The HTTP protocol is the backbone for how traffic is communicated over the Internet and between web applications and users. Introduced in 1997 with HTTP 1.0 and 1.1, HTTP has gone through several developmental changes throughout the years. HTTP/1.1 suffers from several issues. Namely only allowing a one-to-one connection. HTTP/2 allowed for multiplexed connections. Additionally, HTTP/2 attempted to address the security issues that were faced by the prior version of HTTP by allowing administrators to enable HTTPS, as well as enable certificates to help ensure the encryption and protection of data between users and the web application. One of the major issues HTTP/2 faces is that it allows users to have multiplexed connections, but when there is an error and data needs to be retransmitted, this leads to head of line blocking. HTTP/3 is a new protocol that was proposed for formalization to the IETF in June of 2022. One of the first major changes is that unlike prior versions of HTTP that used the TCP/IP method of networking for data transmission, HTTP/3 uses UDP for data transmission. Prior research has focused on the protocol itself or investigating how certain types of attacks affect your web architecture that uses QUIC and HTTP/3. One area lacking research in this topic is how to secure web architecture in the cloud that uses this new protocol. To this end, we will be investigating how logging can be used to secure your web architecture and this protocol in the cloud.
Authored by Jacob Koch, Emmanuel Gyamfi
The world has seen a quick transition from hard devices for local storage to massive virtual data centers, all possible because of cloud storage technology. Businesses have grown to be scalable, meeting consumer demands on every turn. Cloud computing has transforming the way we do business making IT more efficient and cost effective that leads to new types of cybercrimes. Securing the data in cloud is a challenging task. Cloud security is a mixture of art and science. Art is to create your own technique and technologies in such a way that the user should be authenticated. Science is because you have to come up with ways of securing your application. Data security refers to a broad set of policies, technologies and controls deployed to protect data application and the associated infrastructure of cloud computing. It ensures that the data has not been accessed by any unauthorized person. Cloud storage systems are considered to be a network of distributed data centers which typically uses cloud computing technologies like virtualization and offers some kind of interface for storing data. Virtualization is the process of grouping the physical storage from multiple network storage devices so that it looks like a single storage device.Storing the important data in the cloud has become an essential argument in the computer territory. The cloud enables the user to store the data efficiently and access the data securely. It avoids the basic expenditure on hardware, software and maintenance. Protecting the cloud data has become one of the burdensome tasks in today’s environment. Our proposed scheme "Certificateless Compressed Data Sharing in Cloud through Partial Decryption" (CCDSPD) makes use of Shared Secret Session (3S) key for encryption and double decryption process to secure the information in the cloud. CC does not use pairing concept to solve the key escrow problem. Our scheme provides an efficient secure way of sharing data to the cloud and reduces the time consumption nearly by 50 percent as compared to the existing mCL-PKE scheme in encryption and decryption process.Distributed Cloud Environment (DCE) has the ability to store the da-ta and share it with others. One of the main issues arises during this is, how safe the data in the cloud while storing and sharing. Therefore, the communication media should be safe from any intruders residing between the two entities. What if the key generator compromises with intruders and shares the keys used for both communication and data? Therefore, the proposed system makes use of the Station-to-Station (STS) protocol to make the channel safer. The concept of encrypting the secret key confuses the intruders. Duplicate File Detector (DFD) checks for any existence of the same file before uploading. The scheduler as-signs the work of generating keys to the key manager who has less task to complete or free of any task. By these techniques, the proposed system makes time-efficient, cost-efficient, and resource efficient compared to the existing system. The performance is analysed in terms of time, cost and resources. It is necessary to safeguard the communication channel between the entities before sharing the data. In this process of sharing, what if the key manager’s compromises with intruders and reveal the information of the user’s key that is used for encryption. The process of securing the key by using the user’s phrase is the key concept used in the proposed system "Secure Storing and Sharing of Data in Cloud Environment using User Phrase" (S3DCE). It does not rely on any key managers to generate the key instead the user himself generates the key. In order to provide double security, the encryption key is also encrypted by the public key derived from the user’s phrase. S3DCE guarantees privacy, confidentiality and integrity of the user data while storing and sharing. The proposed method S3DCE is more efficient in terms of time, cost and resource utilization compared to the existing algorithm DaSCE (Data Security for Cloud Environment with Semi Trusted Third Party) and DACESM (Data Security for Cloud Environment with Scheduled Key Managers).For a cloud to be secure, all of the participating entities must be secure. The security of the assets does not solely depend on an individual s security measures. The neighbouring entities may provide an opportunity to an attacker to bypass the user s defences. The data may compromise due to attacks by other users and nodes within the cloud. Therefore, high security measures are required to protect data within the cloud. Cloudsim allows to create a network that contains a set of Intelligent Sense Point (ISP) spread across an area. Each ISPs will have its own unique position and will be different from other ISPs. Cloud is a cost-efficient solution for the distribution of data but has the challenge of a data breach. The data can be compromised of attacks of ISPs. Therefore, in OSNQSC (Optimized Selection of Nodes for Enhanced in Cloud Environment), an optimized method is proposed to find the best ISPs to place the data fragments that considers the channel quality, distance and the remaining energy of the ISPs. The fragments are encrypted before storing. OSNQSC is more efficient in terms of total upload time, total download time, throughput, storage and memory consumption of the node with the existing Betweenness centrality, Eccentricity and Closeness centrality methods of DROPS (Division and Replication of Data in the Cloud for Optimal Performance and Security).
Authored by Jeevitha K, Thriveni J
Blockchain security issues in relation to encryption for data privacy and integrity in cloud computing have become challenging due to the decentralized and peer-to-peer systems for securing data storage and transfer in smart contracts. Further, Blockchain technology continues revolutionizing how we handle data, from improving transparency to enhancing security. However, various instances of data breaches, piracy, and hacking attacks have compromised the safety measures employed by these providers. The paper aims to explore Blockchain technology and how encryption algorithms are used to leverage security properties to uphold data privacy and integrity in a cloud environment to enhance security. The novelty contribution of the paper is threefold. First, we explore existing blockchain attacks, vulnerabilities, and their impact on the cloud computing environment supported by numerous cloud services that enable clients to store and share data online. Secondly, we used an encryption approach to detect data security by combining AES encryption, cloud storage, and Ethereum smart contracts in cloud AWS S3. Finally, we recommend control mechanisms to improve blockchain security in the cloud environment. The paper results show that AES algorithms can be used in blockchain smart contracts to enhance security, privacy, and integrity to ensure secure data in transit and at rest.
Authored by Abel Yeboah-Ofori, Sayed Sadat, Iman Darvishi
Cloud computing is a nascent paradigm in the field of data technology and computer science which is predicated on the use of the Internet, often known as the World Wide Web. One of the prominent concerns within this field is the security aspects of cloud computing. Contrarily, ensuring the preservation of access to the protection of sensitive and confidential information inside financial organizations, banks and other pertinent enterprises holds significant significance. This holds significant relevance. The efficacy of the security measures in providing assurance is not infallible and can be compromised by malevolent entities. In the current study, our objective is to examine the study about the security measures through the use of a novel methodology. The primary objective of this research is to investigate the subject of data access in the realm of cloud computing, with a particular emphasis on its ramifications for corporations and other pertinent organizations. The implementation of locationbased encryption facilitates the determination of accurate geographical coordinates. In experiment apply Integrated Location Based Security using Multi objective Optimization (ILBS-MOO) on different workflows and improve performance metrics significantly. Time delay averagely approximates improvement 6-7\%, storage 10-12\% and security 8-10\%.
Authored by Deepika, Rajneesh Kumar, Dalip
Cloud computing allows us to access available systems and pay for what we require whenever needed. When there is access to the internet, it uses some techniques like Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), virtualization, distributed computing, etc. Cloud computing has transformed the way people utilize and handle computer services. It enables sharing, pooling, and accessing resources on the Internet. It offers tremendous advantages that enhance the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of organizations, which is marked by security challenges or threats that can compromise data, service safety and privacy. This paper gives an overview of cloud computing and explores the threats and vulnerabilities related to cloud computing with its countermeasures. It also explores the recent advancement in cloud computing threats and countermeasures. Further, this paper highlights the case studies on recent attacks and vulnerabilities which are compromised. Finally, this paper concludes that cloud computing is efficiently used to mitigate the threats and vulnerabilities with its countermeasures.
Authored by Ashish Gupta, Shreya Sinha, Harsh Singh, Bharat Bhushan
The enhancement of big data security in cloud computing has become inevitable dues to factors such as the volume, velocity, veracity, Value, and velocity of the big data. These enhancements of big data and cloud technologies have computing enabled a wide range of vulnerabilities in applications in organizational business environments leading to various attacks such as denial-of-service attacks, injection attacks, and Phishing among others. Deploying big data in cloud computing environments is a rapidly growing technology that significantly impacts organizations and provides benefits such as demand-driven access to computational services, a distorted version of infinite computing capacity, and assistance with demand-driven scaling up, scaling down, and scaling out. To secure cloud computing for big data processing, a variety of encryption techniques such as RSA, and AES can be applied. However, there are several vulnerabilities during processing. The paper aims to explore the enhancement of big data security in cloud computing using the RSA algorithm to improve the deployment and processing of the variety, volume, veracity, velocity and value of the data utilizing RSA encryptions. The novelty contribution of the paper is threefold: First, explore the current challenges and vulnerabilities in securing big data in cloud computing and how the RSA algorithm can be used to address them. Secondly, we implement the RSA algorithm in a cloud computing environment using the AWS cloud platform to secure big data to improve the performance and scalability of the RSA algorithm for big data security in cloud computing. We compare the RSA algorithm to other cryptographic algorithms in terms of its ability to enhance big data security in cloud computing. Finally, we recommend control mechanisms to improve security in the cloud platform. The results show that the RSA algorithm can be used to improve Cloud Security in a network environment.
Authored by Abel Yeboah-Ofori, Iman Darvishi, Azeez Opeyemi
Aiming at the security issues such as data leakage and tampering faced by experimental data sharing, research is conducted on data security sharing under multiple security mechanisms such as mixed encryption and secure storage on the blockchain against leakage, as well as experimental data tampering identification and recovery strategies based on an improved practical Byzantine fault-tolerant (PBFT) consensus algorithm. An integrated scheme for secure storage, sharing, and tamper resistant recovery of test data is proposed to address the contradiction between the security and sharing of sensitive data. Provide support for the security application of blockchain in experimental data management.
Authored by Lin Shaofeng, Zhang Yang, Zhou Yao, Ni Lin
With increased connectivity and the application of intelligent technologies, intelligent and connected vehicles are evolving rapidly, which offers new opportunities for vehicle data security risks. However, there are currently insufficient studies to comprehensively map the security risks throughout the life cycle of intelligent and connected vehicle data. The object of this paper is to identify the main data security risks at different data life cycle phases in the field of intelligent and connected vehicles, and the data security problems those risks may bring. The following are some of the techniques used to protect the security of data against risks. The test verification is implemented by using functional reproduction and data packet capture analysis. The results indicate that there are vehicle data security risks to personal information, including location and biometric information. This paper is useful for intelligent and connected vehicle data processors in their targeted application of technical and managerial measures to mitigate data security risks in the whole data life cycle.
Authored by Yujia Li, Yueyou Wang, Jue Wang, Hanbing Wu, Xianzhao Xia
This paper proposes a secure data storage scheme for protecting network privacy. In the system hardware design, it is divided into interface module, basic service module and storage module. The three functional modules work together to improve the security of personal privacy data on the Internet. Establish a personal privacy database in software to ensure the security of personal privacy data. Asymmetric cryptography is used to encrypt and decrypt the data. Finally, the encrypted privacy information data is processed centrally to realize the combined storage of privacy information in the computer network. By comparing the safety and operation effect of the system, it is proved that the system has great advantages in safety and efficiency. The simulation results show that the method is effective.
Authored by Lanshuang Li, Yuzhen Feng, Yuanbao Feng, Zhihong Lu, Xiangyang Gao, Chuican Chen
Chaotic cryptography is structurally related to the concepts of confusion and diffusion in traditional cryptography theory. Chaotic cryptography is formed by the inevitable connection between chaos theory and pure cryptography. In order to solve the shortcomings of the existing research on information encryption security system, this paper discusses the realization technology of information security, the design principles of encryption system and three kinds of chaotic mapping systems, and discusses the selection of development tools and programmable devices. And the information encryption security system based on chaos algorithm is designed and discussed, and the randomness test of three groups of encrypted files is carried out by the proposed algorithm and the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm. Experimental data show that the uniformity of P-value value of chaos algorithm is 0.714 on average. Therefore, it is verified that the information encryption security system using chaos algorithm has high security.
Authored by Xiya Liu
The role of information security in network accounting is very important, but there is a problem of inaccurate outcome evaluation. The one-way hash encryption algorithm cannot solve the information security problem in network accounting, and the evaluation is unreasonable. Therefore, this paper proposes an AES algorithm for network accounting information security analysis. First, the business operation theory is used to integrate the data, and the indicators are divided according to the information security requirements to reduce network accounting information s security in the interfering factor. Then, the business operation theory is used to form a network accounting scheme and synthesize the AES algorithm analysis results. MBAZ shows that under certain evaluation criteria, the AES algorithm is safe for the accounting information of network accounting the accuracy and time are better than the one-way hash encryption algorithm.
Authored by Dan Hu
The globe is observing the emergence of the Internet of Things more prominently recognized as IoT. In this day and age, there exist numerous technological apparatuses that possess the capability to be interconnected with the internet and can amass, convey, and receive information concerning the users. This technology endeavors to simplify existence, however, when the users information is the central concern for IoT operation, it is necessary to adhere to security measures to guarantee privacy and prevent the exploitation of said information. The customary cryptographic algorithms, such as RSA, AES, and DES, may perform adequately with older technologies such as conventional computers or laptops. Nevertheless, contemporary technologies are heading towards quantum computing, and this latter form possesses a processing capability that can effortlessly jeopardize the aforementioned cryptographic algorithms. Therefore, there arises an imperative necessity for a novel and resilient cryptographic algorithm. To put it differently, there is a requirement to devise a fresh algorithm, impervious to quantum computing, that can shield the information from assaults perpetrated utilizing quantum computing. IoT is one of the domains that must ensure the security of the information against malevolent activities. Besides the conventional cryptography that enciphers information into bits, quantum encryption utilizes qubits, specifically photons and photon polarization, to encode data.
Authored by Modafar Ati
The security of our data is the prime priority as it is said “Data is the new Oil”. Nowadays, most of our communications are either recorded or forged. There are algorithms used under classical encryption, such as Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA), digital signature, elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC), and more, to protect our communication and data. However, these algorithms are breakable with the help of Quantum Cryptography. In addition, this technology provides the most secure form of communication between entities under the fundamental law of Physics. Here, we are abiding to discuss the term “Quantum Cryptography.” The aim of this paper is to explore the knowledge related to the Quantum Cryptography, Quantum Key Distribution; and their elements, implementation, and the latest research. Moreover, exploration of the loopholes and the security of Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure and current used classical cryptographic algorithms are described in the paper.
Authored by Harshita Jasoliya, Kaushal Shah
Cryptography was introduced to prevent a third party from accessing and learning the contents of private messages sent during a communication process. Quantum Cryptography looks promising to provide a new level of secure communication by applying quantum mechanics concepts to cryptography. The research in the domain emphasizes that such systems can detect eavesdropping and ensure that it does not occur at all. This paper reviews the existing state of quantum cryptography, which includes an introduction to quantum computing and quantum key distribution algorithm, special attention is given to the implementation and working of the BB84 Protocol. It also provides a glimpse of post-quantum cryptography.
Authored by Ishika Giroti, Meenakshi Malhotra
Encryption defined as change information process (which called plaintext) into an unreadable secret format (which called ciphertext). This ciphertext could not be easily understood by somebody except authorized parson. Decryption is the process to converting ciphertext back into plaintext. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) based information ciphering techniques recently used in large number of encryption algorithms. DNA used as data carrier and the modern biological technology is used as implementation tool. New encryption algorithm based on DNA is proposed in this paper. The suggested approach consists of three steps (conventional, stream cipher and DNA) to get high security levels. The character was replaced by shifting depend character location in conventional step, convert to ASCII and AddRoundKey was used in stream cipher step. The result from second step converted to DNA then applying AddRoundKey with DNA key. The evaluation performance results proved that the proposed algorithm cipher the important data with high security levels.
Authored by Ahmed Hadi, Sameer Abdulshaheed, Salim Wadi
Securing communication and information is known as cryptography. To convert messages from plain text to cipher text and the other way around. It is the process of protecting the data and sending it to the right audience so they can understand and process it. Hence, unauthorized access is avoided. This work suggests leveraging DNA technology for encrypt and decrypt the data. The main aim of utilizing the AES in this stage will transform ASCII code to hexadecimal to binary coded form and generate DNA. The message is encrypted with a random key. Shared key used for encrypt and decrypt the data. The encrypted data will be disguised as an image using steganography. To protect our data from hijackers, assailants, and muggers, it is frequently employed in institutions, banking, etc.
Authored by Manoj C, Anil J, Shashidhara D, Prem M
The problem of information privacy has grown more significant in terms of data storage and communication in the 21st century due to the technological explosion during which information has become a highly important strategic resource. The idea of employing DNA cryptography has been highlighted as a potential technology that offers fresh hope for unbreakable algorithms since standard cryptosystems are becoming susceptible to assaults. Due to biological DNA s outstanding energy efficiency, enormous storage capacity, and extensive parallelism, a new branch of cryptography based on DNA computing is developing. There is still more study to be done since this discipline is still in its infancy. This work proposes a DNA encryption strategy based on cryptographic key generation techniques and chaotic diffusion operation.
Authored by Renjith Ravi, S. Goyal, Sardar Islam
A hybrid cryptosystem is developed in the paper “Hybrid Data Encryption and Decryption Using Hybrid RSA and DNA” by combining the advantages of asymmetric-key (public-key) and symmetric-key (private-key) cryptosystems. These two types of cryptosystems use a variety of key types. The approach addresses worries about the users right to privacy, authentication, and accuracy by using a data encryption procedure that is secure both ways. Data encoding and data decryption are two separate security techniques used by the system. It has been suggested that a hybrid encryption algorithm be used for file encryption to handle the issues with efficiency and security. RSA and DNA are combined in this method. The outcome so the tests show that the RSA and DNA hybrid encryption algorithms are suitable for use. In this particular study effort, the hybrid encryption and decoding for cloud processing with IOT devices used the DNA and RSA algorithms.
Authored by Prashant Bhati, Saurabh Tripathi, Shristi Kumari, Suryansh Sachan, Reena Sharma
Information exchange occurs all the time in today’s internet era. Some of the data are public, and some are private. Asymmetric cryptography plays a critical role in securing private data transfer. However, technological advances caused private data at risk due to the presence of quantum computers. Therefore, we need a new method for securing private data. This paper proposes combining DNA cryptography methods based on the NTRU cryptosystem to enhance security data confidentiality. This method is compared with conventional public key cryptography methods. The comparison shows that the proposed method has a slow encryption and decryption time compared to other methods except for RSA. However, the key generation time of the proposed method is much faster than other methods tested except for ECC. The proposed method is superior in key generation time and considerably different from other tested methods. Meanwhile, the encryption and decryption time is slower than other methods besides RSA. The test results can get different results based on the programming language used.
Authored by U. Satriyo, Faisal Rahutomo, Bambang Harjito, Heri Prasetyo
E-health, smart health and telemedicine are examples of sophisticated healthcare systems. For end-to-end communication, these systems rely on digital medical information. Although this digitizing saves much time, it is open source. As a result, hackers could potentially manipulate the digital medical image as it is being transmitted. It is harder to diagnose an actual disease from a modified digital medical image in medical diagnostics. As a result, ensuring the security and confidentiality of clinical images, as well as reducing the computing time of encryption algorithms, appear to be critical problems for research groups. Conventional approaches are insufficient to ensure high-level medical image security. So this review paper focuses on depicting advanced methods like DNA cryptography and Chaotic Map as advanced techniques that could potentially help in encrypting the digital image at an effective level. This review acknowledges the key accomplishments expressed in the encrypting measures and their success indicators of qualitative and quantitative measurement. This research study also explores the key findings and reasons for finding the lessons learned as a roadmap for impending findings.
Authored by N Deepa, N Sivamangai
Counterfeited products are a significant problem in both developed and developing countries and has become more critical as an aftermath of COVID-19, exclusively for drugs and medical equipment’s. In this paper, an innovative approach is proposed to resist counterfeiting which is based on the principles of Synthetic DNA. The proposed encryption approach has employed the distinctive features of synthetic DNA in amalgamation with DNA encryption to provide information security and functions as an anticounterfeiting method that ensures usability. The scheme’s security analysis and proof of concept are detailed. Scyther is used to carry out the formal analysis of the scheme, and all of the modeled assertions are verified without any attacks.
Authored by C.S. Sreeja, Mohammed Misbahuddin
With people s attention to information security, the research on authentication encryption algorithm has become a very important branch of cryptography in recent years. It is widely used in data encryption, message authentication, authentication and key management. In the network of large-scale communication nodes, there are a large quantity of network nodes and a variety of devices. The traditional PKI cryptosystem has the problems of certificate management difficulty and resource waste. Based on the research of block cipher algorithm, this article discusses its application in the design of terminal identity authentication system, and designs a node two-way authentication scheme based on identity encryption. The simulation results show that the block cipher algorithm proposed in this article can get 95.82\%, accuracy, which is higher than the contrast algorithm. Authentication and encryption algorithm based on block cipher plays an important role in authentication and encryption algorithm because of its fast implementation speed of software and hardware and easy standardization. The research shows that the algorithm proposed in this article is superior to other algorithms in the application of terminal identity authentication system. It provides a new solution for related research.
Authored by Dongmei Bin, Xin Li, Ming Xie, Yongjian Liang, Chunyan Yang
Due to the existing global navigation satellite system (GNSS) is an open, without certification system, satellite receiver is vulnerable to the potential for fraud. Therefore, it is urgent to solve the security certification problem of GNSS civil signals. Aiming at the above problems, this paper proposes a navigation encryption authentication technology based on modulation Method authentication (MMA) based on UBFH-BOC signal system. The results show that the authentication scheme can effectively resist the threat of spoofing, ensure the security of navigation signal transmission, and provide a reference for the subsequent application of high security navigation signal structure.
Authored by Minshu Zhang, Lixin Zhang, Lang Bian, Tian Li
The changes in technologies has also changed the way we compute. Computing applications provide various types of functionalities. However, a common thing is to secure the same computing system. It requires a high level of developer skills to secure a system. Generally, verifying users before access of services, encryption of data, and techniques of parallel access of information by multiple users is done to ensure only valid users can access the services. One need to verify person, device, process, or service before it access the related service(s). In this paper, we present a review of authentication techniques used in computing computing. It elaborates methods used for traditional authentication using articles, letters, people, passwords, one-time passwords, digital certificates, two-way authentication to latest behavioural, doodles, image sequence, gestures based recognition of users using biometrics, gait-based and their behavioural analytics. It also discusses key features of various methods including gaps and scope of improvement.
Authored by Mandeep Kaur, Prachi Garg
Data encryption is the process of turning data into encrypted data. It is a crucial technology for securing data while it is being stored or transmitted, especially in cloud environments where data is stored remotely and accessed over the internet. In our study, we compared five well-known algorithms to determine which is the most reliable for data encryption in cloud environments. This research study provides insights into the performance of different data encryption algorithms in the cloud environment and their potential applications in various industries. There are several benefits of using data encryption, including cost efficiency, management control and remote worker protection. Encryption is cheap to implement as many of today s devices and systems come with built-in encryption technology. Encryption can free organizations from government-imposed regulatory fines as some governments have mandated regulations and requirements regarding data protection that require private data to be encrypted and prevent all unauthorized access and all illegal activities. Encryption can help secure and protect remote workers by securing their data and communications. As more and more employees opt for remote working, that is, working from home, the need for data security has become more important.
Authored by R.E.H.S. Rajendra, T.Veer Reddy, B.Lakshmi Murthy, Sai Bhagavan, Srithar S, S.S. Aravinth