"Scam Impersonates WhatsApp, Offers ‘Free Internet’"Users of WhatsApp received a message stating that the app was giving away 1000 GB of internet data to celebrate its anniversary. This is a scam, the URL that comes with the message is not an official WhatsApp domain. When one clicked on…
Cyber Scene #35 - $5 Billion here, $5 Billion there...Facebook is Fine (d)Cyber Scene #35 $5 Billion here, $5 Billion there...Facebook is Fine (d)
"Damaging Insider Threats Rise to New Highs in the past Year"Insiders could deliberately or inadvertently expose sensitive information, damage systems, and more, posing a significant threat to the security of organizations. According to the 2019 Insider Threat Report released by Nucleus Cyber, the frequency…
"NSA Launches New Unit to Tackle Foreign Threat"The National Security Agency (NSA) has announced the creation of a new unit aimed at defending the U.S. against foreign adversaries in cyberspace. NSA's Cybersecurity Directorate will be under the leadership of Anne Neuberger who was the agency's first…
"Johannesburg Ransomware Attack Leaves Residents in the Dark"A ransomware attack on Johannesburg's electric utility, City Power, has left some of the city's residents without power. According to City Power, the attack has impacted residents' ability to purchase electricity, upload invoices, and access…
"Mobile Banking Malware Surges in 2019"A recent cyberattack trends report released by Check Point highlights that there has been a significant increase in mobile banking malware. Attackers can use banking malware to steal payment card data, credentials, and other financial information.…
"Researchers Reveal That Anonymized Data Is Easy To Reverse Engineer"Researchers at Imperial College London conducted a study in which they examined the inadequacy of data anonymization methods. According to researchers, individuals in anonymized versions of data can still be re-identified through the use of a machine…
"Robinhood Admits to Storing Some Passwords in Cleartext"Stock trading service Robinhood, has been storing some customers' passwords in cleartext. Once this was discovered they notified customers that they thought were impacted. There is no sign that any data had been seen by outside…
"Hackers Used Password Spraying to Breach Citrix, Investigation Confirms"Investigators have confirmed that hackers performed password spraying to breach the Corporate VPN service provider, Critix, last year. Password spraying is a type of brute force attack in which commonly used passwords are tested on a large number of…
"Why 72% of People Still Recycle Passwords"A report released by, titled Online Password Strategies, gives insight into why most people continue to reuse old passwords. The poor practice of reusing passwords to log into multiple sites increases the chances of credential stuffing,…
"At Least 62 Colleges Were Exploited by a Software Vulnerability"The U.S. Department of Education recently issued an alert about the compromise of 62 colleges and universities through the exploitation of a severe software vulnerability. The vulnerability is contained by a program, called Banner, which is used by…