"WhatsApp, Telegram Had Security Flaws That Let Hackers Change What You See"Security researchers from Symantec have discovered a vulnerability contained by popular encrypted messaging applications, WhatsApp and Telegram. The exploitation of this vulnerability could enable the modification of images and audio files by hackers.…
"Dutch Researchers Are Developing Quantum Technology to Secure Your Bank Account"According to researchers, quantum computers will deem current encryption algorithms obsolete as such computers will contain quantum-mechanical properties that could allow them to perform calculations much faster than regular computers. Therefore, the…
"Academics Steal Data From Air-Gapped Systems via a Keyboard’s LEDs"Security researchers at Ben-Gurion University have demonstrated that it is possible for data to be extracted from secure air-gapped computers by attackers, using the Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock LEDs on a keyboard. The attack, called CTRL-ALT-LED…
Apple Quietly Removes Zoom’s Hidden web Server From MacsIt was discovered that Zoom, whose web conferencing software has more than four million users across desktop and mobile platforms, including Windows has multiple vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities that were discovered include: CVE-2019-…
"Cybersecurity Training Study Reveals Phishing Identification and Data Protection Are the Top Problem Areas for End Users"Proofpoint has released its fourth annual report on end users' understanding of different cybersecurity topics and best practices, titled Beyond the Phish. The report reveals that employees are still inadequately knowledgeable about phishing and data…
"Researchers Detail Privacy-Related Legal, Ethical Challenges With Satellite Data"Satellite technology offers a number of benefits, such as clearer communications, accurate location information, faster emergency responses, and more. However, researchers at Penn State University are emphasizing the dangers posed to national security…
"Research Shows Humans Are Attacking Artificial Intelligence Systems"A research group led by De Montfort University Leicester (DMU) has brought further attention to the increased manipulation of artificial intelligence (AI) software in search engines, social media platforms, and more, by online hackers to execute…
"More than 2 million cyber incidents in 2018 created $45 billion in losses"In 2018, the financial impact of ransomware rose by 60%, losses from business email compromise doubled, and cryptojacking incidents more than tripled, even though the overall amount of breaches and exposed records were down in 2018. This data shows…
"25 Million Android Devices Infected by ‘Agent Smith’ Malware"Researchers from the security firm, Check Point, have discovered a new malware targeting Android devices, dubbed Agent Smith, which is capable of replacing legitimate apps on a device with malicious copies. The fake apps display advertisements from which…
"Coast Guard Warns Shipping Firms of Maritime Cyberattacks"An advisory about possible maritime cyberattacks has been issued by the U.S. Coast Guard to all shipping companies. The advisory was issued in response to an incident in which a large commercial vessel was hit by a malware attack, disrupting the proper…
"Researchers Find Worrying Security Vulnerability in GE Healthcare Anesthesia Machines"GE Healthcare's anesthesia and respiratory devices have been discovered to contain a security vulnerability. According to the CyberMDX researchers who discovered the vulnerability, attackers could exploit it to perform malicious activities such as…
"SMBs Struggle with Encryption, Patching and Skills Gap"According to Alert Logic's new report, titled Criminal Watch: SMB Threatscape 2019, small and midsize businesses (SMBs) are weak in the realms of encryption, workload configuration, visibility, and more, leaving them vulnerable to cyberattacks. The…