We propose a conceptual framework, named "AI Security Continuum," consisting of dimensions to deal with challenges of the breadth of the AI security risk sustainably and systematically under the emerging context of the computing continuum as well as continuous engineering. The dimensions identified are the continuum in the AI computing environment, the continuum in technical activities for AI, the continuum in layers in the overall architecture, including AI, the level of AI automation, and the level of AI security measures. We also prospect an engineering foundation that can efficiently and effectively raise each dimension.
Authored by Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka
Penetration testing (Pen-Testing) detects potential vulnerabilities and exploits by imitating black hat hackers to stop cyber crimes. Despite recent attempts to automate Pen-Testing, the issue of automation is still unresolved. Additionally, the attempts are highly case-specific and ignore the unique characteristics of pen-testing. Moreover, the achieved accuracy is limited, and very sensitive to variations. Also, there are redundancies found in detecting the exploits using non-automated algorithms. This paper concludes the recent study in the Penetration testing field and illustrates the importance of a comprehensive hybrid AI automation framework for pen-testing.
Authored by Verina Saber, Dina ElSayad, Ayman Bahaa-Eldin, Zt Fayed
Deep neural networks have been widely applied in various critical domains. However, they are vulnerable to the threat of adversarial examples. It is challenging to make deep neural networks inherently robust to adversarial examples, while adversarial example detection offers advantages such as not affecting model classification accuracy. This paper introduces common adversarial attack methods and provides an explanation of adversarial example detection. Recent advances in adversarial example detection methods are categorized into two major classes: statistical methods and adversarial detection networks. The evolutionary relationship among different detection methods is discussed. Finally, the current research status in this field is summarized, and potential future directions are highlighted.
Authored by Chongyang Zhao, Hu Li, Dongxia Wang, Ruiqi Liu
With the increased computational efficiency, Deep Neural Network gained more importance in the area of medical diagnosis. Nowadays many researchers have noticed the security concerns of various deep neural network models used for the clinical applications. However an efficient model misbehaves frequently when it confronted with intentionally modified data samples, called adversarial examples. These adversarial examples generated with some imperceptible perturbations, but can fool the DNNs to give false predictions. Thus, various adversarial attacks and defense methods certainly stand out from both AI and security networks and have turned into a hot exploration point lately. Adversarial attacks can be expected in various applications of deep learning model especially in healthcare area for disease prediction or classification. It should be properly handled with effective defensive mechanisms or else it may be a great threat to human life. This literature work will help to notice various adversarial attacks and defensive mechanisms. In the field of clinical analysis, this paper gives a detailed research on adversarial approaches on deep neural networks. This paper starts with the speculative establishments, various techniques, and utilization of adversarial attacking strategies. The contributions by the various researchers for the defensive mechanisms against adversarial attacks were also discussed. A few open issues and difficulties are accordingly discussed about, which might incite further exploration endeavors.
Authored by K Priya V, Peter Dinesh
In recent years, machine learning technology has been extensively utilized, leading to increased attention to the security of AI systems. In the field of image recognition, an attack technique called clean-label backdoor attack has been widely studied, and it is more difficult to detect than general backdoor attacks because data labels do not change when tampering with poisoning data during model training. However, there remains a lack of research on malware detection systems. Some of the current work is under the white-box assumption that requires knowledge of machine learning-based models which can be advantageous for attackers. In this study, we focus on clean-label backdoor attacks in malware detection systems and propose a new clean-label backdoor attack under the black-box assumption that does not require knowledge of machine learning-based models, which is riskier. The experimental evaluation of the proposed attack method shows that the attack success rate is up to 80.50\% when the poisoning rate is 14.00\%, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed attack method. In addition, we experimentally evaluated the effectiveness of the dimensionality reduction techniques in preventing clean-label backdoor attacks, and showed that it can reduce the attack success rate by 76.00\%.
Authored by Wanjia Zheng, Kazumasa Omote
As artificial intelligent models continue to grow in their capacity and sophistication, they are often trusted with very sensitive information. In the sub-field of adversarial machine learning, developments are geared solely towards finding reliable methods to systematically erode the ability of artificial intelligent systems to perform as intended. These techniques can cause serious breaches of security, interruptions to major systems, and irreversible damage to consumers. Our research evaluates the effects of various white box adversarial machine learning attacks on popular computer vision deep learning models leveraging a public X-ray dataset from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). We make use of several experiments to gauge the feasibility of developing deep learning models that are robust to adversarial machine learning attacks by taking into account different defense strategies, such as adversarial training, to observe how adversarial attacks evolve over time. Our research details how a variety white box attacks effect different components of InceptionNet, DenseNet, and ResNeXt and suggest how the models can effectively defend against these attacks.
Authored by Ilyas Bankole-Hameed, Arav Parikh, Josh Harguess
With the future 6G era, spiking neural networks (SNNs) can be powerful processing tools in various areas due to their strong artificial intelligence (AI) processing capabilities, such as biometric recognition, AI robotics, autonomous drive, and healthcare. However, within Cyber Physical System (CPS), SNNs are surprisingly vulnerable to adversarial examples generated by benign samples with human-imperceptible noise, this will lead to serious consequences such as face recognition anomalies, autonomous drive-out of control, and wrong medical diagnosis. Only by fully understanding the principles of adversarial attacks with adversarial samples can we defend against them. Nowadays, most existing adversarial attacks result in a severe accuracy degradation to trained SNNs. Still, the critical issue is that they only generate adversarial samples by randomly adding, deleting, and flipping spike trains, making them easy to identify by filters, even by human eyes. Besides, the attack performance and speed also can be improved further. Hence, Spike Probabilistic Attack (SPA) is presented in this paper and aims to generate adversarial samples with more minor perturbations, greater model accuracy degradation, and faster iteration. SPA uses Poisson coding to generate spikes as probabilities, directly converting input data into spikes for faster speed and generating uniformly distributed perturbation for better attack performance. Moreover, an objective function is constructed for minor perturbations and keeping attack success rate, which speeds up the convergence by adjusting parameters. Both white-box and black-box settings are conducted to evaluate the merits of SPA. Experimental results show the model s accuracy under white-box attack decreases by 9.2S\% 31.1S\% better than others, and average success rates are 74.87\% under the black-box setting. The experimental results indicate that SPA has better attack performance than other existing attacks in the white-box and better transferability performance in the black-box setting
Authored by Xuanwei Lin, Chen Dong, Ximeng Liu, Yuanyuan Zhang
AI is one of the most popular field of technologies nowadays. Developers implement these technologies everywhere forgetting sometimes about its robustness to unobvious types of traffic. This omission can be used by attackers, who are always seeking to develop new attacks. So, the growth of AI is highly correlates with the rise of adversarial attacks. Adversarial attacks or adversarial machine learning is a technique when attackers attempt to fool ML systems with deceptive data. They can use inconspicuous, natural-looking perturbations in input data to mislead neural networks without inferring into a model directly and often without the risk to be detected. Adversarial attacks usually are divided into three primary axes - the security violation, poisoning and evasion attacks, which further can be categorized on “targeted”, “untargeted”, “whitebox” and “blackbox” types. This research examines most of the adversarial attacks are known by 2023 relating to all these categories and some others.
Authored by Natalie Grigorieva, Sergei Petrenko
Conventional approaches to analyzing industrial control systems have relied on either white-box analysis or black-box fuzzing. However, white-box methods rely on sophisticated domain expertise, while black-box methods suffers from state explosion and thus scales poorly when analyzing real ICS involving a large number of sensors and actuators. To address these limitations, we propose XAI-based gray-box fuzzing, a novel approach that leverages explainable AI and machine learning modeling of ICS to accurately identify a small set of actuators critical to ICS safety, which result in significant reduction of state space without relying on domain expertise. Experiment results show that our method accurately explains the ICS model and significantly speeds-up fuzzing by 64x when compared to conventional black-box methods.
Authored by Justin Kur, Jingshu Chen, Jun Huang
ChatGPT, a conversational Artificial Intelligence, has the capacity to produce grammatically accurate and persuasively human responses to numerous inquiry types from various fields. Both its users and applications are growing at an unbelievable rate. Sadly, abuse and usage often go hand in hand. Since the words produced by AI are nearly comparable to those produced by humans, the AI model can be used to influence people or organizations in a variety of ways. In this paper, we test the accuracy of various online tools widely used for the detection of AI-generated and Human generated texts or responses.
Authored by Prerana Singh, Aditya Singh, Sameer Rathi, Sonika Vasesi
With the increasing deployment of machine learning models across various domains, ensuring AI security has become a critical concern. Model evasion, a specific area of concern, involves attackers manipulating a model s predictions by perturbing the input data. The Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) is a well-known technique for model evasion, typically used in white-box settings where the attacker has direct access to the model s architecture. In this method, the attacker intelligently manipulates the inputs to cause mispredictions by accessing the gradients of the input. To address the limitations of FGSM in black-box settings, we propose an extension of this approach called FGSM on ZOO. This method leverages the Zeroth Order Optimization (ZOO) technique to intellectually manipulate the inputs. Unlike white-box attacks, black-box attacks rely solely on observing the model s input-output behavior without access to its internal structure or parameters. We conducted experiments using the MNIST Digits and CIFAR datasets to establish a baseline for vulnerability assessment and to explore future prospects for securing models. By examining the effectiveness of FGSM on ZOO in these experiments, we gain insights into the potential vulnerabilities and the need for improved security measures in AI systems
Authored by Aravindhan G, Yuvaraj Govindarajulu, Pavan Kulkarni, Manojkumar Parmar
Security vulnerabilities are weaknesses of software due for instance to design flaws or implementation bugs that can be exploited and lead to potentially devastating security breaches. Traditionally, static code analysis is recognized as effective in the detection of software security vulnerabilities but at the expense of a high human effort required for checking a large number of produced false positive cases. Deep-learning methods have been recently proposed to overcome such a limitation of static code analysis and detect the vulnerable code by using vulnerability-related patterns learned from large source code datasets. However, the use of these methods for localizing the causes of the vulnerability in the source code, i.e., localize the statements that contain the bugs, has not been extensively explored. In this work, we experiment the use of deep-learning and explainability methods for detecting and localizing vulnerability-related statements in code fragments (named snippets). We aim at understanding if the code features adopted by deep-learning methods to identify vulnerable code snippets can also support the developers in debugging the code, thus localizing the vulnerability’s cause Our work shows that deep-learning methods can be effective in detecting the vulnerable code snippets, under certain conditions, but the code features that such methods use can only partially face the actual causes of the vulnerabilities in the code.CCS Concepts• Security and privacy \rightarrow Vulnerability management; Systems security; Malware and its mitigation; \cdot Software and its engineering \rightarrow Software testing and debugging.
Authored by Alessandro Marchetto
In the ever-changing world of blockchain technology, the emergence of smart contracts has completely transformed the way agreements are executed, offering the potential for automation and trust in decentralized systems. Despite their built-in security features, smart contracts still face persistent vulnerabilities, resulting in significant financial losses. While existing studies often approach smart contract security from specific angles, such as development cycles or vulnerability detection tools, this paper adopts a comprehensive, multidimensional perspective. It delves into the intricacies of smart contract security by examining vulnerability detection mechanisms and defense strategies. The exploration begins by conducting a detailed analysis of the current security challenges and issues surrounding smart contracts. It then delves into established frameworks for classifying vulnerabilities and common security flaws. The paper examines existing methods for detecting, and repairing contract vulnerabilities, evaluating their effectiveness. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive overview of the existing body of knowledge in smart contract security-related research. Through this systematic examination, the paper aims to serve as a valuable reference and provide a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted landscape of smart contract security.
Authored by Nayantara Kumar, Niranjan Honnungar V, Sharwari Prakash, J Lohith
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly adopted to perform various military, civilian, and commercial tasks in recent years. To assure the reliability of UAVs during these tasks, anomaly detection plays an important role in today s UAV system. With the rapid development of AI hardware and algorithms, leveraging AI techniques has become a prevalent trend for UAV anomaly detection. While existing AI-enabled UAV anomaly detection schemes have been demonstrated to be promising, they also raise additional security concerns about the schemes themselves. In this paper, we perform a study to explore and analyze the potential vulnerabilities in state-of-the-art AI-enabled UAV anomaly detection designs. We first validate the existence of security vulnerability and then propose an iterative attack that can effectively exploit the vulnerability and bypass the anomaly detection. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our attack by evaluating it on a state-of-the-art UAV anomaly detection scheme, in which our attack is successfully launched without being detected. Based on the understanding obtained from our study, this paper also discusses potential defense directions to enhance the security of AI-enabled UAV anomaly detection.
Authored by Ashok Raja, Mengjie Jia, Jiawei Yuan
Software vulnerability detection (SVD) aims to identify potential security weaknesses in software. SVD systems have been rapidly evolving from those being based on testing, static analysis, and dynamic analysis to those based on machine learning (ML). Many ML-based approaches have been proposed, but challenges remain: training and testing datasets contain duplicates, and building customized end-to-end pipelines for SVD is time-consuming. We present Tenet, a modular framework for building end-to-end, customizable, reusable, and automated pipelines through a plugin-based architecture that supports SVD for several deep learning (DL) and basic ML models. We demonstrate the applicability of Tenet by building practical pipelines performing SVD on real-world vulnerabilities.
Authored by Eduard Pinconschi, Sofia Reis, Chi Zhang, Rui Abreu, Hakan Erdogmus, Corina Păsăreanu, Limin Jia
The increasement of blockchain applications has brought about many security issues, with smart contract vulnerabilities causing significant financial losses. The majority of current smart contract vulnerability detection methods predominantly rely on static analysis of the source code and predefined expert rules. However, these approaches exhibit certain limitations, characterized by their restricted scalability and lower detection accuracy. Therefore in this paper, we use graph neural networks to perform smart contract vulnerability detection at the bytecode level, aiming to address the aforementioned issues. In particular, we propose a novel detection model. In order to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the dependencies among individual functions within a smart contract, we first construct a Program Dependency Graph(PDG) of functions, extract function-level features using graph neural networks, then augment function-level features using a self-attentive mechanism to learn the dependencies between functions, and finally aggregate function-level features for detecting the vulnerabilities. Our model possesses the capability to identify the subtle nuances in the interactions and interdependencies among different functions, consequently enhancing the precision of vulnerability detection. Experimental results show the performance of the method compared to existing smart contract vulnerability detection methods across multiple evaluation metrics.
Authored by Yuyan Sun, Shiping Huang, Guozheng Li, Ruidong Chen, Yangyang Liu, Qiwen Jiang
With the increasing number and types of APP vulnerabilities, the detection technology and methods need to be enriched and personalized according to different types of security vulnerabilities. Therefore, a single detection technology can no longer meet the needs of business security diversity. First of all, the new detection method needs to clarify the relevant features of APP business security; Secondly, the new detection method needs to re-adapt the features related to APP business security; Thirdly, the new detection method needs to be trained and applied according to different AI algorithms. In view of this, we designed an APP privacy information leakage detection scheme based on deep learning. This scheme specifically selects business security-related features for the type of privacy information leakage vulnerability of APP, and then performs feature processing and adaptation to become the input parameters of CNN network algorithm. Finally, we train and call the CNN network algorithm. We selected the APP of the Telecom Tianyi Space App Store for experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of our APP privacy information leakage detection system based on CNN network. The experimental results show that the detection accuracy of our proposed detection system has achieved the desired effect.
Authored by Nishui Cai, Tianting Chen, Lei Shen
Cybersecurity is the practice of preventing cyberattacks on vital infrastructure and private data. Government organisations, banks, hospitals, and every other industry sector are increasingly investing in cybersecurity infrastructure to safeguard their operations and the millions of consumers who entrust them with their personal information. Cyber threat activity is alarming in a world where businesses are more interconnected than ever before, raising concerns about how well organisations can protect themselves from widespread attacks. Threat intelligence solutions employ Natural Language Processing to read and interpret the meaning of words and technical data in various languages and find trends in them. It is becoming increasingly precise for machines to analyse various data sources in multiple languages using NLP. This paper aims to develop a system that targets software vulnerability detection as a Natural Language Processing (NLP) problem with source code treated as texts and addresses the automated software vulnerability detection with recent advanced deep learning NLP models. We have created and compared various deep learning models based on their accuracy and the best performer achieved 95\% accurate results. Furthermore we have also made an effort to predict which vulnerability class a particular source code belongs to and also developed a robust dashboard using FastAPI and ReactJS.
Authored by Kanchan Singh, Sakshi Grover, Ranjini Kumar
This paper presents a vulnerability detection scheme for small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems, aiming to enhance their security resilience. It initiates with a comprehensive analysis of UAV system composition, operational principles, and the multifaceted security threats they face, ranging from software vulnerabilities in flight control systems to hardware weaknesses, communication link insecurities, and ground station management vulnerabilities. Subsequently, an automated vulnerability detection framework is designed, comprising three tiers: information gathering, interaction analysis, and report presentation, integrated with fuzz testing techniques for thorough examination of UAV control systems. Experimental outcomes validate the efficacy of the proposed scheme by revealing weak password issues in the target UAV s services and its susceptibility to abnormal inputs. The study not only confirms the practical utility of the approach but also contributes valuable insights and methodologies to UAV security, paving the way for future advancements in AI-integrated smart gray-box fuzz testing technologies.
Authored by He Jun, Guo Zihan, Ni Lin, Zhang Shuai
The growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) is leading to some restructuring and transformation of everyday lives. The number and diversity of IoT devices have increased rapidly, enabling the vision of a smarter environment and opening the door to further automation, accompanied by the generation and collection of enormous amounts of data. The automation and ongoing proliferation of personal and professional data in the IoT have resulted in countless cyber-attacks enabled by the growing security vulnerabilities of IoT devices. Therefore, it is crucial to detect and patch vulnerabilities before attacks happen in order to secure IoT environments. One of the most promising approaches for combating cybersecurity vulnerabilities and ensuring security is through the use of artificial intelligence (AI). In this paper, we provide a review in which we classify, map, and summarize the available literature on AI techniques used to recognize and reduce cybersecurity software vulnerabilities in the IoT. We present a thorough analysis of the majority of AI trends in cybersecurity, as well as cutting-edge solutions.
Authored by Heba Khater, Mohamad Khayat, Saed Alrabaee, Mohamed Serhani, Ezedin Barka, Farag Sallabi
The increasing number of security vulnerabilities has become an important problem that needs to be solved urgently in the field of software security, which means that the current vulnerability mining technology still has great potential for development. However, most of the existing AI-based vulnerability detection methods focus on designing different AI models to improve the accuracy of vulnerability detection, ignoring the fundamental problems of data-driven AI-based algorithms: first, there is a lack of sufficient high-quality vulnerability data; second, there is no unified standardized construction method to meet the standardized evaluation of different vulnerability detection models. This all greatly limits security personnel’s in-depth research on vulnerabilities. In this survey, we review the current literature on building high-quality vulnerability datasets, aiming to investigate how state-of-the-art research has leveraged data mining and data processing techniques to generate vulnerability datasets to facilitate vulnerability discovery. We also identify the challenges of this new field and share our views on potential research directions.
Authored by Yuhao Lin, Ying Li, MianXue Gu, Hongyu Sun, Qiuling Yue, Jinglu Hu, Chunjie Cao, Yuqing Zhang
In various fields, such as medical engi-neering or aerospace engineering, it is difficult to apply the decisions of a machine learning (ML) or a deep learning (DL) model that do not account for the vast amount of human limitations which can lead to errors and incidents. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) comes to explain the results of artificial intelligence software (ML or DL) still considered black boxes to understand their decisions and adopt them. In this paper, we are interested in the deployment of a deep neural network (DNN) model able to predict the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of a turbofan engine of an aircraft. Shapley s method was then applied in the explanation of the DL results. This made it possible to determine the participation rate of each parameter in the RUL and to identify the most decisive parameters for extending or shortening the RUL of the turbofan engine.
Authored by Anouar BOUROKBA, Ridha HAMDI, Mohamed Njah
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a disorder that has an impact on the functioning of the brain cells which begins gradually and worsens over time. The early detection of the disease is very crucial as it will increase the chances of benefiting from treatment. There is a possibility for delayed diagnosis of the disease. To overcome this delay, in this work an approach has been proposed using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) to use active Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanned reports of Alzheimer’s patients to classify the stages of AD along with Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) known as Gradient Class Activation Map (Grad-CAM) to highlight the regions of the brain where the disease is detected.
Authored by Savarala Chethana, Sreevathsa Charan, Vemula Srihitha, Suja Palaniswamy, Peeta Pati
With deep neural networks (DNNs) involved in more and more decision making processes, critical security problems can occur when DNNs give wrong predictions. This can be enforced with so-called adversarial attacks. These attacks modify the input in such a way that they are able to fool a neural network into a false classification, while the changes remain imperceptible to a human observer. Even for very specialized AI systems, adversarial attacks are still hardly detectable. The current state-of-the-art adversarial defenses can be classified into two categories: pro-active defense and passive defense, both unsuitable for quick rectifications: Pro-active defense methods aim to correct the input data to classify the adversarial samples correctly, while reducing the accuracy of ordinary samples. Passive defense methods, on the other hand, aim to filter out and discard the adversarial samples. Neither of the defense mechanisms is suitable for the setup of autonomous driving: when an input has to be classified, we can neither discard the input nor have the time to go for computationally expensive corrections. This motivates our method based on explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) for the correction of adversarial samples. We used two XAI interpretation methods to correct adversarial samples. We experimentally compared this approach with baseline methods. Our analysis shows that our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches.
Authored by Ching-Yu Kao, Junhao Chen, Karla Markert, Konstantin Böttinger
Explainable AI (XAI) is a topic of intense activity in the research community today. However, for AI models deployed in the critical infrastructure of communications networks, explainability alone is not enough to earn the trust of network operations teams comprising human experts with many decades of collective experience. In the present work we discuss some use cases in communications networks and state some of the additional properties, including accountability, that XAI models would have to satisfy before they can be widely deployed. In particular, we advocate for a human-in-the-Ioop approach to train and validate XAI models. Additionally, we discuss the use cases of XAI models around improving data preprocessing and data augmentation techniques, and refining data labeling rules for producing consistently labeled network datasets.
Authored by Sayandev Mukherjee, Jason Rupe, Jingjie Zhu