  • "Security in the cloud"
    Former CIO, Richard Spires, discusses the significant benefits and growth of innovative cloud computing along with the concerns of managing cloud security. Spires also discusses how companies should scope out third-party IT cloud service providers as…
  • "New Android Trojan masquerades as flash player update to install malware"
    Security researchers at ESET have discovered a new Trojan malware that targets Android devices. This malware presents itself as an Adobe Flash Player application update to be granted access by victims. The malware then proceeds to manipulate…
  • UK Opens new National Cyber Security Center
    Queen Elizabeth II on Tuesday inaugurated Britain's new National Cyber Security Center that will work to protect the country from online attacks. It is located in London and is being setup to protect the UK government from cyber attacks. It is a new part…
  • "A Chip Flaw Strips Away Hacking Protections for Millions of Devices"
    Researchers have discovered a new technique that further simplifies the process of hacking software and hardware by exploiting the ways in which the microprocessor and memory function together. This article discusses ways in which this attack…
  • "Active Directory Mismanagement Leaves Huge Numbers of Orgs Vulnerable"
    Security assessments show that many organizations are not properly handling AD administrator’s credentials. This article discusses ways in which poor AD management falls short in security as well as the suggestions of Skyport and Microsoft to improve…
  • "At RSA, doubts abound over US action on cybersecurity"
    There has been much discussion about how the U.S. should respond to cyberattacks, especially after alleged attempts of cyber intrusion into the 2016 U.S. election. Lawmakers and officials have expressed great concern for this issue, stating views that…
  • "Dozens of iOS Apps Vulnerable to WiFi Snooping"
    It has been discovered by Will Strafach, CEO of Sudo Security Group, that many applications for Apple’s mobile devices are vulnerable to WiFi snooping. As of right now, 76 iOS apps have been identified as susceptible to wireless prying despite assumed…
  • "Change In Corporate Mindset Needed To Combat Cyber Attacks"
    Despite the recent data breaches of major companies such as Yahoo!, Sony, and Target, some corporate boards and C-level executives are still not appropriately prioritizing cybersecurity. This article discusses how much cybercrime may cost businesses in…
  • "PKI: Essential for Medical IoT"
    As the healthcare industry increasingly becomes more integrated with IT innovations, the concern for better authentication and encryption deepens. Data transmission must be secure through proper SSL encryption and digital certificates. The lack of secure…
  • "Another New Programming Language, This One for Security"
    Scramblecode is another new programming language that has been introduced by Danish software vendor, ProgramPartner ApS. This new programming language focuses on encrypting and securing code through the implementation of memory encryption tools. This…
  • "Verizon Data Breach Digest Triangulates Humanity Inside Security"
    Verizon has released a comprehensive data breach report that covers a wide-range of attack scenarios. This report identifies potential targets, characteristics, patterns, and complexity measurements of different attacks that may be launched at a system.…
  • "IoT Cybersecurity Alliance to focus on security challenges"
    AT&T, IBM, and Nokia has teamed up to combat security challenges, particularly in relation to IoT cybersecurity. A survey conducted in 2016 revealed that 58% of companies lacked confidence in the security they put in place to protect their devices…