  • "Medical devices and the Internet of Things: Defending against cyber threats"
    Deloitte surveyed professionals within the Internet of Things-connected medical device ecosystem, revealing what they think is the biggest challenge facing the medical industry in relation to cybersecurity. According to respondents, the…
  • "Hackers See Privileged Accounts as Best Route to Sensitive Data"
    A survey conducted by Thycotic at the Black Hat 2017 conference reveals the perspectives of hackers on the protection of critical data. According to the survey, hacking privileged accounts is the pathway that is most preferred by hackers to gain quick…
  • "Cybercriminals are not as 'anonymous' as we think"
    The key to solving cybercrimes is to understand the human side of cybercriminals in relation to their living situation, activities, operations, and who they know. Researchers of the Human Cybercriminal Project in Oxford’s Department of Sociology have…
  • “Hackers' Little Helpers: Employees With Bad 'Cyberhygiene'”
    The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) have identified cybersecurity as the top priority above other priorities pertaining to policy and technology. The discussion of cybersecurity often places focus on the systems side…
  • “How HHS’ HCCIC Will Improve Healthcare Cybersecurity”
    Per recent analysis from the Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology (ICIT), HHS’ Healthcare Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (HCCIC) will greatly improve upon cybersecurity within healthcare organizations as well as…
  • "Poor Password Policy? New Study Probes Prevalent Protection Problems"
    Dashlane, a password management service, conducted a new study that reveals the quality of password policies implemented by popular web services such as Amazon, Dropbox, QuickBooks, and more. The study conducted, analyzed 40 popular online portals using…
  • "New Consortium Promotes Proper Data Sanitization Practices"
    The International Data Sanitization Consortium (IDSC) has been developed by a group of security experts to provide guidance in the process of properly sanitizing data on hardware devices such as hard drives within data centers, medical equipment,…
  • "How to protect personally identifiable information under GDPR"
    Enforcement of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) officially begins on May 25, 2018. The GDPR will have a far-reaching impact as any company that conducts business with EU citizens will be expected to comply with this…
  • "Fuzz testing finds industries left vulnerable by unsecured software"
    The Synopsys’ State of Fuzzing 2017 report reveals that open source protocols and common file formats used within six different industries, likely contain zero day exploits.  The report derives from more than 4.8 billion fuzz tests performed by…
  • "Fighting cyberattacks with volunteers"
    The Michigan Cyber Civilian Corps, MiC3, contains highly skilled volunteers from the public and private sector who are willing to provide assistance in the event that the state is targeted by a major cyberattack. However, the MiC3 has not yet been…
  • "Hackers use 'cloud-on-cloud' attacks to evade detection, attribution"
    Researchers at Skyhigh Networks have discovered attacks targeting Microsoft Office 365 accounts of senior employees within a wide range of Fortune 2000 companies. These attacks have been launched through the use of cloud infrastructure to perform…
  • "USB connections make snooping easy"
    Researchers at the University of Adelaide reveal that USB connections are more insecure than previously thought as they have discovered that this common interface is vulnerable to information leakage. Over 90% of the large variety of computers and…