Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are more susceptible to security threats due to the nature of openness and decentralized administration. Even though there exist several standard cryptography and encryption methods, they induce an additional computational and storage burden on the resource constrained mobile nodes in MANETs. To sort out this issue, this paper proposes a simple trust management mechanism called as Mobility and Trust Aware Adaptive Location Aided Routing (MTALAR). Initially, MTALAR founds the request zone whose sides are parallel to the line connecting the source and destination nodes. Next, the source node finds a trustworthy route through multi-hop nodes based on a new factor called as Mobile-Trust Factor (MTF). MTF is the combination of communication trust and mobility. Communication trust ensures a correct detection of malicious nodes and mobility ensures a proper protection for innocent nodes. After route discovery, the source node periodically measures the MTF of the multi-hop nodes through HELLO packets. Based on the obtained MTF values, the source node declares the corresponding node as malicious or not. Extensive simulations performed on the proposed method prove the superiority in the identification of malicious nodes.
Authored by Narsimhulu Gorre, Sreenivasa Duggirala
The internal attack launched by compromised nodes is a serious security risk in distributed networks. It is due to the openness of wireless channel and the lack of trust relationships between nodes. The trust model is an interesting approach to detect and remove these compromised nodes from the trusted routing table and maintain trust relationships in distributed networks. However, how to construct the secure dominating node to aggregate and forward the information is an enormous challenge in distributed networks. In this paper, a distributed construction algorithm of multi-layer connected dominating set is proposed for secure routing with trust models. The probabilities of nodes being compromised, combined with the trust value of the trust model, are used to construct a trusted multi-layer connected dominating set. Moreover, the impact of a node being compromised on the distributed network is quantified as loss expectation. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively reduce the impact of nodes being compromised on the distributed network, and enhance the security of the network.
Authored by Weidong Fang, Li Yi, Chunsheng Zhu, Guoqing Jia, Wuxiong Zhang
Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of self-contained mobile nodes that communicate with each other over wireless links. The mobile units within the radio range can interact with one another directly, whilst other nodes need the assistance of nearby nodes in order to communicate, which is accomplished via the use of routing protocols. Several routing protocols make use of rebroadcasting strategies in order to decrease the amount of route overhead they incur. Zone-based scheduling heuristics are being explored to decrease redundant transmitting by on-demand simultaneous collision steered broadcasting, resulting in reduced energy consumption. While broadcast storms are common, they are caused by parallel collision directed transmission, which leads to increased power utilization. This article examined a unique technique for boosting the energy efficiency of zone-based scheduling strategies, which manage the network architecture by predicting the node die out rate and hence regulate the network configuration. In addition, a game theory framework integrated with an energy-efficient region routing protocol to enhance MANET QoS routing (QoS-IRBRP) was developed. Ultimately, the simulation results reveal the recommended algorithm s gives enlarged energy efficiency in terms of packet drop index and control overhead when compared to alternative routing strategies (RBRP, IRBRP).
Authored by Venkata Subbaiah, B.V. Subbayamma, M. Arun, B. Pavithra, Gokula Krishnan
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are selforganizing nodes that work together to create continuous nodes to reach its final destination. In this research, fractional hybrid optimization is proposed to attain the optimal path from the existing multipath during routing in MANET. The quality of service (QoS) is need to be optimization. Thus, the routing table is established to identify the performance of the node for further communication based on the trust factor, response time, request message, and packets sent, and received between the source as well as the destination. The multiobjective function considered for attaining the possible routes is energy, jitter, delay, throughput, distance, and latency using the shortest path algorithm. The fractional optimization attains the average residual energy as 0.077 J, delay as 0.512 sec, and 27 alive nodes for the analysis of 200 nodes.
Authored by Pradeep Karanje, Ravindra Eklarker
Traditional multi-path transmission routing can improve the reliability of transmission, but the maintenance and update of paths need to consume a lot of resources. Opportunistic routing, compared with traditional routing strategies, is suitable for wireless sensor network transmission, but it faces the problem that there will be conflicts in simultaneous propagation. In this paper, combining reliable routing and opportunistic routing, considering opportunistic routing with node location information to determine the priority of forwarding candidate nodes can well balance the relationship between energy consumption and reliable transmission.
Authored by Hao Chen
Along with the recent growth of IOT applications, related security issues have also received a great attention. Various IOT vulnerabilities have been investigated so far, among which, internal attacks are the most important challenge that are mostly aimed at destroying IOT standard routing protocol (RPL). Recent studies have introduced trust concept as a practical tool for timely diagnosis and prevention of such attacks. In this paper trust evaluation is performed based on investigating the traffic flow of devices and detecting their behavior deviations in case of RPL attack scenarios, which is formulated as a sequence prediction problem and a new Trust-based RPL Attacks Detection (TRAD) algorithm is proposed using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). Traffic behavior prediction based on historical behavior and deviation analysis, provides the possibility of anomaly detection, which has an enormous effect on the accuracy and predictability of attack detection algorithms. According to the results, the proposed model is capable of detecting compromised IOT nodes in different black-hole and selective-forwarding attack scenarios, just at the beginning time of the first attack, which provides the possibility of early detection and isolation of malicious nodes from the routing process.
Authored by Khatereh Ahmadi, Reza Javidan
In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), data communication is performed using different routing protocols. One of the mostly used routing protocol is cluster-based routing protocol. The foundation of cluster-based routing protocol is the formation of clusters and selection of Cluster Head (CH) for energy-efficient transmission. CH are solely responsible for data packets transmission among nodes. But, such protocols are susceptible to network attacks. In this paper, a novel secure cluster-based routing protocol is designed for safe data transmission. Based on the findings, the designed solution offers excellent capabilities in terms of packet delivery ratio (PDR), energy usage, throughput, and End-to-End delay.
Authored by Kamini Maheshwar, S. Veenadhari
The intra cluster routing protocol designed in this paper is based on the trust model of vehicle nodes. The trust model is mainly composed of the reliability of vehicle nodes and other attribute factors of vehicle nodes. The cloud data center uses principal component analysis to calculate the trust value. The attributes of the vehicle nodes in the cluster are forwarded to the cluster head along with the Hello message packet. The cluster head forms an attribute list and sends it to the cloud data center, which calculates the trust value. When there are multiple paths to choose, the vehicle nodes in the cluster take the trust value of each node on the path as an important basis for path selection, forming the routing process in the cluster. By adding trust computation, reliable data transmission between vehicle nodes can be guaranteed. The experimental results show that the intra cluster routing protocol designed by the trust model in this scheme is effective and feasible, and the maximum speed of vehicle nodes has an impact on the performance of the routing algorithm.
Authored by Guangling Zhong, Xiang Gu
Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) rely heavily on trustworthy message exchanges between vehicles to enhance traffic efficiency and transport safety. Although cryptographybased methods are capable of alleviating threats from unauthenticated attackers, they can not prevent attacks from those legitimate network participants. This paper proposes a trust model to deal with attackers from the latter case, who can tamper with their received messages and deliberately decrease the trust value of benign vehicles. The trust evaluation process is formed by two stages: (i) the local trust evaluation at vehicles and (ii) trust aggregation on Road Side Units (RSUs). In the local trust evaluation stage, vehicles detect attacks and calculate the trust value for others in a distributed manner. Also, the social metrics of vehicles are calculated based on interaction records and trajectories. In the trust aggregation stage, each RSU collects local data from nearby vehicles and derives aggregation weights from the eigenvector centrality of the local trust network and social metrics. Then the RSU broadcasts the aggregated trust value towards vehicles in proximity. These vehicles can thus obtain a more accurate and comprehensive view. Vehicles with trust value below a preset threshold will be considered malicious. Extensive simulations based on the ONE simulator show that the proposed model (TECS) outperforms another benchmark model (IWOT-V) regarding the malicious vehicle detection and the delivery rate of authentic messages.
Authored by Yu’Ang Zhang, Yujie Song, Yu Wang, Yue Cao, Xuefeng Ren, Fei Yan
In Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs), resilient optimization is based on the least energy utilization as well as privacy. The crucial concerns for the productive design to provide multi-hop routing are security and energy consumption. Concerning these problems, we present in this paper an author proposed routing protocol called Protected Quality of Service (QoS) aware Energy Efficient Routing protocol. It is developed on trust along with energy efficiency and points to improve MANET security.
Authored by Satyanarayana P., Nihani V., Joshua A., Kumar A., Sai H.
Neural Network Security - Trust is an essential concept in ad hoc network security. Creating and maintaining trusted relationships between nodes is a challenging task. This paper proposes a decentralized method for evaluating trust in ad hoc networks. The method uses neural networks and local information to predict the trust of neighboring nodes. The method was compared with the original centralized version, showing that even without global information knowledge, the method has, on average, 97\% accuracy in classification and 94\% in regression problem. An important contribution of this paper is overcoming the main limitation of the original method, which is the centralized evaluation of trust. Moreover, the decentralized method output is a perfect fit to use as an input to enhance routing in ad hoc networks.
Authored by Yelena Trofimova, Viktor Cerny, Jan Fesl
MANET Attack Detection - One of the most essential self-configuring and independent wireless networks is the MANET. MANET employs a large number of intermediate nodes to exchange information without the need for any centralized infrastructure. However, some nodes act in a selfish manner, utilizing the network's resources solely for their own benefit and refusing to share with the surrounding nodes. Mobile ad hoc network security is a critical factor that is widely accepted. Selfish nodes are the primary problem of MANET. In a MANET, nodes that are only interested in themselves do not involve in the process of packet forwarding. A node can be identified as selfish or malicious due to some misbehavior reasons. Selfishness on the part of network nodes may be a factor in the low delivery ratio of packets and data loss. A high end-to-end delay is caused by node failure in a MANET network. To study the selfish node attack, a malicious selfish node is put into the network, and a trust-based algorithm for the selfish node attack is also suggested. In order to discover a solution to this issue, we have developed an algorithm called SNRM for the detection of selfish nodes. The routing protocol used in this paper for analysis is AODV. Using a simulation tool, PDR and end-to-end delay are evaluated and compared.
Authored by R. Sarumathi, V. Jayalakshmi
MANET Attack Prevention - Recently, the rising use of portable devices with advanced wireless communication gives Mobile ad-hoc networks more significance with the expanding number of widespread applications. This infrastructure uses a link-to-link wireless connection to transfer the data called route, which uses a routing protocol. AODV is a reactive protocol that uses control packets to discover a route toward the destination node in the network. Since MANET is an open infrastructure without a centralized controller, it is at risk of security assaults that are generated through the malicious node at the time of route discovery and data transmission. For example, the Blackhole attack in which the offender node retains and drops few or all data/control packets by using vulnerabilities of the on-demand routing protocols. This paper proposed a trust-based method to prevent the network against blackhole attack. This paper modeled the behavior of blackhole node and proposes a trust-based security technique. Further suggested technique is analyzed and evaluated against various evaluation metrics like PDR, throughput, end-to-end delay, attack percentage, etc. The proposed security technique is also compared with three different scenarios, namely attack, watchdog, and IDS scenarios, using the above evaluation metrics. The comparison shows that the proposed trust-based security ensures the detection and prevention against blackhole nodes not only at the time of route discovery but also at the time of real-time data transmission.
Authored by Etsegenet Lema, Esubalew Desalegn, Basant Tiwari, Vivek Tiwari
MANET Privacy - Various routing methods and approaches are being integrated into wireless networks, making it a topic for future investigation. The two primary wireless routing issues under research are security and congestion reduction. The bulk of security research relies on key-based approaches or third-party trust control systems. The routing protocol would be secured by validating a nonblocking identity, which is relayed to each site via protocol, according to the study's enhanced route security. Adhoc upon Request Vertical (AODV) connectivity is a dynamically routing technique that chooses the best route based on the databases of its neighbors. The research in this article emphasizes privacy for routing security, and simulators are given to show the improved delivery ratio, speed, end-to-end lag, and reduced packet loss rate of the Ad hoc On Requirement Done Accordingly (AODV) networking protocol. Attacks are deliberately avoided by modifying the basic implementation of the AODV networking protocol. Further suggestions made in this research include the deployment of an access control strategy and distinctive key-based verification for AODV. There is always a need for research in this area since security measures might have a detrimental influence on the functioning of the system in place. There is an urgent need for continued study in this area but since audiovisual and audio industries are growing quickly.
Authored by Priyanka Shah, Om Prakash, K Balaji, Surendra Shukla, Meenakshi Sharma, Jasdeep Singh
MANET Privacy - The Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is a new type of Mobile ad hoc networks. The VANET can be seen on the street, with automobiles acting as network nodes. VANET implementations such as engaged confidentiality and navigation systems require appropriate vehicle-to-vehicle technological tools, particularly routing innovation. A Vehicular Ad hoc NETwork (VANET) is a self-organized system made up of linked vehicles that enables for the timely transmission of relevant traffic data. A grouping approach is designed due to VANET properties such as dynamic nature and high response. Then a secure algorithm is designed for secure transmissions. The results analysis was performed in terms of packet delivery ratio (PDR), end-to-end delay, and throughput. The throughput was compared with existing works and it shows approx. 35% of improvement.
Authored by Kajal Saini, Kamlesh Namdev, Kalpana Rai
MANET Privacy - In Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs), resilient optimization is based on the least energy utilization as well as privacy. The crucial concerns for the productive design to provide multi-hop routing are security and energy consumption. Concerning these problems, we present in this paper an author proposed routing protocol called Protected Quality of Service (QoS) aware Energy Efficient Routing protocol. It is developed on trust along with energy efficiency and points to improve MANET security. The proposed work utilizes an identification methodology in the company of a key based safety feature for assigning trust ratings. This study also determines three categories of trust ratings, including direct, indirect, and overall trust scores, beneficial to increase communication security. The head of a cluster is selected among the nodes based on QoS metrics and scores of the trust which is referred to as a cluster based secured routing approach. Finally, to carry out the safe routing procedure as efficiently as possible, the required final path that is picked depends on path trust, energy consumption, and hop number. The suggested work was evaluated via simulations using the Ns2 simulator. The proposed strategy beats others in the matter of enhanced delivery rate of the packets, lifetime of a network, and security according to the simulation findings. Further, the proposed safe routing technique saves time and energy as compared to current relevant secure routing methods.
Authored by Satyanarayana P., Nihani V., Joshua A., Kumar A., Sai H.
Internet-scale Computing Security - With the rapid growth of the number of global network entities and interconnections, the security risks of network relationships are constantly accumulating. As the basis of network interconnection and communication, Internet routing is facing severe challenges such as insufficient online monitoring capability of large-scale routing events and lack of effective and credible verification mechanism. Major global routing security events emerge one after another, causing extensive and far-reaching impacts. To solve these problems, China Telecom studied the BGP (border gateway protocol) SDN (software defined network) controller technology to monitor the interconnection routing, constructed the global routing information database trust source integrating multi-dimensional information and developed the function of the protocol level based real-time monitoring system of Internet routing security events. Through these means, it realizes the second-level online monitoring capability of large-scale IP network Internet service routing events, forms the minute-level route leakage interception and route hijacking blocking solutions, and achieves intelligent protection capability of Internet routing security.
Authored by Junya Huang, Zhihua Liu, Zhongmin Zheng, Xuan Wei, Man Li, Man Jia
As a result of the inherent weaknesses of the wireless medium, ad hoc networks are susceptible to a broad variety of threats and assaults. As a direct consequence of this, intrusion detection, as well as security, privacy, and authentication in ad-hoc networks, have developed into a primary focus of current study. This body of research aims to identify the dangers posed by a variety of assaults that are often seen in wireless ad-hoc networks and provide strategies to counteract those dangers. The Black hole assault, Wormhole attack, Selective Forwarding attack, Sybil attack, and Denial-of-Service attack are the specific topics covered in this thesis. In this paper, we describe a trust-based safe routing protocol with the goal of mitigating the interference of black hole nodes in the course of routing in mobile ad-hoc networks. The overall performance of the network is negatively impacted when there are black hole nodes in the route that routing takes. As a result, we have developed a routing protocol that reduces the likelihood that packets would be lost as a result of black hole nodes. This routing system has been subjected to experimental testing in order to guarantee that the most secure path will be selected for the delivery of packets between a source and a destination. The invasion of wormholes into a wireless network results in the segmentation of the network as well as a disorder in the routing. As a result, we provide an effective approach for locating wormholes by using ordinal multi-dimensional scaling and round trip duration in wireless ad hoc networks with either sparse or dense topologies. Wormholes that are linked by both short route and long path wormhole linkages may be found using the approach that was given. In order to guarantee that this ad hoc network does not include any wormholes that go unnoticed, this method is subjected to experimental testing. In order to fight against selective forwarding attacks in wireless ad-hoc networks, we have developed three different techniques. The first method is an incentive-based algorithm that makes use of a reward-punishment system to drive cooperation among three nodes for the purpose of vi forwarding messages in crowded ad-hoc networks. A unique adversarial model has been developed by our team, and inside it, three distinct types of nodes and the activities they participate in are specified. We have shown that the suggested strategy that is based on incentives prohibits nodes from adopting an individualistic behaviour, which ensures collaboration in the process of packet forwarding. To guarantee that intermediate nodes in resource-constrained ad-hoc networks accurately convey packets, the second approach proposes a game theoretic model that uses non-cooperative game theory. This model is based on the idea that game theory may be used. This game reaches a condition of desired equilibrium, which assures that cooperation in multi-hop communication is physically possible, and it is this state that is discovered. In the third algorithm, we present a detection approach that locates malicious nodes in multihop hierarchical ad-hoc networks by employing binary search and control packets. We have shown that the cluster head is capable of accurately identifying the malicious node by analysing the sequences of packets that are dropped along the path leading from a source node to the cluster head. A lightweight symmetric encryption technique that uses Binary Playfair is presented here as a means of safeguarding the transport of data. We demonstrate via experimentation that the suggested encryption method is efficient with regard to the amount of energy used, the amount of time required for encryption, and the memory overhead. This lightweight encryption technique is used in clustered wireless ad-hoc networks to reduce the likelihood of a sybil attack occurring in such networks
Authored by Chethana C, Piyush Pareek, Victor de Albuquerque, Ashish Khanna, Deepak Gupta
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) have assisted applications of multi-agent system. Abundant sensor nodes, densely distributed around a base station (BS), collect data and transmit to BS node for data analysis. The concept of cluster has been emerged as the efficient communication structure in resource-constrained environment. However, the security still remains a major concern due to the vulnerability of sensor nodes. In this paper, we propose a percolation-based secure routing protocol. We leverage the trust score composed of three indexes to select cluster heads (CH) for unevenly distributed clusters. By considering the reliability, centrality and stability, legitimate nodes with social trust and adequate energy are chosen to provide relay service. Moreover, we design a multi-path inter-cluster routing protocol to construct CH chains for directed inter-cluster data transmission based on the percolation. And the measurement of transit score for on-path CH nodes contributes to load balancing and security. Our simulation results show that our protocol is able to guarantee the security to improve the delivery ratio and packets delay.
Authored by Jie Jiang, Pengyu Long, Lijia Xie, Zhiming Zheng