that current Internet protocols have significant security flaws; several ongoing research projects are attempting to design potential next-generation Internet architectures to eliminate flaws made in the past. These projects are attempting to address privacy and security as their essential parameters. NDN (Named Data Networking) is a new networking paradigm that is being investigated as a potential alternative for the present host-centric IP-based Internet architecture. It concentrates on content delivery, which is probably underserved by IP, and it prioritizes security and privacy. NDN must be resistant to present and upcoming threats in order to become a feasible Internet framework. DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks are serious attacks that have the potential to interrupt servers, systems, or application layers. Due to the probability of this attack, the network security environment is made susceptible. The resilience of any new architecture against the DDoS attacks which afflict today s Internet is a critical concern that demands comprehensive consideration. As a result, research on feature selection approaches was conducted in order to use machine learning techniques to identify DDoS attacks in NDN. In this research, features were chosen using the Information Gain and Data Reduction approach with the aid of the WEKA machine learning tool to identify DDoS attacks. The dataset was tested using KNearest Neighbor (KNN), Decision Table, and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithms to categorize the selected features. Experimental results shows that Decision Table classifier outperforms well when compared to other classification algorithms with the with the accuracy of 85.42\% and obtained highest precision and recall score with 0.876 and 0.854 respectively when compared to the other classification techniques.
Authored by Subasri I, Emil R, Ramkumar P
MANET Security - Mobile ad hoc networks can expand access networks service zones and offer wireless to previously unconnected or spotty areas. Ad hoc networking faces transmission failures limited wireless range, disguised terminal faults and packet losses, mobility-induced route alterations, and battery constraints. A network layer metric shows total network performance. Ad-hoc networking provides access networks, dynamic multi-hop architecture, and peer-to-peer communication. In MANET, each node acts as a router, determining the optimum route by travelling through other nodes. MANET includes dynamic topology, fast deployment, energy-restricted operation, and adjustable capacity and bandwidth. Dynamic MANET increases security vulnerabilities. Researchers have employed intrusion detection, routing, and other techniques to provide security solutions. Current technologies can t safeguard network nodes. In a hostile environment, network performance decreases as nodes increase. This paper presents a reliable and energy-efficient Firefly Energy Optimized Routing (IFEOR)-based routing method to maximise MANET data transmission energy. IFEOR measures MANET firefly light intensity to improve routing stability. The route path s energy consumption determines the firefly s brightness during MANET data packet transfer. Adopting IFEOR enhanced packet delivery rates and routing overheads. End-to-end delay isn t reduced since nodes in a route may be idle before sending a message. Unused nodes use energy.
Authored by Morukurthi Sreenivasu, Badarla Anil
MANET Attack Detection - The MANET architecture's future growth will make extensive use of encryption and encryption to keep network participants safe. Using a digital signature node id, we illustrate how we may stimulate the safe growth of subjective clusters while simultaneously addressing security and energy efficiency concerns. The dynamic topology of MANET allows nodes to join and exit at any time. A form of attack known as a black hole assault was used to accomplish this. To demonstrate that he had the shortest path with the least amount of energy consumption, an attacker in MATLAB R2012a used a digital signature ID to authenticate the node from which he wished to intercept messages (DSEP). “Digital Signature”, “MANET,” and “AODV” are all terms used to describe various types of digital signatures. Black Hole Attack, Single Black Hole Attack, Digital Signature, and DSEP are just a few of the many terms associated with MANET.
Authored by Sunil Gupta, Mohammad Shahid, Ankur Goyal, Rakesh Saxena, Kamal Saluja
MANET Attack Prevention - The MANET architecture's future growth will make extensive use of encryption and encryption to keep network participants safe. Using a digital signature node id, we illustrate how we may stimulate the safe growth of subjective clusters while simultaneously addressing security and energy efficiency concerns. The dynamic topology of MANET allows nodes to join and exit at any time. A form of attack known as a black hole assault was used to accomplish this. To demonstrate that he had the shortest path with the least amount of energy consumption, an attacker in MATLAB R2012a used a digital signature ID to authenticate the node from which he wished to intercept messages (DSEP). “Digital Signature”, “MANET,” and “AODV” are all terms used to describe various types of digital signatures. Black Hole Attack, Single Black Hole Attack, Digital Signature, and DSEP are just a few of the many terms associated with MANET.
Authored by Sunil Gupta, Mohammad Shahid, Ankur Goyal, Rakesh Saxena, Kamal Saluja
Intrusion Intolerance - Network intrusion detection technology has developed for more than ten years, but due to the network intrusion is complex and variable, it is impossible to determine the function of network intrusion behaviour. Combined with the research on the intrusion detection technology of the cluster system, the network security intrusion detection and mass alarms are realized. Method: This article starts with an intrusion detection system, which introduces the classification and workflow. The structure and working principle of intrusion detection system based on protocol analysis technology are analysed in detail. Results: With the help of the existing network intrusion detection in the network laboratory, the Synflood attack has successfully detected, which verified the flexibility, accuracy, and high reliability of the protocol analysis technology. Conclusion: The high-performance cluster-computing platform designed in this paper is already available. The focus of future work will strengthen the functions of the cluster-computing platform, enhancing stability, and improving and optimizing the fault tolerance mechanism.
Authored by Feng Li, Fei Shu, Mingxuan Li, Bin Wang