  • "Hackers Gain ‘Switch-Flipping’ Access to US Power Grid Control Systems"
    Security firm, Symantec, has warned that energy companies within the U.S. and Europe have been compromised by a number of cyberattacks, which allowed the infiltration of power grid operations by hackers. With unauthorized access to power grid operations…
  • "10 Tips for Reducing Insider Security Threats"
    Insider threats can pose significant risks to an organization’s data as emphasized by a report that has recently been released by the Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology. The report highlights that a majority of cybersecurity incidents stem…
  • "Researchers Reverse 320 Million Hashed Passwords"
    Researchers have reversed the hashes of 320 million hashed passwords revealed by an online service, “Pwned Passwords”, created by security researcher, Troy Hunt, which allows users to search through a database of breached passwords in hopes of preventing…
  • "Approach Enables Experts to Look Beyond IP in Cyber Security Investigations"
    Cybersecurity experts at the University of Plymouth have developed a technique, which would improve upon recognition performance within digital forensic investigations by enabling investigators to examine an individual suspect’s use of the internet. This…
  • Pub Crawl #8
  • "New Locky Ransomware Tactic Could Fool Sandboxes"
    Researchers at Malwarebytes have discovered a new technique from a new variant of Locky ransomware that is being used to evade sandbox detection. The new variant of Locky ransomware is distributed through spam emails, which can then be triggered…
  • "7 Things to Know About Today's DDoS Attacks"
    Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) have become a significant threat to most organizations. The persistency and sophistication of DDoS attacks has grown as resources to launch such attacks have become more available to attackers. The multi-vector DDoS…
  • "Knowledge Is Power in the Fight Against Cyber Attacks Says the IISP"
    The Institute of Information Security Professionals (IISP) is an independent non-profit organization that is dedicated to the advancement of information security professionals’ knowledge and expertise in order to combat the evolution and growing…
  • "Half A Million Pacemakers At Risk Of Hacking, Security Protocols Immediately Needed"
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recalled more than 500,000 pacemakers. A pacemaker is a medical device used to help monitor and control a person's heartbeat. This massive recall of pacemakers is in response to vulnerabilities…
  • "What’s New in Ransomware?"
    Companies impacted by recent global outbreaks of ransomware have incurred great costs due to the payment of demanded ransoms, disruption of operations, loss of revenues, data loss, and much more. The total cost of damages inflicted by global ransomware…
  • "Researchers Block ISPs from Spying Through Your Smart Devices"
    A team of researchers from Princeton University have demonstrated a method that could be used to prevent Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from tracking users through Internet of Things (IoT) devices. In a paper, “Spying on the Smart Home: Privacy…
  • "New Cyber Security Regulations Now in Force in New York"
    The first transition period of new cybersecurity regulations that have officially been put into effect on March 1, 2017 in the State of New York has recently concluded with three more transition periods to go. Regulatory requirements are comprehensive as…